3. Összhang, ellentét A1C2 (102) – altémák


1. Összhang, kötődés (27) 2. Ellenszenv, elutasítás (38) 3. Vita, veszekedés (37)

2. Ellenszenv, elutasítás – A1–C2 (38) Szavak

compromise verb /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/ 2 kompromittál vkit/vmit/magát; veszélyes/nehéz helyzetbe sodor vkit/magát [T] (formal)

The trial has been seriously compromised by sensational media coverage.

exploit verb /ekˈsplɔɪt/ [T] 1 kihasznál vkit; kizsákmányol vkit

Laws exist to stop companies exploiting their employees.

judge verb /dʒʌdʒ/ 3 elítél vkit (rossz véleménye van vkiről) [I or T]

What gives you the right to judge people?

reject verb /rɪˈdʒekt/ [T] 3 elutasít (személyt) (kérőt, közeledést, stb.)

She felt rejected by her husband.

tease verb /tiːz/ [I or T] cukkol, szekál, ugrat vkit

I used to hate being teased about my red hair when I was at school.

I was only teasing, I didn't mean to upset you.

underestimate verb /ˌʌn.dəˈres.tɪ.meɪt/ [T] 2 alábecsül, lebecsül vkit

I thought it would be an easy game but I had underestimated my opponent.

undermine verb /ˌʌn.dəˈmaɪn/ [T] aláás (bizalmat, tekintélyt, stb.)

A series of scandals have undermined people's confidence in the government.

use verb /juːz/ [T] 4 kihasznál vkit; felhasznál vkit vmire

He was just using me to make his girlfriend jealous.

contempt noun /kənˈtempt/ megvetés, lenézés

He has utter contempt for anyone with power.

inferior noun /ɪnˈfɪə.ri.ər/ [C] alárendeltje vkinek, alacsonyabb rendű személy

She considered me her inferior.

inferiority noun /ɪnˌfɪə.riˈɒr.ə.ti/ [U] alacsonyabbrendűség, alárendelt helyzet

With these talented sisters, I always had a feeling of inferiority.

irony noun /ˈaɪə.rən.i/ 2 irónia, gúny

There is a lot of irony in his writing.

rejection noun /rɪˈdʒek.ʃən/ 3 elutasítás (személyé) (kérőé, közeledésé, stb.) [U]

a feeling of rejection

possessive adjective /pəˈzes.ɪv/ 2 vkit birtokolni vágyó/igyekvő

She stopped seeing him because he was becoming too possessive.

sarcastic adjective /sɑːˈkæs.tɪk/ gúnyos

a sarcastic comment/remark

Are you being sarcastic?

badly adverb /ˈbæd.li/ (worse, worst) 4 rosszul (kellemetlenül, bántón)

I thought he was treated very badly.

Phrasal verbs:

come between sb /kʌm/ közéjük áll (megrontja a kapcsolatukat)

I won't let anything come between me and my children.

look down on sb /lʊk/ lenéz vkit/vmit

I always felt she looked down on me because I wasn't as educated as she was.

pick on sb /pɪk/ pikkel vkire; ugrat/heccel vkit

The other boys pick on him because he's so small.

run down ↔ sb/sth /rʌn/ ócsárol vkit/vmit

Whatever the government do, the press will always run them down.

spy on sb /spaɪ/ leskelődik vki után

Have you been spying on me?

Phrases and idioms:

be hard on sb keményen bánik vkivel; igazságtalanul bánik vkivel

Don't be too hard on him - he's new to the job.

call sb names csúfol vkit

He said the other children were calling him names.

cramp sb's style zavar/feszélyez vkit (a jelenlétével)

Are you sure you don't mind me coming with you? I'd hate to cramp your style.

give sb a hard time megkeseríti az életét vkinek

Ever since I missed the goal, the other players have been giving me a hard time.

have no time for sb/sth nem veszteget időt vkire/vmire (nem becsül vkit/vmit)

I have no time for people who are racist.

have sth against sb/sth vmi kifogása van vki/vmi ellen

I've got nothing against him personally, I just don't think he's the right man for the job.

(keep sb) at arm's length távol tart magától vkit (átv.)

I always had the feeling she was keeping me at arm's length.

make a fool of yourself bolondot csinál magából

I got very excited and made a fool of myself.

make a fool (out) of sb bolondot csinál vkiből

She was always trying to make a fool out of me in front of my friends.

make fun of sb/sth csúfol, kicsúfol, kinevet

The other children at school used to make fun of his hair.

not be sb's type nem az ő típusa (nem talál vonzónak vkit) (informal)

I like Bertrand but he's not really my type.

not take kindly to sth nem fogad szívesen vmit, nem vesz jó néven vmit

He doesn't take kindly to criticism.

not think much of sb/sth nem tart valami sokra vmit/vkit

I don't think much of the food here.

sb's/sth's clutches karmai között vkinek/vminek (átv.)

Keep your children out of his clutches.

steer clear of sb/sth távol tartja magát vkitől/vmitől, kerül, elkerül vkit/vmit

Steer clear of Tony this morning - he's in a bad mood.

take advantage of sb/sth kihasznál vkit/vmit

I think she takes advantage of his good nature.

take sth personally magára vesz vmit (átv.), sértésnek vesz vmit

You mustn't take everything so personally.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

11. Család, kapcsolatok – kapcsolódó leckék:


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