4. Kereskedelem B2 (32) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
Kereskedelem* (32)
Kereskedelem* – B2 (32) (Piac, marketing; Kereskedés, üzletkötés; Raktározás, szállítás) | Szavak |
compete verb /kəmˈpiːt/ [I] 2 verseng, konkurál
It's difficult for a small supermarket to compete against/with the big supermarkets.
Both girls compete for their father's attention.
export verb /ɪkˈspɔːt/ [I or T] exportál (árut)
French cheeses are exported to many different countries.
Our clothes sell so well in this country that we have no need to export.
import verb /ɪmˈpɔːt/ [T] importál (árut)
We import a large number of cars from Japan.
introduce verb /ˌɪn.trəˈdjuːs/ [T] 2 bevezet, behoz (vmi újat, újdonságot) (terméket, gondolatot, stb.)
The smaller 10 pence coin was introduced in 1992.
We have introduced a new training schedule for employees.
launch verb /lɔːntʃ/ [T] 2 piacra dob, elindít (új terméket, szolgáltatást, stb.)
The book was launched last February.
The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.
load verb /ləʊd/ [I or T] 1 megrak, telerak, berak, berakodik; tölt, megtölt
How long will it take to load this sand onto the lorry?
Let's load up the car and then we can go.
to load the dishwasher/washing machine
promote verb /prəˈməʊt/ [T] 2 reklámoz vmit
The band is promoting their new album.
trade verb /treɪd/ [I or T] kereskedik
For centuries, Native Americans traded with European settlers.
The company has been trading in oil for many years.
The two countries have become close trading partners.
Our books are traded right across Asia.
transport verb /trænˈspɔːt/ [T] szállít, elszállít, átszállít, fuvaroz
The goods are packed in boxes and transported overseas.
Such heavy items are expensive to transport by plane.
The pipeline was constructed to transport oil to ports on the coast.
advertising noun /ˈæd.və.taɪ.zɪŋ/ [U] hirdetés, reklám (ipar/szakma)
Fiona works in advertising.
the advertising industry
agent noun /ˈeɪ.dʒənt/ [C] 1 ügynök (üzleti)
Please contact our agent in Spain for further information.
client noun /ˈklaɪ.ənt/ [C] ügyfél; kliens (felhasználó)
We're losing a lot of our clients.
commerce noun /ˈkɒm.ɜːs/ [U] kereskedelem
the world of commerce and industry
commercial noun /kəˈmɜː.ʃəl/ [C] reklám, hirdetés (Tv-ben, rádióban, stb.)
I tend to switch off during the commercials.
competition noun /ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/ 2 versengés, konkurencia [U]
Competition for jobs is intense.
There's a lot of competition between computer companies.
The two companies are in competition with each other.
consumer noun /kənˈsjuː.mər/ [C] fogyasztó (ember)
The new telephone rates will affect all consumers including businesses.
consumer rights/advice
deal noun /dɪəl/ üzlet, megegyezés, megállapodás [C]
a business deal
I'll make/do a deal with you - you wash the car and I'll let you use it tonight.
dealer noun /ˈdiː.lər/ [C] kereskedő
a second-hand car dealer
an antiques dealer
drug dealers
export noun /ˈek.spɔːt/ [C or U] export; exportcikk
Coffee is one of Brazil's main exports.
India grows tea for export.
We are planning to develop our export market.
introduction noun /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən/ 3 bevezetés (újdonságé) [U]
the introduction of a range of new products
The introduction of new working practices has dramatically improved productivity.
load noun /ləʊd/ [C] rakomány, teher
One truck involved in the accident was carrying a heavy load of coal.
The maximum load for this lift is eight persons.
marketing noun /ˈmɑː.kɪ.tɪŋ/ [U] marketing, piacszervezés
a career in marketing/sales and marketing
promotion noun /prəˈməʊ.ʃən/ 1 reklám, reklámozás [C or U]
a sales promotion
They're giving away free T-shirts as a special promotion.
Obviously as sales manager he'll be very involved in the promotion and marketing of the product.
publicity noun /pʌbˈlɪs.ə.ti/ [U] hírverés; közfigyelem
bad/good publicity
We've planned an exciting publicity campaign with our advertisers.
supplier noun /səˈplaɪ.ər/ [C] szállító, beszállító
They used to be a leading supplier of military equipment.
supply noun /səˈplaɪ/ [C or U] készlet; ellátmány vmiből
a supply of water
Our food supplies were running out.
We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.
terms noun /tɜːmz/ [plural] feltételek (pl. szerződésben, megállapodásban)
your terms of employment
Under the terms of their contract, employees must give 3 months' notice if they leave.
transfer noun /ˈtræns.fɜːr/ [C or U] átszállítás; átutalás; átigazolás; áthelyezés, átvitel
the transfer of information
Black's transfer to an Italian football club came as a shock to Coventry supporters.
transport noun /ˈtræn.spɔːt/ [U] 2 szállítás, fuvarozás
the transport of live animals
The company will arrange transport from the airport.
commercial adjective /kəˈmɜː.ʃəl/ 1 kereskedelmi (adás-vétellel kapcsolatos)
a commercial organization/success
The commercial future of the company looks very promising.
competitive adjective /kəmˈpet.ə.tɪv/ 3 versenyképes (ár, szolgáltatás)
They offer good quality goods at competitive prices.
Phrasal verbs:
bring out ↔ sth /brɪŋ/ kihoz (piacra dob)
They've just brought out a new, smaller phone.
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
18. Gazdaság, ipar – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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