23.9. gy. B1 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő

Létezés, változás / Kap, szerez, választ – Ad, nyújt, elvesz

hand verb /hænd/ [T] átad, átnyújt

She handed me the letter.

The waiter smiled politely as he handed my bill to me.

Could you hand me that book, please?

offer verb /ˈɒf.ər/ 2 ajánl, felajánl, kínál vmit [+ two objects]

They've offered me a job.

Can I offer you a drink?

I feel bad that I didn't offer them any food.

Someone should offer that old lady a seat.

offer verb /ˈɒf.ər/ 3 nyújt vmit (ad, biztosít vmit) [T]

to offer advice

We are now offering you the chance/opportunity to buy the complete set of DVDs at half price.

Did he offer any explanation for his strange behaviour?

pass verb /pɑːs/ 3 odaad vmit vkinek [T]

Could you pass the salt, please?

Gerald passed me the note./Gerald passed the note to me.

provide verb /prəˈvaɪd/ [T] ellát vmivel vkit, biztosít vmit vkinek

This booklet provides useful information/advice about local services.

All meals are provided throughout the course.

take verb /teɪk/ [T] *(took, taken) 8 elvisz, elvesz (engedély nélkül)

Someone's taken my coat!

Has anything been taken?

take verb /teɪk/ [T] *(took, taken) 9 elfogad vmit

Are you going to take the job?

Do they take credit cards here?

choice noun /tʃɔɪs/ 1 választás, választási lehetőség [C or U or no plural]

If I had a choice, I'd give up work.

I had to go - I had no choice.

It's a difficult choice to make.

It's your choice/The choice is yours.

It was a choice between black or brown.

Given the choice, I'd stay at home.

I'd prefer not to work Saturdays but I don't have much choice.

I'm single by choice.

choice noun /tʃɔɪs/ 3 választás (a választott dolog) [C usually no plural]

Harvard was not his first choice.

He wouldn't be my choice as a friend.

This type of nursery care may well be the best choice for your child.

option noun /ˈɒp.ʃən/ [C] választás, választási lehetőség

We don't have many options.

I'm still considering my options.

The best option would be to cancel the trip altogether.

We always have the option of refusing to go.

There are various options open to someone who is willing to work hard.

between preposition /bɪˈtwiːn/ 7 között (megosztás/felosztás)

We drank two bottles of wine between four of us.

Phrasal verbs:

give out ↔ sth /gɪv/ kioszt (vmit vkiknek)

The teacher gave out the exam papers.

I've said I'll give out leaflets for them in town.

hand out ↔ sth /hænd/ kioszt vmit

Could you hand these books out, please?

They stood on the street corner handing out leaflets.

pass on ↔ sth /pɑːs/ 2 átad, továbbad vmit

Could you pass the book on to Lara when you've finished with it?

send back ↔ sth /send/ visszaküld vmit

I had to send the shirt back because it didn't fit me.

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


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