23.2.6. gy. A1B2 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő

Üt, nyom, csavar

pound verb /paʊnd/ [I or T] erősen üt/ver, ütlegel; lüktet, ver (pl. szív); (apróra) tör/zúz

I could feel my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize.

The seeds were pounded to a fine powder.

He pounded on the door demanding to be let in.

press verb /pres/ 1 nyom, megnyom vmit; szorít vmit vmihez; présel [I or T]

Press the button to start the machine.

He pressed his face against the window.

She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.

pull verb /pʊl/ húz, meghúz, kihúz [I or T]

He pulled the box across the floor to the door.

He pulled her out of the water.

A small child was pulling at her sleeve.

Don't pull Ellie's hair!

punch verb /pʌntʃ/ [T] öklöz, ököllel üt; lyukaszt, kilyukaszt (pl. jegyet)

He punched him in the stomach.

push verb /pʊʃ/ 1 tol; lök, belök, ellök, meglök; taszít, betaszít, megtaszít [I or T]

Can you help me move this table? You push and I'll pull.

The window sticks - you have to push hard to open it.

I tried to push the door open but it was stuck.

Could you push that door shut, please?

A boy had pushed her over in the playground.

push verb /pʊʃ/ 3 megnyom vmit (pl. kapcsológombot) [T]

If you push this button, the seat goes back.

roll verb /rəʊl/ felteker, összegöngyöl; gurul; gurít [T]

He was rolling a cigarette.

Would you like the paper rolled or folded?

I rolled the string into a ball.

We rolled up the carpet.

rub verb /rʌb/ [T] (-bb-) dörzsöl; dörgölődzik

She rubbed her hands together to warm them.

He rubbed himself dry with a towel.

Rub the stain with a damp cloth.

scratch verb /skrætʃ/ 2 karmol, megkarmol; karcol, megkarcol [T]

I scratched myself on the roses.

Someone's scratched my car door.

People have been scratching their names on this rock for years.

scratch verb /skrætʃ/ 3 kapar vmit (pl. ajtót) [I]

The dog's scratching at the door - he wants to be let in.

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


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