2. Zöldség, gyümölcs A1B2 (42) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Zöldség, fűszer (24) 2. Gyümölcs (18)
1. Zöldség, fűszer – A1–B2 (24) | Szavak |
aubergine noun /ˈəʊ.bə.ʒiːn/ [C or U] padlizsán
The dish is made with aubergines and cheese.
bean noun /biːn/ [C] bab, babszem
soya beans
French beans
Coffee beans are the bean-like seeds of the coffee tree.
broccoli noun /ˈbrɒk.əl.i/ [U] brokkoli
I had pasta with broccoli and tomatoes.
cabbage noun /ˈkæb.ɪdʒ/ [C or U] káposzta
red/white cabbage
Do you like cabbage?
carrot noun /ˈkær.ət/ 1 sárgarépa [C or U]
raw carrot
Chop the carrots finely.
chilli noun /ˈtʃɪl.i/ [C or U] plural: chillies csili, csilipaprika
chilli pepper
courgette noun /kɔːˈʒet/ [C or U] cukkini
We had fried courgettes and onions.
cucumber noun /ˈkjuː.kʌm.bər/ [C or U] uborka
sliced cucumber
garlic noun /ˈgɑː.lɪk/ [U] fokhagyma
Fry the crushed garlic for 3 minutes.
herb noun /hɜːb/ [C] fűszernövény; gyógynövény
dried/fresh herbs
Sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs.
A large range of herbs and spices are used in South Asian cookery.
leek noun /li:k/ [C or U] póréhagyma
leek soup
lettuce noun /ˈlet.ɪs/ [C or U] fejes saláta
Mix the lettuce and tomatoes together.
mint noun /mɪnt/ [U] menta
a bunch of mint
mushroom noun /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/ [C] gomba (ehető/nem ehető)
pasta with wild mushrooms
olive noun /ˈɒl.ɪv/ [C] olíva, olajbogyó
olive oil
olive trees
onion noun /ˈʌn.jən/ [C or U] vöröshagyma
I always cry when I'm chopping onions.
Fry the onion and garlic for about two minutes.
pea noun /piː/ [C] borsó, zöldborsó
frozen/dried peas
pea soup
pepper noun /ˈpep.ər/ 1 bors [U]
freshly ground black pepper
salt and pepper
pepper noun /ˈpep.ər/ 2 paprika (zöldség) [C]
red peppers
potato noun /pəˈteɪ.təʊ/ [C or U] plural: potatoes burgonya, krumpli
boiled/baked/fried/roast potatoes
She stood at the sink, peeling potatoes.
spice noun /spaɪs/ 1 fűszer [C or U]
herbs and spices
Spices are widely used in South Asian cooking.
spinach noun /ˈspɪn.ɪtʃ/ [U] spenót
spinach salad
tomato noun /təˈmɑː.təʊ/ [C or U] plural: tomatoes paradicsom
a cheese and tomato sandwich
vegetable noun /ˈvedʒ.tə.bl̩/ [C] zöldség
fresh/frozen vegetables
vegetable soup/curry
fruit and vegetables
root vegetables
Raw vegetables contain more vitamins than cooked vegetables.
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4. Ételek, étkezés – kapcsolódó leckék: |
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