5. Hobbi, játék – Top 3000 (28) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Hobbi (20) 2. Játék (8)
1. Hobbi – Top 3000 (20) | Szavak |
collect verb /kəˈlekt/ 1 gyűjt vmit (hobbi) [T]
She collects dolls.
So when did you start collecting antique glass?
do verb /duː/ *(did, done) 5 vmilyen tevékenységet folytat/űz (pl. sport)
She does yoga in her spare time.
draw verb /drɔː/ *(drew, drawn) 1 rajzol, lerajzol [I or T]
Jonathan can draw beautifully.
The children drew pictures of their families.
Draw a line at the bottom of the page.
fish verb /fɪʃ/ [I] halászik, horgászik
They're fishing for tuna.
join verb /dʒɔɪn/ 1 belép (klubba, pártba, stb.) (tagja lesz vminek) [I or T]
I felt so unfit after Christmas that I decided to join a gym.
It's a great club. Why don't you join?
practise verb /ˈpræk.tɪs/ [I or T] 1 gyakorol (fejleszti a képességét vmiben)
She practises the violin every day.
I'm quite good at tennis but I need to practise my serve.
His written French is very good but he needs to practise speaking it.
teach verb /tiːtʃ/ *(taught, taught) 2 megtanít (hogyan kell vmit csinálni) [T]
My dad taught me to drive.
Can you teach me how to knit?
activity noun /ækˈtɪv.ə.ti/ 1 (szabadidős) tevékenység, időtöltés, elfoglaltság [C usually plural]
The centre offers a range of activities, such as cycling, swimming and tennis.
album noun /ˈæl.bəm/ [C] 2 album (fényképalbum, bélyegalbum, stb.)
We looked through his photo albums together.
camera noun /ˈkæm.rə/ [C] fényképezőgép, filmfelvevő gép, kamera
I forgot to take my camera with me to Portugal, so I couldn't take any photos.
Television camera crews broadcast the event all round the world.
club noun /klʌb/ [C + singular or plural verb] 1 klub, egyesület
I've just joined the local golf/squash/tennis club.
a health and fitness club
Visitors must be accompanied by club members.
drawing noun /ˈdrɔː.ɪŋ/ [C or U] rajz; rajzolás
Rosie loves drawing.
She gave me a beautiful drawing of a horse.
entry noun /ˈen.tri/ 3 nevezés, benevezés, jelentkezés; nevező (versenyre); belépés (pl. szervezetbe) [U]
Are there lots of exams for entry into the legal profession?
Have you filled in your entry form yet?
fishing noun /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ [U] halászat; horgászat, horgászás
My dad loves to go fishing.
salmon fishing
Fishing is still their main source of income.
member noun /ˈmem.bər/ [C] tag (csoporté, szervezeté)
family/staff members
a member of the older generation
He was a member of the university rowing club.
membership noun /ˈmem.bə.ʃɪp/ 1 tagság (egy szervezethez tartozás) [U]
membership of the EU
I've applied for membership of the union.
a membership card/fee
model noun /ˈmɒd.əl/ [C] 2 modell, makett (kicsinyített másolat)
a model of the railway
By looking at this model you can get a better idea of how the bridge will look.
a plastic model aircraft
photo noun /ˈfəʊ.təʊ/ [C] plural: photos fénykép, felvétel
She took a lot of photos of the kids.
holiday/wedding photos
photograph noun /ˈfəʊ.tə.grɑːf/ [C] also informal: photo fénykép, felvétel
a colour/black-and-white photograph
My parents took a lot of photographs of us when we were small.
practice noun /ˈpræk.tɪs/ 1 gyakorlat; gyakorlás (képesség fejlesztése) [U]
We need a bit more practice before the concert.
Are you coming to cricket practice this evening?
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
12. Életmód, szabadidő – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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