18.9.1. gy. A1B1 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő

Gazdaság, ipar*

produce verb /prəˈdjuːs/ [T] 1 gyárt, termel; alkot, készít; terem

The factory produces about 900 cars a year.

She works for a company that produces electrical goods.

This plant will produce small yellow flowers in the spring.

She's asked me to produce a report on the state of the project.

agency noun /ˈeɪ.dʒənt.si/ [C] 1 ügynökség, iroda (vmilyen szolgáltatást nyújtó üzlet, vállalkozás)

an advertising/employment/estate/travel agency

branch noun /brɑːntʃ/ [C] 2 fióküzlet, fiókiroda; üzletág

I used to work in the local branch of a large bank.

She's a branch manager.

builder noun /ˈbɪl.dər/ [C] építési vállalkozó

The builders will start work tomorrow.

business noun /ˈbɪz.nɪs/ 2 üzlet, vállalkozás, cég [C]

He runs a small IT business.

The two brothers set up/started up a fashion business.

company noun /ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ 1 cég, vállalat, társaság [C]

He works for a software company/a company that makes software.

I work for Duggan and Company.

cost noun /kɒst/ 1 költség, ár (pénzbeni ráfordítás) [C or U]

The cost of building materials has risen.

The cruise ship was built at a cost of $400 million.

Software is included at no extra cost.

The supermarket chain announced that it was cutting the cost of all its fresh and frozen meat.

The cost of living has gone up.

factory noun /ˈfæk.tər.i/ [C] gyár

a car/shoe factory

He works in a paint factory.

a factory worker/manager

firm noun /fɜːm/ [C] cég

She works for an electronics firm.

He's just started working for an accountancy firm in Bristol.

industry noun /ˈɪn.də.stri/ 1 ipar, iparág [C]

the gas/electricity industry

the tourist industry

manufacturing industries

Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.

product noun /ˈprɒd.ʌkt/ [C] termék

They do a range of skin-care products.

The product is so good it sells itself.

I'm trying to cut down on dairy products.

tax noun /tæks/ [C or U] adó

They're putting up the tax on cigarettes.

Tax cuts are always popular.

What do you earn before/after tax?

I pay my taxes.

financial adjective /faɪˈnæn.tʃəl/ pénzügyi

They're having a few financial difficulties at the moment.

a financial adviser

Phrasal verbs:

set up ↔ sth /set/ 1 alapít, létesít (céget, szervezetet, stb.)

A committee has been set up to organize social events in the college.

She plans to set up her own business.

They've set up a fund for victims of the earthquake.

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


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