57.14. gy. B2 (példák) |
Szavak Gyakorlás Előző Következő |
Fok, mérték / Részben, kismértékben
narrowly adverb /ˈnær.əʊ.li/ alig, éppen hogy
He narrowly escaped death in the accident.
She narrowly missed winning an Oscar.
practically adverb /ˈpræk.tɪk.li/ gyakorlatilag, szinte (csaknem, majdnem)
She blamed me for practically every mistake in the report.
These changes would cost us practically nothing.
It's practically impossible for me to get home in less than an hour.
They used to argue all the time and now they've practically stopped talking to each other.
primarily adverb /praɪˈmer.ə.li/ elsősorban
She's known primarily as a novelist but she also writes poetry.
slightly adverb /ˈslaɪt.li/ egy kicsit/kissé
She's slightly taller than her sister.
I'm slightly upset she forgot my birthday.
virtually adverb /ˈvɜː.tju.ə.li/ 1 jóformán (majdnem, csaknem)
I've virtually finished.
Their twins are virtually identical.
That wine stain on my shirt has virtually disappeared.
Phrases and idioms:
a little egy kicsit (formal)
There's only a little further to go.
not half as good/bad/exciting, etc. feleannyira sem olyan jó/rossz/izgalmas/stb. (informal)
Her new book's not half as good as the last one.
not quite nem egészen
I'm not quite sure that I understand this.
The colours almost match but not quite.
He didn't get quite enough votes to win.
pretty much/well nagyjából (informal)
I've pretty much finished here.
She knows pretty well everything there is to know on the subject.
reasonably good/successful/well, etc. elfogadhatóan/aránylag jó/sikeres/jól/stb. (nem kiemelkedő)
I did reasonably well at school but not as well as my sister.
relatively good/bad/cheap, etc. aránylag jó/rossz/olcsó/stb.
Eating out is relatively cheap.
Students will find the course relatively easy.
*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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