8.5.4. gy. A1B1 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő

Egyéni közlekedés*

parking noun /ˈpɑː.kɪŋ/ [U] parkolás

a parking place/space

free/underground parking

pedestrian noun /pəˈdes.triː.ən/ [C] gyalogos

a pedestrian crossing

Many streets are reserved for cyclists and pedestrians.

petrol noun /ˈpet.rəl/ [U] benzin

a petrol tank/pump

I'm a bit low on petrol.

ride noun /raɪd/ [C] 2 lovaglás; kerékpározás; motorozás

He's gone out for a ride on his bike.

Do you want to come for a ride on my motorbike?

rider noun /ˈraɪ.dər/ [C] kerékpáros; motoros; lovas

One of the riders was thrown off his horse.

route noun /ruːt/ [C] 1 út, útvonal

an escape route

I'm just planning my route.

What's the best route to the station?

Crowds gathered all along the route to watch the race.

scooter noun /ˈskuː.tər/ [C] robogó (kis motorkerékpár); roller

I go to college on my scooter.

signpost noun /ˈsaɪn.pəʊst/ [C] útjelző tábla

Look out for the signpost to the airport.

speed noun /spiːd/ 1 sebesség, gyorsaság [C or U]

high/low speed

He was travelling at a speed of 90 mph.

The car has a top speed of 155 miles per hour.

He reduced speed and turned sharp left.

On a clear, straight road you can gather/pick up speed.

It was the speed at which it all happened that shocked me.

tyre noun /taɪər/ [C] gumiabroncs, kerékgumi

I've got a flat tyre.

I keep a spare tyre in the back of the car.

way noun /weɪ/ 2 út, útvonal [C]

Do you know the way to the train station?

I've only been living in Madrid for a couple of weeks so I don't really know my way around it yet.

We'll have to stop for fuel on the way to the airport.

Can you find your own way out of the building?

The coach stopped for us to eat lunch but within half an hour we were on our way again.

There's no way through the centre of town in a vehicle - it's for pedestrians only.

Many people have lost their way in the forest.

Only a local person could find their way through the narrow streets of the old town.

wheel noun /wiːl/ [C] kerék

My bike needs a new wheel.

He lost control of his car when the front/rear wheel hit a rock.

windscreen noun /ˈwɪnd.skriːn/ [C] szélvédő (járműé)

A small stone shattered the windscreen as I was driving home.

lost adjective /lɒst/ 1 eltévedt

I got lost in the London Underground.

You look lost - can I help you?

Phrases and idioms:

on foot gyalog

Are you going by bicycle or on foot?

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

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