2. Kormányzat, politika C1C2 (105) – altémák

4. Hatóság, igazgatás – C1–C2 (29) Szavak

authorize verb /ˈɔː.θər.aɪz/ [T] also UK: authorise felhatalmaz vmire

His manager had authorized the expenditure.

expire verb /ɪkˈspaɪər/ [I] lejár (az érvényessége vminek) (útlevélé, szerződésé, stb.)

Your contract expired six months ago.

impose verb /ɪmˈpəʊz/ [T] 1 bevezet vmit, kivet vmit vkire/vmire (adót, büntetést, rendeletet, stb.)

Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.

Judges are imposing increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences.

The council has imposed a ban on alcohol in the city parks.

notify verb /ˈnəʊ.tɪ.faɪ/ [T] (formal) (hivatalosan) értesít vkit, közöl vkivel

You should notify the police if you are involved in a road accident.

The court notified her that her trial date had been postponed.

regulate verb /ˈreg.jə.leɪt/ [T] 1 szabályoz (szabályok előírásával) (tevékenységet, eljárást)

laws regulating advertising

review verb /rɪˈvjuː/ [T] 2 felülvizsgál (ügyet, döntést, stb.)

The courts will review her case.

The committee is reviewing the current arrangement.

tax verb /tæks/ [T] megadóztat

Husbands and wives may be taxed independently/together.

authority noun /ɔːˈθɒr.ə.ti/ 2 hatóság [C]

the local housing authority

bureaucracy noun /bjʊəˈrɒk.rə.si/ 1 bürokrácia (bonyolult/felesleges szabályok/eljárások) [U]

government bureaucracy

bureaucracy noun /bjʊəˈrɒk.rə.si/ 2 közigazgatás [C or U]

The country has a powerful bureaucracy.

capacity noun /kəˈpæs.ə.ti/ 3 pozíció, állás (vmilyen hivatalos minősége vkinek) [C]

He attended over 100 events last year in his capacity as mayor.

code noun /kəʊd/ 2 szabályzat, kódex [C]

a code of conduct/practice

The club has a strict dress code.

inspection noun /ɪnˈspek.ʃən/ [C or U] 1 ellenőrző látogatás

Fire officers carried out an inspection of the building.

official noun /əˈfɪʃ.əl/ [C] tisztviselő; hivatalos személy

a UN official

a government/trade-union official

permit noun /ˈpɜː.mɪt/ [C] engedély (hivatalos dokumentum)

a work permit

You need a permit to park your car here.

regulation noun /ˌreg.jʊˈleɪ.ʃən/ 2 szabályozás (pl. folyamaté, tevékenységé) [U]

government regulation of interest rates

resolution noun /ˌrez.əlˈuː.ʃən/ 1 (hivatalos) határozat [C]

Congress passed a resolution in support of the plan.

Our branch has submitted a resolution on housing to the conference.

restriction noun /rɪˈstrɪk.ʃən/ [C or U] 2 korlátozás (szabály/törvény)

speed/parking restrictions

There are restrictions on how many goods you can bring into the country.

The president urged other countries to lift the trade restrictions.

review noun /rɪˈvjuː/ 2 felülvizsgálat (ügyé, döntésé, stb.) [C or U]

a review of teachers' pay

Salary levels are under review at the moment.

eligible adjective /ˈel.ɪ.dʒə.bl̩/ jogosult vmire

Only people over 18 are eligible to vote.

You might be eligible for a grant for your studies.

municipal adjective /mjuːˈnɪs.ɪ.pəl/ városi, helyhatósági

municipal tennis courts

a municipal council/election

restrictive adjective /rɪˈstrɪk.tɪv/ korlátozó (irányvonal, szabályozás, stb.)

restrictive practices

formally adverb /ˈfɔː.məl.i/ 1 hivatalosan, szabályszerűen

The deal will be formally announced on Tuesday.

officially adverb /əˈfɪʃ.əl.i/ hivatalosan (megnyit, bejelent, stb.)

The new hospital was officially opened yesterday.

The royal engagement was announced officially this morning.

technically adverb /ˈtek.nɪk.li/ 2 igazság szerint, technikailag (a szabályokat/tényeket precízen értelmezve)

Irvine is technically British but lives in Dublin and races for the Irish team.

Phrases and idioms:

be authorized to do sth fel van hatalmazva vmire

Only managers are authorized to sign expense forms.

bend/stretch the rules rugalmasan kezeli a szabályokat

We don't usually let students take books home, but I'll bend the rules on this occasion.

do sth by the book az előírásoknak megfelelően cselekszik

If you want to get permission for the building, you'll need to do everything by the book.

red tape bürokrácia, felesleges szabályok, aktatologatás

We need to cut through all this red tape.

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20. Társadalom – kapcsolódó leckék:


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