1. Társadalom A1C2 (167) – altémák

2. Társadalmi rétegek, csoportok – A1–C2 (43) Szavak

bottom noun /ˈbɒt.əm/ 3 alsó pozíció/besorolás (egy csoportban, szervezetben, stb.) [no plural]

At school, he was at the bottom of his class.

citizen noun /ˈsɪt.ɪ.zən/ [C] 2 állampolgár

He applied to become an American citizen.

civilian noun /sɪˈvɪl.i.ən/ [C] civil személy

Several civilians were killed in the attack.

class noun /klɑːs/ 4 társadalmi osztály [C or U]

The Labour Party has lost a lot of support among the working class.

We live in a middle class neighbourhood.

She belonged to the rich American upper class.

colour noun /ˈkʌl.ər/ 3 bőrszín (faj, rassz) [U]

I don't care what colour her boyfriend is.

community noun /kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/ [C] 2 közösség (azonos érdeklődésű/életvitelű/nemzetiségű/stb. emberek csoportja) [+ singular or plural verb]

the black/white/Chinese community

the business community

elite noun /ɪˈliːt/ [C + singular or plural verb] elit, előkelő (gazdag/befolyásos/képzett emberek) (politikai, gazdasági, stb.)

a member of the elite

an elite group

exile noun /ˈek.saɪl/ száműzetés; száműzött

He spent the war years in exile in New York.

The King was forced into exile.

gulf noun /gʌlf/ [C] szakadék (átv.) (nagy különbség emberek véleménye/helyzete között); öböl

There is a growing gulf between the rich and the poor.

immigrant noun /ˈɪm.ɪ.grənt/ [C] bevándorló

a large immigrant population

Illegal immigrants are sent back across the border if they are caught.

immigration noun /ˌɪm.ɪˈgreɪ.ʃən/ [U] 2 bevándorlás (egy országba)

immigration policy

There are strict limits on immigration (into the country).

materialism noun /məˈtɪə.ri.əl.ɪ.zəm/ [U] anyagiasság (a pénz/tulajdon elsőbbsége); materializmus (elmélet)

She was saddened by the materialism of our society.

materialist noun /məˈtɪə.ri.ə.lɪst/ [C] anyagias ember (pénz/tulajdon elsőbbsége); materialista (elmélet követője)

We are bringing up our children to be materialists.

minority noun /maɪˈnɒr.ə.ti/ 2 kisebbség (etnikai/vallási) [C]

ethnic/religious minorities

The plan was designed to help women and minorities overcome discrimination in the workplace.

race noun /reɪs/ 2 (emberi) faj [C or U]

people of many different races

Discrimination on grounds of race will not be tolerated.

An increasing number of people in the country are of mixed race.

refugee noun /ˌref.jʊˈdʒiː/ [C] menekült (!)

a refugee camp

Thousands of refugees fled across the border.

servant noun /ˈsɜː.vənt/ [C] szolga, cseléd

They employed more than 50 servants.

status noun /ˈsteɪ.təs/ [U] státusz (családi, vagyoni, menekült, stb.); társadalmi rang/elismertség

The association works to promote the status of retired people as useful members of the community.

There has been an increase in applications for refugee status.

The success of her book has given her unexpected celebrity status.

Applicants should have a degree or a qualification of equal status.

taxpayer noun /ˈtæksˌpeɪ.ər/ [C] adófizető

Taxpayers deserve better services than this.

the middle class noun /ˌmɪd.l̩ˈklɑːs/ also: the middle classes középosztály (társadalmi)

These tax increases will affect the middle class badly.

the upper class noun /ˌʌp.əˈklɑːs/ also: the upper classes felső osztály, elit (társadalmi)

The upper class usually send their children to expensive private schools.

the working class noun /ˌwɜː.kɪŋˈklɑːs/ also: the working classes a munkásosztály

He sees the prime minister's comments as an attack on the working class.

tribe noun /traɪb/ [C + singular or plural verb] törzs, néptörzs

a tribe of Amazonian Indians

the Masai tribe

black adjective /blæk/ 2 fekete, néger

black culture

black Americans

civil adjective /ˈsɪv.əl/ polgári, civil

They married in a civil ceremony.

cosmopolitan adjective /ˌkɒz.məˈpɒl.ɪ.tən/ kozmopolita (sok nemzetiséget/kultúrát befogadó/ismerő)

London is a very cosmopolitan city.

ethnic adjective /ˈeθ.nɪk/ etnikai, nemzetiségi

ethnic minorities

exclusive adjective /ɪkˈskluː.sɪv/ 1 előkelő, exkluzív

an exclusive club/hotel/shop

an exclusive part of town

humble adjective /ˈhʌm.bl/ 2 szerény, egyszerű (szegény, alacsony társadalmi rangú/helyzetű)

She rose from humble beginnings to become Prime Minister.

materialist adjective /məˈtɪə.ri.ə.lɪst/ anyagias (pénzt/tulajdont előtérbe helyező); materialista (elméletben hívő)

We live in a materialist society.

materialistic adjective /məˌtɪə.ri.əˈlɪs.tɪk/ anyagias (pénzt/tulajdont előtérbe helyező)

a materialistic society

native adjective /ˈneɪ.tɪv/ [always before noun] 2 bennszülött

The Aborigines are the native inhabitants of Australia.

the native population

native customs and traditions

noble adjective /ˈnəʊ.bl/ 2 nemes, nemesi származású

She was born into an ancient, noble family.

posh adjective /pɒʃ/ 2 elegáns, előkelő, felső tízezerhez tartozó

A woman with a very posh accent telephoned for him earlier.

racial adjective /ˈreɪ.ʃəl/ faji

a racial minority

racial discrimination/prejudice

racial conflict/tension

racial equality

tribal adjective /ˈtraɪ.bəl/ törzsi (kultúra, viselet, stb.)

tribal dress/leaders

The fierce tribal loyalty among soccer supporters leads to violence between opposing fans.

upper-class adjective /ˌʌp.əˈklɑːs/ felső osztálybeli, elit (társadalmi)

He spoke with a distinctly upper-class accent.

white adjective /waɪt/ 4 fehér (ember)

He had a black mother and a white father.

He's described as a white man in his early thirties.

white adjective /waɪt/ 6 fehér (emberekkel kapcsolatos/emberekre vonatkozó)

the white community

racially adverb /ˈreɪ.ʃəl.i/ fajilag, faji szempontból

racially motivated attacks

Phrases and idioms:

the people a nép

The rebels have gained the support of the people.

the poor a szegények

She spent her life working with the poor.

the rich a gazdagok

These ski resorts are for the rich.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

20. Társadalom – kapcsolódó leckék:


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