26.4.6. gy. A1B2 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő


few adjective, determiner, pronoun /fjuː/ kevés, nem sok

He is among the few people I can trust.

Very few people can afford to pay those prices.

Few of the children can read or write yet.

We get few complaints.

According to the survey, as few as 10% of us are happy with our jobs.

light adjective /laɪt/ 4 könnyű, enyhe (kicsi/kevés)

A light wind was blowing.

The traffic was quite light so we got through London quickly.

It's only light rain - you don't need an umbrella.

I don't eat much for lunch - just a light snack.

limited adjective /ˈlɪm.ɪ.tɪd/ 1 korlátozott (kevés/kicsi)

a limited choice

limited resources

little adjective /ˈlɪt.l̩/ 1 kicsi, kis (méret, mennyiség)

It came in a little box.

a little dog/nose/room

He gave a little smile.

low adjective /ləʊ/ 1 alacsony (kis szintű/mennyiségű) (hőmérséklet, ár, stb.)

The temperature is very low for the time of year.

The big supermarket offers the lowest prices in town.

These people are living on relatively low incomes.

a low-fat diet

low-alcohol beer

Yogurt is usually very low in fat.

Turn the oven to a low heat.

mere adjective /mɪər/ [always before noun] merő, puszta; mindössze (kicsiség/jelentéktelenség hangsúlyozása)

The mere thought of food makes me feel sick.

It cost a mere twenty dollars.

modest adjective /ˈmɒd.ɪst/ 1 szerény, kisebb (mennyiség/méret/fok); visszafogott (pl. öltözék)

a modest amount of money

They live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth.

There has been a modest improvement in housing conditions for the poor.

The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted.

only adjective /ˈəʊn.li/ [always before noun] az egyetlen, egyedüli (senki/semmi más)

This is our only chance.

I was the only person on the train.

Is this really the only way to do it?

The only thing that matters is that the baby is healthy.

It was the only thing I could do under the circumstances.

Rita was the only person to complain.

slight adjective /slaɪt/ csekély, enyhe (növekedés, javulás, különbség, probléma, stb.)

a slight improvement

We're having a slight problem with our computer system.

I haven't the slightest idea what he's talking about.

tight adjective /taɪt/ 4 szűkös (nem sok, éppen hogy/alig elég) (hely, idő, pénz, stb.)

This holiday destination is good for people on a tight budget.

We should get six people into the car but it will be tight.

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

Angol alapszavak

Angol névmások

Angol determinánsok

Angol elöljárószók

Angol kötőszók

Angol segédigék

Angol rendhagyó igék

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