14.9.1. gy. A1 (példák) |
Szavak Gyakorlás Előző Következő |
Kultúra, művészet*
paint verb /peɪnt/ 1 fest, megfest (pl. képet) [I or T]
All these pictures were painted by local artists.
sing verb /sɪŋ/ [I or T] *(sang, sung) énekel, elénekel, dalol
The children sang two songs by Schubert at the school concert.
We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.
Your grandmother would like you to sing for/to her.
Will you sing us a song/sing a song to us?
She sang her baby to sleep every night.
band noun /bænd/ 1 együttes, zenekar (könnyűzene) [C + singular or plural verb]
a jazz/rock band
The entertainment includes a disco and live band.
cinema noun /ˈsɪn.ə.mə/ 1 mozi, filmszínház [C]
We could go to the cinema.
The town no longer has a cinema.
a cinema ticket
film noun /fɪlm/ 1 film, játékfilm [C]
What's your favourite film?
We took the children to see a film.
I hate people talking while I'm watching a film.
He made over thirty films.
a film critic/director/producer
the film industry
group noun /gruːp/ [C + singular or plural verb] 2 (zenei) együttes
a pop/rock group
guitar noun /gɪˈtɑːr/ [C] gitár
an electric guitar
Do you play the guitar?
movie noun /ˈmuː.vi/ [C] film, mozifilm
'Casablanca' is my favourite movie.
museum noun /mjuːˈziː.əm/ [C] múzeum
a museum of modern art
the Natural History Museum
music noun /ˈmjuː.zɪk/ [U] zene
classical/pop/dance/rock music
a beautiful piece of music
What sort of music do you listen to?
He plays really good music.
I just like making music.
Shall I put some music on?
picture noun /ˈpɪk.tʃər/ 1 kép (festmény, fénykép, rajz, stb.) [C]
Alex drew/painted a picture of my dog.
We took a picture of the children on their new bicycles.
famous adjective /ˈfeɪ.məs/ híres
a famous actor
New York is a city famous for its theatres and nightlife.
*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
Angol alapszavak
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