3. Tervezés A1C2 (67) – altémák


1. Terv, előkészület, szervezettség (42) 2. Céltalanság, hanyagság (25)

1. Terv, előkészület, szervezettség – A1–C2 (42) Szavak

allow verb /əˈlaʊ/ 2 hagy, szán vmit/vmennyit vmire/vkire [T]

Allow three hours for the whole journey.

arrange verb /əˈreɪndʒ/ 1 szervez, megszervez, intézkedik, elintézi hogy [I or T]

The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.

They arranged to have dinner the following month.

I've already arranged with him where to meet.

She's arranged for her son to have swimming lessons.

I'd arranged that they should arrive at the same time.

formulate verb /ˈfɔː.mjə.leɪt/ [T] 1 kidolgoz (tervet, ötletet, stb.)

They formulated a plan to save the company.

organize verb /ˈɔː.gən.aɪz/ [T] also UK: organise 1 szervez, megszervez, rendez, megrendez vmit (találkozót, eseményt, stb.)

He had organized the whole event.

They organized a meeting between the teachers and students.

She had organized a car to meet me at the airport.

plan verb /plæn/ (-nn-) tervez, szervez vmit [I or T]

She helped them to plan their route.

If we plan carefully, we should be able to stay within our budget.

She's already planning how to spend her prize money.

prepare verb /prəˈpeər/ [I or T] 1 készül, felkészül; felkészít

Have you prepared for your interview?

This course aims to prepare students for middle and senior managerial positions.

Are the players mentally and physically prepared to play a tough game?

reorganize verb /ˌriːˈɔː.gən.aɪz/ [I or T] also UK: reorganise átszervez (időbeosztást, vállalatot, stb.)

He's completely reorganized his schedule for the week.

restructure verb /ˌriːˈstrʌk.tʃər/ [I or T] átszervez, átstrukturál (kormányt, üzletvitelt, rendszert, stb.)

They are restructuring the business.

structure verb /ˈstrʌk.tʃər/ szervez, felépít, strukturál [T]

How is the course structured?

arrangement noun /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/ 1 előkészület, intézkedés, szervezés, megszervezés [C usually plural]

They'd made all the arrangements for the party.

Arrangements were made to move the prisoners to another jail.

organization noun /ˌɔː.gən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ also UK: organisation 2 szervezés, szervezőmunka [U]

He didn't want to be involved in the organization of/for the conference, although he agreed to attend.

organization noun /ˌɔː.gən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ also UK: organisation 3 szervezés, megszervezés; szervezettség [U]

I'm trying to improve the organization of my computer files.

organizer noun /ˈɔː.gən.aɪ.zər/ [C] also UK: organiser szervező

conference/exhibition organizers

There aren't enough seats for all the guests - I must tell the organizers.

plan noun /plæn/ [C] 1 terv (elgondolás, szándék)

holiday plans

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

The plan is that we'll buy a car once we're there.

There's been a change of plan and we're going on Wednesday instead.

Luckily, everything went according to plan.

planning noun /ˈplæn.ɪŋ/ [U] 1 tervezés (átgondolás/szervezés)

Events like these take months of careful planning.

preparation noun /ˌprep.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ felkészülés; felkészítés; előkészület [U]

The teacher didn't seem to have done much preparation for the class.

The team blamed injuries and lack of preparation for their failure to win.

Yasmin assisted in the preparation of this article.

readiness noun /ˈred.ɪ.nəs/ [U] 2 készenlét (vmire)

It was time to repair their shelters in readiness for the winter.

coherent adjective /kəʊˈhɪə.rənt/ 1 jól szerkesztett, összefüggő (terv, érvelés, stb.)

We need to put forward a coherent plan.

organized adjective /ˈɔː.gən.aɪzd/ also UK: organised 1 szervezett (vhogyan)

We didn't go on an organized tour.

The letters had been placed in organized piles, one for each letter of the alphabet.

practical adjective /ˈpræk.tɪ.kəl/ 2 célravezető, gyakorlatias, praktikus (megoldás, terv, stb.)

a practical solution

The plan is simply not practical.

pragmatic adjective /prægˈmæt.ɪk/ gyakorlatias, pragmatikus

a pragmatic approach to a problem

prepared adjective /prəˈpeəd/ 1 felkészült vmire (pl. egy helyzet kezelésére)

When she called on me, I wasn't prepared.

They were prepared for the worst.

prepared adjective /prəˈpeəd/ 2 előkészített (előre elkészített, előre elvégzett)

The spokesperson read a prepared statement.

preventive adjective /prɪˈven.tɪv/ also: preventative megelőző (intézkedés, orvoslás, stb.)

preventive measures

preventive medicine

ready adjective /ˈred.i/ 1 kész, készen áll vmire [never before noun]

Give me a call when you're ready.

Are you ready to go yet?

We're going at eight, so you've got an hour to get ready.

When will the book be ready for publication?

structured adjective /ˈstrʌk.tʃəd/ jól szervezett/felépített/strukturált

a structured series of lectures

systematic adjective /ˌsɪs.təˈmæt.ɪk/ rendszeres, módszeres

the systematic collection and analysis of information

well-organized adjective /ˌwelˈɔː.gəˌnɑɪzd/ also UK: well-organised jól szervezett

She's always extremely well-organized at work.

systematically adverb /ˌsɪs.təˈmæt.ɪ.kli/ rendszeresen, módszeresen

We went through all the documents systematically.

Phrasal verbs:

look ahead /lʊk/ gondol a jövőre, előrenéz

I'm looking ahead to next year and figuring out our staffing requirements.

provide for sth /prəˈvaɪd/ felkészül vmire, gondoskodik vmiről (előre tervez/számít vmire)

The original system did not provide for this sudden increase in demand.

reckon with sth /ˈrek.ən/ számol vmivel/vkivel (fontos tényezővel tervezéskor)

We didn't reckon with the poor state of the roads.

set up ↔ sth /set/ 2 megszervez (eseményt, tevékenységet)

We need to set up a meeting to discuss the proposals.

The government has agreed to set up a public enquiry.

think ahead /θɪŋk/ előre gondolkozik vmin (előre tervez vmit)

I'm already thinking ahead to what I might do when my exams are over.

Phrases and idioms:

be all set készen van (vmire) (indulásra, utazásra, stb.)

We were all set to go when the phone rang.

be looking to do sth azt tervezi (, hogy)

I'm looking to start my own business.

get your act together összeszedi magát (informal)

She's so disorganized - I wish she'd get her act together.

plan to do sth tervez, készül vmire

He plans to go to college next year.

I'm not planning to stay here much longer.

preparations előkészületek

wedding preparations

We are making preparations to fly Mr Goodall to the nearest hospital.

Preparations for the opening ceremony are well under way.

prepare yourself felkészíti magát vmire (nehéz helyzetre)

Prepare yourself for a shock.

You should prepare yourself for a long wait.

propose to do sth tervez (tenni vmit)

They propose to cycle across Europe.

talk about sth/doing sth beszél vmiről (gondolkodik vmin, tervez vmit)

They're talking about building a new fire station just up the road.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

36. Szándék, akarat – kapcsolódó leckék:


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