50.6. gy. B2 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő

Létezés, változás / Esemény, alkalom – Helyzet, állapot

put verb /pʊt/ [T] *(putting, put, put) 3 vmilyen állapotba/helyzetbe hoz

What's put you in such a bad mood?

I'm not prepared to put my children at risk.

I'm looking forward to putting my ideas into practice.

He's putting me under pressure to change my mind.

The terrorists were put on trial six years after the bombing.

set verb /set/ *(setting, set, set) 5 vmilyen helyzetet/állapotot okoz/előidéz [T]

It is believed that the building was set on fire deliberately.

She set fire to her neighbour's house.

After years in prison, the men who had wrongfully been found guilty of the bombing were finally set free.

background noun /ˈbæk.graʊnd/ 4 háttér (helyzet, esemény háttere) [U or no plural]

These decisions have had to be taken against a background of high unemployment.

Can you give me some background on the situation?

circumstance noun /ˈsɜː.kəm.stɑːnts/ [C usually plural] körülmény

I think she coped very well under the circumstances.

She died in suspicious circumstances.

We oppose capital punishment in/under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances should you approach the man.

The meeting has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.

matter noun /ˈmæt.ər/ 1 ügy, dolog [C]

Could I talk to you about a personal matter?

Alois denied any knowledge of the matter.

Will you phone me back - it's a matter of some importance.

Talking about the world's problems is one thing, but solving them is another matter altogether.

occasion noun /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ [C] 2 alkalom (eset)

That was a previous/separate occasion.

We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.

I've heard him be rude to her on a number of occasions.

scene noun /siːn/ 2 jelenet (utca-, élet-, öröm-, stb.) [C]

Lowry painted street scenes.

scenes of everyday life

There were scenes of great joy as the hostages were re-united with their families.

Phrasal verbs:

come to sth /kʌm/ 2 jut vmire/vmeddig (helyzetbe, állapotba)

I was sad when the evening came to an end.

I came to the conclusion that the relationship wasn't working.

That was when the Labour party came to power.

Phrases and idioms:

find yourself somewhere/doing sth vhol találja magát; azon találja/kapja magát (, hogy ...)

I suddenly found myself making lunch.

the whole thing az egész dolog

I just want to forget the whole thing.

The whole thing is ridiculous!

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


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