5. Gyakoriság, folytonosság A1C1 (80) – altémák


1. Rendszeresen, gyakran (41) 2. Néha, alkalomszerűen (19) 3. Folytonosság, tartósság (20)

1. Rendszeresen, gyakran – A1–C1 (41) Szavak

would modal verb /wʊd/ 5 gyakran (múltbeli szokásos cselekvés kifejezése) also: 'd

He would always turn and wave at the end of the street.

cycle noun /ˈsaɪ.kl̩/ [C] 1 körforgás, ciklus

the cycle of the seasons

series noun /ˈsɪə.riz/ [C] plural: series 2 sorozat (hasonló dolgok/események egymás után)

He's had a series of tests at the hospital but they can't find anything wrong.

She gave a series of lectures at Warwick University last year on contemporary British writers.

annual adjective /ˈæn.ju.əl/ [always before noun] évi, évenkénti; éves, egy évre szóló

an annual event/visit/holiday

annual income/salary

common adjective /ˈkɒm.ən/ 1 gyakori, mindennapos (gyakran előfordul/sok van belőle)

It's quite common to see couples who dress alike.

The surname 'Smith' is very common in Britain.

daily adjective /ˈdeɪ.li/ [always before noun] napi

Exercise has become part of my daily routine.

We back up our computer files at work on a daily basis.

day-to-day adjective /ˌdeɪ.təˈdeɪ/ [always before noun] napi, mindennapi, mindennapos

the usual day-to-day problems

frequent adjective /ˈfriː.kwənt/ gyakori

a frequent visitor to the US

The most frequent cause of death is heart attack.

hourly adjective /ˈaʊə.li/ 1 óránkénti (gyakoriság)

There's an hourly bus service into town.

A nurse checked him at hourly intervals.

monthly adjective, adverb /ˈmʌnt.θli/ havi, havonkénti; havonta, havonként

monthly payments

a monthly magazine

We're paid monthly.

regular adjective /ˈreg.jʊ.lər/ 1 rendszeres, gyakori

a regular customer

It's recommended that you take regular exercise.

Violence is a regular occurrence in this part of the city.

regular adjective /ˈreg.jʊ.lər/ 4 szabályos, egyenletes, rendszeres (időköz/távolság)

I suggested that we meet on a regular basis.

Plant the seedlings at regular intervals.

repetitive adjective /rɪˈpet.ə.tɪv/ ismétlődő

a repetitive job

weekly adjective, adverb /ˈwiː.kli/ heti; hetenként

a weekly magazine/report

a twice-weekly meeting

The fire alarm has a weekly test/is tested weekly.

again adverb /əˈgeɪn/ 1 újra, megint (még egyszer)

Could you spell your name again, please?

Throw it away and start again.

again adverb /əˈgeɪn/ 2 újra, megint (úgy mint azelőtt)

Get some rest and you'll soon be well again.

always adverb /ˈɔːl.weɪz/ 1 mindig (minden alkalommal)

I always walk to work.

annually adverb /ˈæn.ju.ə.li/ évenként, évente

Your starting salary is £28,000 per year and will be reviewed annually.

daily adverb /ˈdeɪ.li/ naponta

Take the tablets twice daily.

frequently adverb /ˈfriː.kwənt.li/ gyakran

frequently asked questions

I see him quite frequently.

The buses run less/more frequently at certain times.

hourly adverb /ˈaʊə.li/ óránként (minden órában egyszer)

Trains stop here hourly.

more adverb /mɔːr/ többször (gyakoriság)

We eat out a lot more than we used to.

We go to the cinema more often in the winter.

often adverb /ˈɒf.tən/ 1 gyakran, sokszor (rendszeresen)

I often shop there.

How often do you wash your hair?

I don't often drink spirits.

I don't see him very often.

It's not often that you meet someone who you're instantly attracted to.

I don't see my parents as often as I'd like to.

regularly adverb /ˈreg.jʊ.lə.li/ 1 rendszeresen, gyakran

Accidents regularly occur on this bend.

regularly adverb /ˈreg.jʊ.lə.li/ 2 rendszeresen (rendszeres időközönként)

They meet regularly - usually once a week.

repeatedly adverb /rɪˈpiː.tɪd.li/ ismételten

He telephoned repeatedly, begging her to return.

The European Union has repeatedly stressed the importance of language learning.

a determiner /eɪ/ also: an 10 egy (megadott időszakonként)

Take one tablet three times a day.

She earns $100 000 a year.

every determiner /ˈev.ri/ 2 minden (gyakoriság)

He goes to Ireland every summer.

Computers can perform millions of calculations every second.

Every four minutes a car is stolen in this city.

Every few kilometres we passed a burnt out truck at the side of the road.

The conference takes place every other/second year.

Phrases and idioms:

again and again újra meg újra

He played the same song again and again.

all over again újra elölről

We had to start all over again.

alternate days/weeks/years, etc. minden második nap/hét/év/stb.

I work alternate Saturdays.

day after day/year after year, etc. napról napra/évről évre, stb. (ismételve/hosszasan)

We went to the same part of France for our holidays year after year.

in a row egymás után, egyfolytában (sorozatban)

He's just won the tournament for the fifth year in a row.

on a daily/monthly/regular, etc. basis napi/havi/szabályos rendszerességgel (naponta/hetente/rendszeresen stb.)

Meetings are held on a weekly basis.

on the increase növekszik, gyakoribbá válik

Violent crime is on the increase.

once again újra, megint (sokadszorra)

Once again I'm left with all the washing-up!

once more még egyszer

I'd like to visit the colleges once more before we leave.

over and over (again) újra meg újra

I read the article over and over till it made sense.

whenever possible amikor csak lehetséges

I try to use olive oil whenever possible.

wherever possible amikor csak lehetséges

Wherever possible I use honey instead of sugar.

We try to sell local fruit and vegetables wherever possible.

yet again már megint, újra (már sokadszorra)

The bus was late yet again.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

25. Idő, gyakoriság – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

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