tesz angolul

Tesz angolul. Tesz angol fordítása. Tesz angol jelentése, tesz angol hangos példamondatok, tesz angol szavak és kifejezések.

tesz angolul – jelentések:

do verb /duː/ 1 A1 csinál, tesz, megtesz, elvégez [T]

What shall we do?

What are you doing tonight?

Have you done your homework?

We did a lot of talking.

I've got nothing to do.

make verb /meɪk/ 3 B1 vmilyenné tesz, vmilyen érzelmet/reakciót vált ki vkiben, okoz

What made you change your mind?

He really makes me laugh.

This photograph makes me look about 80!

It makes me so angry when he says that.

This heat makes me very tired.

put verb /pʊt/ 1 A1 tesz, letesz, odatesz; rak, odarak; helyez, elhelyez (vmit vhova)

Where have you put the keys?

When do you put the children to bed?

She put her bag on the table.

Put your clothes in the cupboard.

I put my arm around him.

render verb /ˈren.dər/ 2 C2 tesz vmilyenné (lehetetlenné, ártalmatlanná, figyelmetlenné, stb.)

The trees rendered the road as dark as a tunnel.

She was rendered speechless upon hearing the news.

send verb /send/ 3 C2 tesz vmilyenné

The explosion sent the crowd into a panic.

Watching the television always sends me to sleep.

His untidiness sends her crazy/mad/wild.

The draught from the fan sent papers flying all over the room.

*A szavakról további részletek az angol–magyar oldalon.

tesz angolul – hasonló találatok:

acquire verb /əˈkwaɪər/ 1 B2 szerez, megszerez vmit, szert tesz vmire (formal)

He acquired the firm in 2015.

I seem to have acquired two copies of this book.

act verb /ækt/ 2 B1 viselkedik vhogy, úgy tesz/csinál (mint) [I]

He acted as if he'd never met me before.

Don't be so silly - you're acting like a child!

allow verb /əˈlaʊ/ 3 C1 lehetővé tesz vmit [I or T]

The extra money will allow me to upgrade my computer.

bid verb /bɪd/ C2 árajánlatot tesz, licitál

They bid $500 million for the company.

comply verb /kəmˈplaɪ/ C1 eleget tesz (parancsnak, előírásnak)

The pilot complied with instructions to descend.

cruise verb /kruːz/ B2 körutazást tesz hajón

They're currently cruising around the Caribbean.

deposit verb /dɪˈpɒ.zɪt/ C1 pénzt bankba tesz; (vmit) letétbe helyez

She deposited $150,000 in a Swiss bank account.

differentiate verb /ˌdɪf.ərˈen.ʃi.eɪt/ 1 C1 megkülönböztet, különbséget tesz (különbséget érzékel) [I or T]

He can't differentiate between blue and green.

discriminate verb /dɪˈskrɪm.ɪ.neɪt/ 1 C1 különbséget tesz (vki hátrányára)

The company was accused of discriminating against people on the basis of age.

distinguish verb /dɪˈstɪŋ.gwɪʃ/ 1 B2 megkülönböztet vmit, különbséget tesz vmi között [I or T]

He's colour-blind and can't distinguish (the difference) between red and green easily.

I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.

It's important to distinguish between business and pleasure.

It's not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that distinguishes him from other tenors.

embrace verb /ɪmˈbreɪs/ 1 C1 híve lesz vminek; él vmivel, magáévá tesz vmit

We are always eager to embrace the latest technology.

enable verb /ɪˈneɪ.bl̩/ B2 képessé tesz vkit vmire; lehetővé tesz vmit

Computerization should enable us to cut production costs by half.

explore verb /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ 1 B1 felfedező utat tesz [I or T]

The best way to explore the countryside is on foot.

The children have gone exploring in the woods.

gesture verb /ˈdʒes.tʃər/ C2 kéz-/testmozdulatot tesz, gesztikulál

He gestured towards the window.

give verb /gɪv/ 8 B1 tesz/csinál vmit

She gave a cry.

He gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She gave me a big hug.

injure verb /ˈɪn.dʒər/ B1 sérülést okoz, kárt tesz vkiben; megsérül (balesetben)

A bomb exploded at the embassy, injuring several people.

She fell and injured her shoulder.

He was badly/seriously injured in the crash.

involve verb /ɪnˈvɒlv/ 2 B1 belekever vmibe, részesévé tesz vminek; részese vminek

The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.

make verb /meɪk/ 2 A2 csinál/tesz vmit

I must make a telephone call.

Have you made a doctor's appointment?

Have you made a decision about your job yet?

Someone's made a mistake.

Can I make a suggestion?

He's not making any effort.

She made a short speech.

Shall we make a start on the work?

permit verb /pəˈmɪt/ 2 C1 megenged, lehetővé tesz (pl. időjárás) [I]

The match starts at 3 pm, weather permitting.

pretend verb /prɪˈtend/ B2 színlel vmit, úgy tesz, mintha vmit csinálna; azt játssza (, hogy)

She's not really hurt - she's only pretending.

He pretended (that) he didn't mind, but I knew that he did.

Were you just pretending to be interested?

Of course I was angry - I can't pretend otherwise.

question verb /ˈkwes.tʃən/ 1 B2 kérdés tesz fel vkinek; kikérdez

Several men were questioned by police yesterday about the burglary.

