4. Beletartozás, kapcsolat B2 (42) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
Beletartozás, kapcsolat* (18) 3. Kapcsolat, összefüggés, függőség (24)
Beletartozás, kapcsolat* – B2 (18) (Beletartozás, összevonás, kiegészítés; Kizárás, felosztás) | Szavak |
combine verb /kəmˈbaɪn/ [I or T] egyesül, kever; egyesít, keveredik
My wages combined with your savings should just about pay for it.
The band combines jazz rhythms and romantic lyrics.
compose verb /kəmˈpəʊz/ 1 alkot, képez vmit [T often passive]
The committee was composed of elected leaders and citizens.
separate verb /ˈsep.ər.eɪt/ 1 szétválik; szétválaszt; elválaszt (részekre oszt) [I or T]
I separated the class into three groups.
The north and south of the country are separated by a mountain range.
The top and bottom sections are quite difficult to separate.
split verb /splɪt/ *(splitting, split, split) 1 szétválik; szétválaszt (kisebb részekre/csoportokra) [I or T] also: split up
The teacher split the children (up) into three groups.
combination noun /ˌkɒm.bɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ [C or U] kombináció, összeállítás
Strawberries and cream - a perfect combination.
A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
This drug can be safely used in combination with other medicines.
Her experience and energy are a winning combination in business.
division noun /dɪˈvɪʒ.ən/ 1 elosztás, megosztás, szétosztás [U]
the equal division of labour between workers
element noun /ˈel.ɪ.mənt/ [C] 1 rész, elem, alapelem, alkotóelem (része vminek)
List the elements which make up a perfect dinner party.
The film had all the elements of a good thriller.
ingredient noun /ɪnˈgriː.di.ənt/ [C often plural] 2 alkotórész, kellék (pl. sikerhez, eredményességhez)
Trust is an essential ingredient in a successful marriage.
separation noun /ˌsep.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ [C or U] 1 elválasztás, szétválasztás; elválás, szétválás
During the war, many couples had to face long periods of separation.
the separation of church and state
entire adjective /ɪnˈtaɪər/ [always before noun] egész, teljes
Between them they ate an entire cake.
He'd spent the entire journey asleep.
external adjective /ɪkˈstɜː.nəl/ 2 külső, idegen (kívülálló/külföldi)
Most news magazines have a section devoted to external affairs.
All exams are marked by an external examiner.
united adjective /jʊˈnaɪ.tɪd/ 1 egyesült; egyesített (csoport, szervezet, stb.)
The whole village was united in their grief.
It was the first film festival to take place in a united Germany.
otherwise adverb /ˈʌð.ə.waɪz/ 2 ettől eltekintve
The bike needs a new saddle, but otherwise it's in good condition.
The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise splendid film.
separately adverb /ˈsep.ər.ət.li/ külön (nem együtt)
Detectives interviewed the men separately.
I tend to wear the jacket and skirt separately rather than as a suit.
I think we'd better deal with these two points separately.
Phrasal verbs:
leave out ↔ sb/sth /liːv/ kihagy vkit/vmit (vmiből); mellőz vkit/vmit
You can leave the butter out of this recipe if you're on a low-fat diet.
I've made a list of names - I hope I haven't left anyone out.
None of the other children play with her, and I think she feels rather left out.
Phrases and idioms:
along with sb/sth együtt vkivel/vmivel
California along with Florida is probably the most popular American holiday destination.
among the best/worst/biggest, etc. legjobbak/legrosszabbak/legnagyobbak/stb. között
He is among the top five tennis players in the country.
aside from sth eltekintve vmitől, nem számítva vmit
This document needs finishing, but aside from that I think everything is done.
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
30. Feltétel, összefüggés – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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