1. Valószínűség, kilátások, szerencse A1B1 (31) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
Valószínűség, kilátások, szerencse* (16) 1. Valószínűség, esély (15)
Valószínűség, kilátások, szerencse* – A1–B1 (16) (Kilátások, várakozások; Szerencse, véletlen) | Szavak |
expect verb /ɪkˈspekt/ 1 vár vmit, számít vmire [T]
We are expecting a lot of applicants for the job.
I expect (that) she'll be very angry.
He didn't expect to see me.
predict verb /prɪˈdɪkt/ [T] jósol, megjósol
It's still not possible to predict the occurrence of earthquakes accurately.
Who could have predicted that within ten years he'd be in charge of the whole company?
The storm is predicted to reach the coast tomorrow morning.
No one can predict when/where the disease will strike next.
chance noun /tʃɑːnts/ 3 véletlen (szerencse) [U]
I saw her by chance in the shop.
forecast noun /ˈfɔː.kɑːst/ [C] előrejelzés, prognózis (pl. időjárás)
The weather forecast said it was going to rain later today.
luck noun /lʌk/ [U] 1 szerencse (véletlen)
It was just luck that I asked for a job at the right time.
She wears a charm that she thinks brings her good luck.
He seems to have had a lot of bad luck in his life.
So your interview's tomorrow? Good luck!
The best of luck in/with your exams!
trend noun /trend/ [C] irányzat, trend
I'm not familiar with the latest trends in teaching methodology.
The trend at the moment is towards a more natural and less made-up look.
Surveys show a trend away from home-ownership and towards rented accommodation.
There's been a downward/upward trend in sales in the last few years.
lucky adjective /ˈlʌk.i/ 1 szerencsés; sikeres
"I'm going on holiday." "Lucky you!"
The lucky winner will be able to choose from three different holidays.
They're lucky to have such a nice office to work in.
He's lucky that he wasn't fired.
It sounds as if you had a lucky escape.
We'll be lucky if we get there by midnight at this rate.
lucky adjective /ˈlʌk.i/ 2 szerencsés, szerencsét hozó
I chose six - it's my lucky number.
unexpected adjective /ˌʌn.ɪkˈspek.tɪd/ váratlan
His death was completely unexpected.
unlucky adjective /ʌnˈlʌk.i/ szerencsétlen; szerencsétlenséget hozó
They played well and were unlucky to lose.
Some people think it's unlucky to walk under ladders.
fortunately adverb /ˈfɔː.tʃən.ət.li/ szerencsére
Fortunately, we got home before it started to rain.
luckily adverb /ˈlʌk.ə.li/ szerencsére
Luckily, I had some money with me.
Phrases and idioms:
be expecting sb/sth vár vkire/vmire (az érkezésére)
I'm expecting a letter from my sister.
be going to do sth (várhatóan) be fog következni vmi
It's going to snow tonight.
They're going to have their first baby in June.
be supposed to do sth elvileg meg kell történnie (elvárják tőle)
The drugs are supposed to reduce the pain.
She is supposed to finish the work by the 24th.
These batteries are supposed to last for a year.
How am I supposed to find that much money by the end of the week?
by accident véletlenül
I deleted the file by accident.
Kommunikációs szándékok: A valószínűség fokainak kifejezése
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
35. Szükség, lehetőség – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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