1. Számok A1B2 (49) – altémák


1. Számok 1-10 (10) 2. Számok 11-20 (10) 3. További számok (12) 4. Sorszámok, törtek (17)

1. Számok 1-10 – A1–B2 (10) Szavak

eight number /eɪt/ nyolc

She was eight years old when her family moved here.

We've got eight people coming to dinner.

five number /faɪv/ öt

I work five days a week.

four number /fɔːr/ négy

Most animals have four legs.

We need four people to make up a team.

nine number /naɪn/ kilenc

a nine-month prison sentence

The birthday girl was wearing a badge with a nine on it.

one number /wʌn/ egy (szám)

You've got three bags and I've only got one.

one hundred and ninety-one people

Four parcels came this morning, but only one was for Mark.

Paint one side, leave it to dry, and then paint the other.

seven number /ˈsev.ən/ hét

The restaurant opens for dinner at seven o'clock.

We're open seven days a week.

six number /sɪks/ hat

Look for a bus with a number six on the front of it.

"How many grandchildren do you have now?" "I've got six (grandchildren)."

ten number /ten/ tíz

I've invited ten people.

They met ten years ago.

three number /θriː/ három

I've got three sisters.

School finishes at three o'clock.

two number /tuː/ kettő

They've got two houses.

I spent two years in Ethiopia.

It's two o'clock.

He'll be two (years old) in February.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

26. Számok, mennyiség – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

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