1. Hasonlítás, fok, mérték C1C2 (118) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
Hasonlítás, fok, mérték* (12) 1. Hasonlítás, fokozás (23) 2. Nagy, jelentős (36) 3. Intenzív, heves (16) 6. Részben, kismértékben (31)
6. Részben, kismértékben – C1–C2 (31) | Szavak |
moderate verb /ˈmɒd.ər.eɪt/ [T] mérsékel; mérséklődik
He's trying to moderate his drinking.
middle adjective /ˈmɪd.l̩/ [always before noun] 2 közép-, közepes (szint, mennyiség, méret)
middle managers
middle income families
mild adjective /maɪld/ 3 enyhe, könnyű, szelíd, finom (nem heves/komoly/erős)
She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.
He has suffered a mild heart attack - nothing too serious.
a mild form of the disease
narrow adjective /ˈnær.əʊ/ 2 szűk (átv.) (korlátozott)
He has narrow interests.
It was regarded as a very narrow interpretation of the law.
remote adjective /rɪˈməʊt/ 3 halvány (csekély) (lehetőség, esély, stb.)
There is a remote possibility that it could be cancer.
subtle adjective /ˈsʌt.l/ 2 finom (nem erős/intenzív) (íz, szín, illat, stb.)
The garlic has a more subtle flavour than you might imagine.
superficial adjective /ˌsuː.pəˈfɪ.ʃəl/ 2 felszínes, nagyjából vett (hasonlóság, elegancia, stb.)
a superficial resemblance
basically adverb /ˈbeɪ.sɪk.li/ 2 alapvetően, alapjában véve (jórészt, legnagyobbrészt)
These two machines are basically the same, but you get a few extra features in the more expensive one.
The two approaches are basically very similar.
Yes, that's basically correct.
broadly adverb /ˈbrɔːd.li/ általában, nagyjából
The plans have been broadly accepted.
Broadly speaking, don't you think women make better drivers than men?
lightly adverb /ˈlaɪt.li/ 2 enyhén, egy kissé
lightly cooked vegetables
little adverb /ˈlɪt.l̩/ kevéssé (nem nagyon/nem eléggé)
a little-known fact
Little did he know what lay in store for him.
merely adverb /ˈmɪə.li/ 2 csupán, csak (nem olyan nagyon/lényegesen/hatásosan, stb.)
The medicine doesn't make you better, it merely stops the pain.
moderately adverb /ˈmɒd.ər.ət.li/ mérsékelten
There's very little moderately priced housing in this area.
The company remains moderately profitable, but it is not making as much money as it should.
modestly adverb /ˈmɒd.ɪst.li/ 1 szerényen, mérsékelten; visszafogottan
At just £9, the DVD is very modestly priced.
partially adverb /ˈpɑː.ʃəl.i/ részlegesen
partially cooked
predominantly adverb /prɪˈdɒm.ɪ.nənt.li/ túlnyomóan (javarészt/főleg)
a predominantly Asian community
somewhat adverb /ˈsʌm.wɒt/ (slightly formal) némileg; meglehetősen
The resort has changed somewhat over the last few years.
She's somewhat more confident than she used to be.
We were somewhat tired after our long walk.
sufficiently adverb /səˈfɪʃ.ənt.li/ eléggé (a szükséges mértékig)
The following day she felt sufficiently well to go to work.
superficially adverb /ˌsuː.pəˈfɪʃ.əl.i/ felszínesen, felszínét tekintve; felületesen
Superficially, he is impressive, but his knowledge is really very slight.
Phrases and idioms:
a bit of a change/fool/problem, etc. egy kis változás/probléma/stb. (nem fontos/komoly)
I am a bit of a romantic.
It was a bit of a shock.
a matter of days/weeks/feet etc. mindössze napok/hetek/egy láb/stb. (kicsinység/rövidség hangsúlyozása)
The aircraft missed each other by a matter of feet.
a/some degree of sth bizonyos fokú/mértékű vmi
There was some degree of truth in what she said.
The plan involves a degree of risk, but it is worth trying.
all but majdnem, csaknem
The film was all but over by the time we arrived.
comparative comfort/freedom/silence, etc. viszonylagos kényelem/szabadság/csönd/stb.
I enjoyed the comparative calm of his flat after the busy office.
comparatively cheap/easy/little, etc. viszonylag olcsó/könnyű/kicsi/stb.
The climb was comparatively easy.
far from sth egyáltalán nem (vmi/vmilyen)
The situation is far from clear.
in part részben (formal)
He is in part to blame for the accident.
none too clean/clever/pleased, etc. egyáltalán nem tiszta/okos/elégedett/stb.
His clothes were none too clean.
not exactly easy/new/rich, etc. nem éppen könnyű/új/gazdag/stb. (tréfás/bosszús hangsúllyal) (informal)
Let's face it, we're not exactly rich, are we?
not nearly (as/so) közel sem/sincs
It's not nearly as expensive as I thought.
There are not nearly enough jobs to go round.
nowhere near megközelítőleg/távolról sem
The house was nowhere near the sea.
It's nowhere near time for us to leave yet.
I'm nowhere near finishing the book - I'm only half-way through it.
He's nowhere near as tall as his sister.
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*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
27. Fok, mérték – kapcsolódó leckék: |
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