5. Képzelet, emlékezés C1 (23) – altémák


Képzelet, emlékezés* (23)

Képzelet, emlékezés* – C1 (23) (Hit, valóság; Képzelet, fantázia; Feltevés, feltételezés; Emlékezés, felejtés) Szavak

daydream verb /ˈdeɪ.driːm/ [I] ábrándozik, álmodozik

She just sits in class daydreaming about her horses.

doubt verb /daʊt/ [T] 2 kételkedik vkiben/vmiben (nem hisz vkinek/vmiben)

Do you have any reason to doubt her?

picture verb /ˈpɪk.tʃər/ [T] elképzel, (lelki szemeivel) lát

The house isn't at all how I had pictured it.

presume verb /prɪˈzjuːm/ feltételez, vélelmez [T]

I presume (that) they're not coming, since they haven't replied to the invitation.

You are Dr Smith, I presume?

"Are we walking to the hotel?" "I presume not/so."

The universe is presumed to contain many other planets with some form of life.

suppose verb /səˈpəʊz/ feltételez vmit [T]

He found it a lot more difficult to get a job than he supposed it would be.

It is widely supposed (that) the minister will be forced to resign.

assumption noun /əˈsʌmp.ʃən/ feltételezés [C]

People tend to make assumptions about you when you have a disability.

These calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise.

fiction noun /ˈfɪk.ʃən/ 2 fikció, kitalálás, képzelgés [U or no plural]

Nobody knows whether his statement is fact or fiction.

Everything she had said turned out to be a complete fiction.

myth noun /mɪθ/ 2 mítosz, téveszme, kitaláció [C]

It's a myth that men are better drivers than women.

reminder noun /rɪˈmaɪn.dər/ [C] emlékeztető

If he forgot to pay his rent, his landlady would send him a reminder.

speculation noun /ˌspek.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/ [U] találgatás, feltételezés; (üzleti) spekuláció

She has dismissed the claims as pure speculation.

alleged adjective /əˈledʒd/ [always before noun] állítólagos

an alleged attack

apparent adjective /əˈpær.ənt/ 2 látszólagos [always before noun]

I was a little surprised by her apparent lack of interest.

imaginary adjective /ɪˈmædʒ.ɪn.ər.i/ képzeletbeli

The story takes place in an imaginary world.

unreal adjective /ʌnˈrɪəl/ valószerűtlen, furcsa; irreális (nehezen hihető)

For a while I couldn't believe she was dead - it all seemed unreal.

incredibly adverb /ɪnˈkred.ə.bli/ 2 hihetetlenül (alig hihetően)

Incredibly, no one was hurt.

realistically adverb /ˌrɪəˈlɪs.tɪk.li/ 1 élethűen, valószerűen

The characters are portrayed very realistically.

seemingly adverb /ˈsiː.mɪŋ.li/ látszólag

a seemingly harmless comment

supposedly adverb /səˈpəʊ.zɪd.li/ vélhetően; állítólag

Well, the tickets are supposedly in the mail.

Phrasal verbs:

brush up (on) sth /brʌʃ/ felfrissít (pl. tudást)

I thought I'd brush up on my French before going to Paris.

store up sth /stɔːr/ 1 elraktároz (megjegyez, emlékezetben megtart)

I've been listening to their conversations and storing it all up for future use.

Phrases and idioms:

at face value látszatnak hisz; készpénznek vesz vmit

You can't just accept everything you read in the newspapers at face value.

These results should not be taken at face value - careful analysis is required to assess their full implications.

be satisfied that elfogad (elhisz) (kielégítőnek tart érvelést/magyarázatot)

The judge was satisfied that she was telling the truth.

come to mind eszébe jut

I was thinking about who might be suitable for this job, and your name came to mind.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

33. Gondolkozás, megértés – kapcsolódó leckék:


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