1. Gazdaság, vállalatok – Top 3000 (24) – altémák


Gazdaság, vállalatok* (24)

Gazdaság, vállalatok* – Top 3000 (24) (Vállalat, vállalkozás; Gazdaság, pénzügy; Nyereség, veszteség) Szavak

establish verb /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ/ [T often passive] 1 alapít, felállít, létesít (vállalatot, szervezetet, kapcsolatot, stb.)

The firm was established in 2010.

Our goal is to establish a new research centre in the North.

fund verb /fʌnd/ [T] anyagilag támogat, finanszíroz vmit (tevékenységet, szervezetet, stb.)

The company has agreed to fund my trip to Australia.

The new college is being privately funded.

invest verb /ɪnˈvest/ [I or T] 1 befektet (pénzt)

The institute will invest 5 million in the project.

He's not certain whether to invest in the real estate market.

agency noun /ˈeɪ.dʒənt.si/ [C] 1 ügynökség, iroda (vmilyen szolgáltatást nyújtó üzlet, vállalkozás)

an advertising/employment/estate/travel agency

branch noun /brɑːntʃ/ [C] 2 fióküzlet, fiókiroda; üzletág

I used to work in the local branch of a large bank.

She's a branch manager.

budget noun /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/ [C] költségvetés, büdzsé

an annual budget of £40 million

They are over/under/on/within budget.

They have a very tight budget.

business noun /ˈbɪz.nɪs/ 2 üzlet, vállalkozás, cég [C]

He runs a small IT business.

The two brothers set up/started up a fashion business.

company noun /ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ 1 cég, vállalat, társaság [C]

He works for a software company/a company that makes software.

I work for Duggan and Company.

cost noun /kɒst/ 1 költség, ár (pénzbeni ráfordítás) [C or U]

The cost of building materials has risen.

The cruise ship was built at a cost of $400 million.

Software is included at no extra cost.

The supermarket chain announced that it was cutting the cost of all its fresh and frozen meat.

The cost of living has gone up.

crisis noun /ˈkraɪ.sɪs/ [C or U] plural: crises válság, krízis

an economic/financial crisis

The country's leadership is in crisis.

We had a family crisis at the time.

division noun /dɪˈvɪʒ.ən/ 2 osztály, részleg (üzleti, szervezeti) [C]

the sales division

economy noun /ɪˈkɒn.ə.mi/ [C] gazdaság, gazdasági élet/helyzet/rendszer

the German/US economy

the global economy

a weak/strong economy

The economy has been growing at a rapid rate these past five years.

Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the country's economy.

expense noun /ɪkˈspents/ [C or U] ráfordítás; költség

Buying a bigger car has proved to be well worth the expense.

We've just had a new garage built at great expense.

It's silly to go to the expense of buying new clothes when you don't really need them.

You have to pay/cover your own medical expenses.

finance noun /ˈfaɪ.nænts/ pénzügy [U]

the finance minister

You need to speak to someone in the finance department.

The finance committee controls the school's budget.

firm noun /fɜːm/ [C] cég

She works for an electronics firm.

He's just started working for an accountancy firm in Bristol.

fund noun /fʌnd/ (vmilyen célra gyűjtött) pénz, pénzalap [C]

a pension fund

inflation noun /ɪnˈfleɪ.ʃən/ [U] infláció, áremelkedés

high/low inflation

the rate of inflation

3% inflation

investment noun /ɪnˈvest.mənt/ 1 befektetés, beruházás (pénz) [C or U]

Stocks are regarded as good long-term investments.

The account requires a minimum investment of $1000.

profit noun /ˈprɒf.ɪt/ [C or U] profit, haszon, nyereség

The company made a huge profit on the deal.

Company profits are down on last year's figures.

He sold his house at a huge profit.

representative noun /ˌrep.rɪˈzen.tə.tɪv/ [C] képviselő, megbízott

The firm has two representatives in every European city.

resource noun /rɪˈzɔːs/ [C] erőforrás; anyagi eszközök/források

natural resources

Britain's mineral resources include oil, coal and gas deposits.

tax noun /tæks/ [C or U] adó

They're putting up the tax on cigarettes.

Tax cuts are always popular.

What do you earn before/after tax?

I pay my taxes.

economic adjective /ˌiː.kəˈnɒm.ɪk/ [always before noun] gazdasági

We have seen ten years of economic growth.

The government's economic policies have led us into the worst recession for years.

financial adjective /faɪˈnæn.tʃəl/ pénzügyi

They're having a few financial difficulties at the moment.

a financial adviser

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

18. Gazdaság, ipar – kapcsolódó leckék:


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