5. Gyakoriság, folytonosság B2 (32) – altémák


Gyakoriság, folytonosság* (32)

Gyakoriság, folytonosság* – B2 (32) (Rendszeresen, gyakran; Néha, alkalomszerűen; Folytonosság, tartósság) Szavak

would modal verb /wʊd/ 5 gyakran (múltbeli szokásos cselekvés kifejezése) also: 'd

He would always turn and wave at the end of the street.

cycle noun /ˈsaɪ.kl̩/ [C] 1 körforgás, ciklus

the cycle of the seasons

series noun /ˈsɪə.riz/ [C] plural: series 2 sorozat (hasonló dolgok/események egymás után)

He's had a series of tests at the hospital but they can't find anything wrong.

She gave a series of lectures at Warwick University last year on contemporary British writers.

casual adjective /ˈkæʒ.ju.əl/ 2 alkalomszerű (nem tervezett); közömbös, nemtörődöm [always before noun]

a casual meeting/remark

constant adjective /ˈkɒnt.stənt/ 1 állandó, folytonos

He's in constant trouble with the police.

These machines are in constant use.

continuous adjective /kənˈtɪn.ju.əs/ 2 folytonos, szakadatlan

continuous pain

My computer makes a continuous low buzzing noise.

A continuous white line in the middle of the road means no overtaking.

gradual adjective /ˈgræd.jʊ.əl/ fokozatos

a gradual change/improvement

hourly adjective /ˈaʊə.li/ 1 óránkénti (gyakoriság)

There's an hourly bus service into town.

A nurse checked him at hourly intervals.

irregular adjective /ɪˈreg.jə.lər/ 2 rendszertelen, szabálytalan (időben)

They met at irregular intervals.

regular adjective /ˈreg.jʊ.lər/ 4 szabályos, egyenletes, rendszeres (időköz/távolság)

I suggested that we meet on a regular basis.

Plant the seedlings at regular intervals.

steady adjective /ˈsted.i/ 1 folyamatos, kitartó

Orders for new ships are rising, after several years of steady decline.

Over the last 10 years, he has produced a steady flow/stream of articles and papers.

Progress has been slow but steady.

always adverb /ˈɔːl.weɪz/ 4 folyton, állandóan, örökösen

He's always losing his keys.

annually adverb /ˈæn.ju.ə.li/ évenként, évente

Your starting salary is £28,000 per year and will be reviewed annually.

constantly adverb /ˈkɒnt.stənt.li/ állandóan

He's constantly changing his mind.

She has the television on constantly.

continuously adverb /kənˈtɪn.ju.əs.li/ megállás nélkül, folyamatosan

You can't work continuously for six hours without a break!

gradually adverb /ˈgræd.jə.li/ fokozatosan

Gradually, she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth.

occasionally adverb /əˈkeɪ.ʒən.əl.i/ időnként

I see him occasionally in town.

Occasionally I'll have a piece of chocolate, but it's quite rare.

seldom adverb /ˈsel.dəm/ ritkán (nem gyakran)

We seldom go out in the evenings.

steadily adverb /ˈsted.əl.i/ folyamatosan, kitartóan

Prices have increased steadily since the war.

temporarily adverb /ˌtem.pəˈrer.ə.li/ ideiglenesen

This office is closed temporarily for redecoration.

Phrases and idioms:

all over again újra elölről

We had to start all over again.

(every) once in a while nagy néha

We do go to the beach once in a while.

for once ez egyszer

For once, the bus came on time.

from time to time néha, időnként

From time to time I still think of her.

in a row egymás után, egyfolytában (sorozatban)

He's just won the tournament for the fifth year in a row.

little by litte lassan, lassanként

Little by little, the boy learned to trust us.

now and then néha, hébe-hóba

I love chocolate, but I only eat it now and then.

on a daily/monthly/regular, etc. basis napi/havi/szabályos rendszerességgel (naponta/hetente/rendszeresen stb.)

Meetings are held on a weekly basis.

over and over (again) újra meg újra

I read the article over and over till it made sense.

whenever possible amikor csak lehetséges

I try to use olive oil whenever possible.

wherever possible amikor csak lehetséges

Wherever possible I use honey instead of sugar.

We try to sell local fruit and vegetables wherever possible.

yet again már megint, újra (már sokadszorra)

The bus was late yet again.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

25. Idő, gyakoriság – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

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