4. Katonaság, háború C1 (18) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
Katonaság, háború* (18)
Katonaság, háború* – C1 (18) (Katonaság; Fegyverek; Háború, csata) | Szavak |
conquer verb /ˈkɒŋ.kər/ meghódít (országot); leigáz (népet); leküzd (nehézséget) [I or T]
The English were conquered by the Normans in 1066.
march verb /mɑːtʃ/ [I] 2 vonul, menetel (katonák)
The soldiers marched 90 miles in three days.
occupy verb /ˈɒk.jʊ.paɪ/ [T] 3 megszáll (katonaság)
The troops eventually occupied most of the island.
resist verb /rɪˈzɪst/ 2 ellenáll (támadásnak) [T]
British troops resisted the attack for two days.
serve verb /sɜːv/ 4 szolgálatot teljesít (pl. katonaságnál, kormányzatnál, stb.) [I or T]
to serve in the army
to serve on a committee/jury
He served as mayor for 5 years.
He always wanted to serve his country.
spy verb /spaɪ/ kémkedik [I]
He was accused of spying.
campaign noun /kæmˈpeɪn/ [C] 2 hadjárat
a bombing campaign
defence noun /dɪˈfents/ 3 honvédelem [U]
Government spending on defence is increasing.
the defence industry
fleet noun /fliːt/ [C] 1 flotta (hajóraj)
The entire naval fleet was used for the operation.
liberation noun /ˌlɪb.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ [C or U] felszabadulás; felszabadítás
Leaving school was such a liberation for me.
the liberation of all political prisoners
operation noun /ˌɒp.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ [C] 2 művelet, akció (mentési, katonai, stb.) [C]
a military operation
Following the earthquake, a large-scale rescue operation was launched.
The operation to fly in supplies will begin as soon as possible.
power noun /paʊər/ 5 erő (katonai, gazdasági, stb.) [U]
economic/military power
rank noun /ræŋk/ [C or U] rang, pozíció (katonai, társadalmi, stb.)
senior/high/junior/low rank
He has just been promoted to the rank of captain.
tactic noun /ˈtæk.tɪk/ [C] taktika
These bomb attacks represent a change of tactics by the terrorists.
tank noun /tæŋk/ [C] 1 tank, harckocsi (!)
Tanks rolled into the city at dawn.
warrior noun /ˈwɒr.i.ər/ [C] harcos
the warrior heroes of ancient Greece
strategic adjective /strəˈtiː.dʒɪk/ stratégiai (üzleti, politikai, háborús, stb.)
strategic planning
strategic weapons
The new offices are in a strategic location, with easy access to the motorway.
Phrases and idioms:
the military a katonaság (!)
The military has opposed any cuts in defence spending.
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
20. Társadalom – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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