19.1.2. gy. B1B2 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő


criminal noun /ˈkrɪm.ɪ.nəl/ [C] bűnöző

a dangerous/violent criminal

drug noun /drʌg/ [C] 2 kábítószer (!)

illegal drugs

a drug addict

drug addiction/abuse

She began to suspect that her son was on/taking/doing drugs.

gang noun /gæŋ/ [C] 2 bűnbanda

a gang of armed robbers

offence noun /əˈfents/ 1 bűntett; törvénysértés [C]

Driving without a licence is an offence.

a serious/minor offence

a criminal offence

He committed several serious offences.

It's the third time that he's been convicted of a drug offence.

offender noun /əˈfen.dər/ [C] törvényszegő, bűnöző

first-time offenders

sex offenders

young offenders

pirate noun /ˈpaɪə.rət/ [C] kalóz

The pirates held the ship's captain prisoner and demanded money for his release.

robbery noun /ˈrɒb.ər.i/ [C or U] rablás (!)

a bank robbery

The gang admitted they had committed four recent robberies.

He is in prison for armed robbery.

scene noun /siːn/ 3 színhely, helyszín (pl. bűntényé) [C usually no plural]

The police arrived to find a scene of horrifying destruction.

Evidence was found at the scene of the crime.

terrorism noun /ˈter.ə.rɪ.zəm/ [U] terrorizmus (!)

Governments must cooperate if they are to fight international terrorism.

The bomb explosion was one of the worst acts of terrorism that Italy has experienced in recent years.

terrorist noun /ˈter.ə.rɪst/ [C] terrorista (!)

There has been an increase in terrorist attacks.

The terrorists are threatening to blow up the plane.

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


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