4. Időtöltés, szokások B1B2 (31) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Időtöltés, elfoglaltság (16) 2. Szokás, megszokás (15)
2. Szokás, megszokás – B1–B2 (15) | Szavak |
adapt verb /əˈdæpt/ 1 alkalmazkodik vmihez, beilleszkedik vhova [I]
It takes time to adapt to a new working environment.
adjust verb /əˈdʒʌst/ 2 hozzászokik vmihez, alkalmazkodik vmihez [I]
They found it hard to adjust to life in a new country.
flexibility noun /ˌflek.sɪˈbɪl.ə.ti/ [U] rugalmasság (alkalmazkodóképesség)
The advantage of this system is its flexibility.
habit noun /ˈhæb.ɪt/ [C or U] 1 szokás, megszokás
healthy eating habits
I always buy the same toothpaste out of habit.
I'm trying not to get into the habit of having biscuits with my coffee.
He can't break the habit of switching on the TV when he comes home at night.
I'm not really in the habit of looking at other people's clothes, but even I noticed that awful yellow suit!
habit noun /ˈhæb.ɪt/ [C or U] 2 (rossz) szokás
He has some really annoying/nasty habits.
I was taught to drive by my boyfriend and I'm afraid I've picked up some of his bad habits.
smoker noun /ˈsməʊ.kər/ [C] dohányos
a cigarette/pipe smoker
non-smoking adjective /ˌnɒnˈsməʊ.kɪŋ/ nemdohányzó (hely)
Let's get a table in the non-smoking area.
Phrasal verbs:
give up ↔ (sth) /gɪv/ leszokik vmiről (pl. dohányzásról)
I gave up smoking two years ago.
Don't offer him a cigarette, he's trying to give up.
give up ↔ sth /gɪv/ abbahagy vmit (pl. rendszeres tevékenységet, munkát)
We're going to give up our sports club membership after this year.
settle down /ˈset.l̩/ 1 berendezkedik/beilleszkedik vhova
She quickly settled down in her new house/job/school.
Phrases and idioms:
be obsessed by/with sb/sth állandóan csak ugyanazon jár az esze
to be obsessed with money/work
be used to sb/sth/doing sth hozzá van szokva vmihez/vkihez
We're used to tourists here - we get thousands every year.
He's used to working long hours.
be/get hooked on sth odavan vmiért, rabja vminek
He's completely hooked on computer games.
get/become used to sb/sth/doing sth hozzászokik vmihez/vkihez
You'll get used to Ted eventually.
Climbers soon become used to the thinner air at 5000 metres.
used to do/be sth régebben szokott csinálni vmit/volt vmi (múltbeli szokás/állapot kifejezése)
She used to live in Detroit.
He used to be a pilot.
You don't come and see me like you used to.
When we were younger, we didn't used to drink coffee.
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
12. Életmód, szabadidő – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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