3. Élelmiszerek A1B2 (61) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Alapélelmiszerek, kenyérfélék (18) 2. Hús, hal, tejtermékek (18) 3. Élelmiszer-minőség (25)
2. Hús, hal, tejtermékek – A1–B2 (18) | Szavak |
bacon noun /ˈbeɪ.kən/ [U] angolszalonna (!)
a bacon sandwich
a slice of bacon
bacon and eggs
beef noun /biːf/ [U] marhahús
roast beef
cheese noun /tʃiːz/ [C or U] sajt
a slice of cheese
goat's cheese
I like soft French cheeses such as Brie and Camembert.
I prefer hard cheeses, like Cheddar.
cheese and biscuits
chicken noun /ˈtʃɪk.ɪn/ 2 csirke (hús) [U]
We're having roast/fried chicken for dinner.
cod noun /kɒd/ [C or U] plural: cod tőkehal
I'll have cod and chips, please.
crab noun /kræb/ [C or U] (tengeri) rák
crab salad
cream noun /kriːm/ 1 tejszín [U]
strawberries and cream
Do you like cream in your coffee?
egg noun /eg/ 1 tojás (étel) [C or U]
a hard-boiled/soft-boiled egg
How do you like your eggs - fried or scrambled?
fish noun /fɪʃ/ plural: fish or fishes 2 hal (étel) [U]
fried fish
I don't eat fish or meat.
meat noun /miːt/ [U] hús (étel)
I don't eat meat.
raw meat
red/white meat
milk noun /mɪlk/ [U] tej
a glass of milk
cow's/goat's milk
pork noun /pɔːk/ [U] sertéshús, disznóhús (!)
a pork chop
pork sausages
prawn noun /prɔːn/ [C] garnélarák
a prawn sandwich
salmon noun /ˈsæm.ən/ [C or U] plural: salmon lazac
fresh/smoked/tinned salmon
salmon fishing
tuna noun /ˈtjuː.nə/ [C or U] plural: tuna tonhal
I had a tuna sandwich for lunch.
turkey noun /ˈtɜː.ki/ [C or U] pulyka; pulykahús
We had turkey for dinner.
yogurt noun /ˈjɒg.ət/ [C or U] also: yoghurt joghurt
natural/plain yogurt
strawberry yogurt
low-fat yogurt
I only had a yogurt for lunch.
dairy adjective /ˈdeə.ri/ tej- (tejgazdasági, tejüzemi)
dairy products
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4. Ételek, étkezés – kapcsolódó leckék: |
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