3. Élővilág, állatok B1 (35) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
Élővilág, állatok* (35)
Élővilág, állatok* – B1 (35) (Élővilág; Állatok; Háziállatok; Emlősök; Madarak; Halak, hüllők; Rovarok) | Szavak |
hunt verb /hʌnt/ [I or T] 1 vadászik (állatra) (!)
Some animals hunt at night.
Cats like to hunt mice and birds.
ant noun /ænt/ [C] hangya
There were ants crawling all over the ground.
bat noun /bæt/ [C] 2 denevér
Bats are present throughout most of the world.
bee noun /biː/ [C] méh
Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps.
bug noun /bʌg/ [C] 1 rovar, bogár; poloska
He'd found a bug in his bed.
bull noun /bʊl/ [C] bika; hím (elefánt, bálna, stb.)
They did not see the sign by the gate saying 'Beware of the bull'.
butterfly noun /ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪ/ [C] lepke, pillangó
A butterfly landed on her sleeve for a moment.
cage noun /keɪdʒ/ [C] ketrec, kalitka (pl. madárnak, állatnak)
It took about 10 minutes to get the mouse into her cage.
calf noun /kɑ:f/ [C] plural: calves 1 borjú
There were some calves in the field.
camel noun /ˈkæm.əl/ [C] teve
Have you ever ridden a camel?
cattle noun /ˈkæt.l̩/ [plural] szarvasmarha
beef/dairy cattle
creature noun /ˈkriː.tʃər/ [C] teremtmény, élőlény
Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures.
Don't all living creatures have certain rights?
Blue whales are the largest living creatures.
dolphin noun /ˈdɒl.fɪn/ [C] delfin
They swam with dolphins on holiday.
donkey noun /ˈdɒŋ.ki/ [C] szamár
The donkey struggled with its heavy burden.
fly noun /flaɪ/ [C] légy
There were a lot of flies around.
frog noun /frɒg/ [C] béka
The frogs down at the lake were making a lot of noise.
fur noun /fɜːr/ [U] (állati) szőr, szőrzet; szőrme, prém
She stroked the rabbit's soft fur.
giraffe noun /dʒɪˈrɑːf/ [C] plural: giraffes zsiráf
Giraffes are the tallest land animals.
goat noun /gəʊt/ [C] kecske
goat's milk/cheese
kangaroo noun /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ [C] kenguru
Kangaroos are a danger on the roads.
kitten noun /ˈkɪt.ən/ [C] kiscica, kismacska, macskakölyök
Our cat's had two kittens.
lamb noun /læm/ [C or U] bárány; bárányhús
We were staying on a farm where there were lambs.
roast lamb
life noun /laɪf/ plural: lives 2 élet (minden élő dolog) [U]
human/plant life
monster noun /ˈmɒnt.stər/ [C] 1 szörny, szörnyeteg
a sea monster
mosquito noun /mɒˈski:.təʊ/ [C] plural: mosquitoes szúnyog, moszkitó
mosquito bites
parrot noun /ˈpær.ət/ [C] papagáj
We saw parrots flying wild in the jungle.
penguin noun /ˈpeŋ.gwɪn/ [C] pingvin
A row of penguins stood at the water's edge.
puppy noun /ˈpʌp.i/ [C] kölyökkutya
a six-month-old puppy
shark noun /ʃɑːk/ [C] cápa
a great white shark
The movie 'Jaws' is about a man-eating shark.
spider noun /ˈspaɪ.dər/ [C] pók (rovar) (!)
a spider's web
tiger noun /ˈtaɪ.gər/ [C] tigris
The zoo has several tigers.
web noun /web/ [C] háló (póké)
a spider's web
whale noun /weɪl/ [C] bálna
a grey/blue/killer whale
wildlife noun /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ [U] vadvilág
a documentary on Peruvian wildlife
wildlife groups/conservation
wing noun /wɪŋ/ [C] 1 szárny (madáré, rovaré)
wing feathers
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
10. Természet, időjárás – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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