7. Figyelem, tévedés A1C1 (41) – altémák


1. Odafigyelés, alaposság (22) 2. Figyelmetlenség, tévedés (19)

2. Figyelmetlenség, tévedés – A1–C1 (19) Szavak

confuse verb /kənˈfjuːz/ [T] 2 összetéveszt vkit/vmit vkivel/vmivel

I think you're confusing me with my sister - we look quite similar.

It's easy to confuse his films, because he tends to use the same actors.

distract verb /dɪˈstrækt/ [T] elvonja a figyelmét vkinek

Don't distract her from her studies.

He tried to distract attention from his own illegal activities.

misunderstand verb /mɪsˌʌn.dəˈstænd/ [T] *(misunderstood, misunderstood) félreért vmit/vkit

He misunderstood the question completely.

distraction noun /dɪˈstræk.ʃən/ 1 figyelmet zavaró dolog [C or U]

The phone calls were a constant distraction.

error noun /ˈer.ər/ [C or U] hiba; tévedés

He admitted that he'd made an error.

The letter contained a number of typing errors.

Human error has been blamed for the air crash.

The document was destroyed in error by the police.

flaw noun /flɔː/ [C] hiba, tévedés; repedés, hiba

There's a flaw in your reasoning.

mistake noun /mɪˈsteɪk/ [C] hiba

He made a lot of mistakes in his written test.

This letter's full of spelling mistakes.

We shouldn't have come here - it was a mistake.

It would be a big mistake to leave school.

She made the mistake of giving him her phone number.

I've discovered a few mistakes in your calculations.

I'm not blaming you - we all make mistakes.

misunderstanding noun /mɪsˌʌn.dəˈstændɪŋ/ [C or U] félreértés

There must have been a misunderstanding.

mistaken adjective /mɪˈsteɪ.kən/ téves; tévedésben levő

If you think you can behave like that, you are mistaken.

stuck adjective /stʌk/ [never before noun] 2 elakadt (olvasásban, válaszban, feladatban, stb.)

I keep getting stuck on difficult words.

unaware adjective /ˌʌn.əˈweər/ [never before noun] nincs a tudatában vminek

He was unaware that the police were watching him.

I was quite unaware of the problem.

Phrasal verbs:

mix up ↔ sb/sth /mɪks/ összekever/összetéveszt vkit/vmit vkivel/vmivel

People often mix up the sisters because they look so similar.

Phrases and idioms:

be in a dream ábrándozik, álmodozik (nem figyel a környezetre)

Half the class were in a dream this morning.

be wrong téved, nincs igaza

I was wrong about the time - the shop closed at 7, not 8.

You're wrong in thinking that Matt is from the States - he's Canadian.

by mistake tévedésből

I picked up someone else's book by mistake.

I've paid this bill twice by mistake.

divert sb's attention/thoughts, etc. eltereli a figyelmét/gondolatait/stb. vkinek

A movement outside the window diverted my attention.

get sth wrong félreért; elhibáz (pl. választ)

I got most of the answers wrong.

The newspapers got the story completely wrong.

I mean úgy értem, vagyis (tévedés javítása)

We went there in May - I mean June.

lose track nem tudja nyomon követni (figyelemmel kísérni); szem elöl téveszt

I've lost track of how much we've spent.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

33. Gondolkozás, megértés – kapcsolódó leckék:


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