68% of those questioned in the survey thought noise levels had increased.

quote verb /kwəʊt/ 3 C2 árajánlatot tesz (egy munkára a megrendelőnek)

He quoted for replacing the whole roof.

remark verb /rɪˈmɑːk/ B2 megjegyzést tesz, megjegyez

He remarked that she was looking thin.

She remarked on how attractive he was.

reproach verb /rɪˈprəʊtʃ/ C2 szemrehányást tesz, hibáztat

You've no reason to reproach yourself.

satisfy verb /ˈsæt.ɪs.faɪ/ B2 kielégít vmit/vkit, eleget tesz vminek

They have 31 flavours of ice-cream - enough to satisfy everyone!

Come on, satisfy my curiosity, what happened last night?

show verb /ʃəʊ/ 5 C1 mutatkozik, láthatóvá válik; mutat, láthatóvá tesz vmit [I or T]

The sadness really shows on her face.

Light-coloured carpets show the dirt.

strain verb /streɪn/ 2 C2 megterhel, túlterhel (átv.) (pl. költségvetést); próbára tesz [T]

The war is straining the defence budget.

strive verb /straɪv/ C2 erőfeszítést tesz, törekszik vmire

to strive for happiness/peace

We are constantly striving to improve our service.

suggest verb /səˈdʒest/ 2 B1 javasol, javaslatot tesz vkire/vmire (alkalmasnak tart vkit/vmit vmire)

to suggest someone for a job

Can you suggest a good hotel?

Might I suggest a white wine with your salmon, sir?

swear verb /sweər/ 2 B2 esküszik, megesküszik, esküt tesz vmire [I or T]

I don't know anything about what happened, I swear (it).

New gang members must swear to obey the gang leaders at all times.

In some countries, witnesses in court have to swear on the Bible.

test verb /test/ 3 B2 próbára tesz (képességet, erőt, stb.)

This next match will really test them.

tidy verb /ˈtaɪ.di/ A2 rendbe tesz/hoz, rendet rak/csinál

Have you tidied you room, Isabel?

vary verb /ˈveə.ri/ 2 B2 változik; változatossá tesz [I or T]

Temperatures vary depending on/according to the time of year.

I try to vary what I eat.

vow verb /vaʊ/ C2 esküszik, fogadalmat tesz vmire

She vowed that she would never leave the children again.

I've vowed never to go there again.

tesz angolul – hasonló kifejezések:

be calculated to do sth C2 szándékosan tesz vmit

His comments were calculated to embarrass the prime minister.

do sb a/the world of good C2 nagyon jót tesz vkinek (informal)

That swim has done me a world of good.

do sb good B2 jót tesz vmi vkinek

A holiday in the sun will do you good.

A break from this would do us all good.

draw a comparison/distinction C2 összehasonlítást/különbséget tesz/von

We need to draw a distinction between criticism and insults.

good for you A1 jót tesz vkinek (használ az egészségnek, közérzetnek, stb.)

Swimming is really good for you.

It's good for you to eat plenty of vegetables.

make a nonsense of sth C2 elront vmit, értelmetlenné tesz vmit

Cuts to the text made a nonsense of the play.

make an exception C1 kivételt tesz

They don't usually take cheques, but they said they'd make an exception in my case.

make sb's day C2 nagyon boldoggá tesz vkit

Go on, ask him to dance - it'll make his day!

not do sth lightly C2 nem könnyen tesz vmit (megfontolva tesz vmit)

It's not a decision that I take lightly.

pose a/the question C2 kérdést tesz fel (formal)

It was left to Grazia to pose the question of how the project was to be funded.

put sb/sth first C2 első helyre tesz (legfontosabbnak gondol)

Most couples put their children first when sorting out their problems.

put sth down/in/on, etc. A1 le/be/rá/stb. tesz/rak/helyez vmit

She put her bag on the table.

Put your clothes in the cupboard.

She put her hands over her eyes.

I put my arm around him.

Where have you put the keys?

set sth down/on, etc. C2 le-/rá-/stb. tesz/helyez

She set the vase down on the table.

take an exam A2 vizsgázik, vizsgát tesz

I have to take some exams in June.

turn a blind eye (to sth) C1 szemet huny vmi fölött; úgy tesz, mintha nem venne észre vmit

Restaurant staff often took food home, and their boss turned a blind eye.

tesz angolul – hasonló többszavas igék:

follow up ↔ sth B2 nyomon követ vmit (eseményeket); további lépéseket tesz

If you make a hotel booking by phone, follow it up with something in writing.

put away ↔ sth B1 eltesz, helyére tesz

Put your toys away now.

put back ↔ sth B1 visszatesz, helyére tesz

I put the book back on the shelf.

sort out ↔ sth 2 B2 rendbe tesz vmit (rendet rak vhol)

I must sort out my drawers.

tidy up ↔ (sth) B1 rendbe tesz/hoz, rendet rak/csinál

Could you tidy up your toys, please?

I was just tidying up in the sitting room.

*Tesz angol fordítása, tesz angol alapszavak és példamondatok az angol tanulószótárban. A tanulószótárban a fordítás iránya automatikusan változik.

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