26.4.5. gy. A1C2 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő

Sok, elég

over preposition /ˈəʊ.vər/ 1 több, mint; fölött

Most of the bikes cost/are over £300.

Children over the age of 12 must have full-price tickets.

They are already $25 million over budget.

Phrasal verbs:

be flooded with sth /flʌd/ eláraszt vmivel (átv.) (pl. levéllel, telefonhívással, stb.)

We were flooded with calls from worried parents.

Phrases and idioms:

a fair amount/distance/size, etc. jókora mennyiség/távolság/méret/stb.

There's still a fair bit of work to be done on the house.

a good/great deal jó sok

She spends a good deal of her time in Glasgow.

A great deal of effort has gone into making the software reliable.

They still need a great deal more money to finish the project.

a host of sth rengeteg

I've got a whole host of questions to ask you.

a load/loads egy csomó (sok) (informal)

I've got a load of work to get through before tomorrow.

There were loads of people there.

Have some more food - there's loads.

a lot/lots sok, rengeteg

She eats lots of fruit.

There were a lot of people there.

I've got a lot to do today.

He does lots of travelling in his job.

We met lots of people on holiday.

Do you want some food? There's lots in the fridge.

a mass of sth rengeteg, egy rakás

He always has a mass of books and papers on his desk.

There was a mass of people around the club entrance.

The forest is a mass of colour in autumn.

a number of sth számos (sok)

There were a number of journalists present at the public meeting.

We've had quite a number of complaints about the programme.

a plethora of sth özöne vminek (javaslatoknak, terveknek, stb.); túltengés vmiből (formal)

There is a confusing plethora of pension plans.

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

Angol alapszavak

Angol névmások

Angol determinánsok

Angol elöljárószók

Angol kötőszók

Angol segédigék

Angol rendhagyó igék

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