2. Helyes, hibás A1B1 (21) – altémák


Helyes, hibás* (21)

Helyes, hibás* – A1–B1 (21) (Hibátlan, helyes, igaz; Helytelen, hibás) Szavak

correct adjective /kəˈrekt/ 1 helyes, pontos

a correct answer

Check that you have the correct information.

Is that the correct spelling?

"Your name is Angela Black?" "That is correct."

crazy adjective /ˈkreɪ.zi/ 1 őrült, esztelen

It's a crazy idea.

You're crazy to buy a house without seeing it.

fair adjective /feər/ 3 elfogadható, ésszerű, méltányos

a fair deal

He offered a fair price for the car.

That's a fair comment/question.

false adjective /fɒls/ 1 helytelen, téves

a false name

false information

The rumour later turned out to be false.

You'll get a false impression/idea of the town if you only visit the university.

incorrect adjective /ˌɪn.kəˈrekt/ helytelen, téves

an incorrect answer

Your figures are incorrect.

mad adjective /mæd/ (madder, maddest) 2 őrült, bolond (átv.) (ostoba, meggondolatlan, eszetlen) (informal)

You're mad to walk home alone at this time of night.

He must be mad spending so much money on a T-shirt.

Some of the things she does are completely mad.

perfect adjective /ˈpɜː.fɪkt/ 1 tökéletes (hibátlan)

a perfect day/evening

You have a perfect English accent.

The car is five years old but is in almost perfect condition.

Her performance was perfect.

perfect adjective /ˈpɜː.fɪkt/ 2 tökéletesen alkalmas/megfelelő vmire/vkinek

You'd be perfect for the job.

The weather's just perfect for a picnic.

proper adjective /ˈprɒp.ər/ [always before noun] 2 tulajdonképpeni (tényleges, igazi)

his first proper job

I've had sandwiches but I haven't eaten a proper meal.

real adjective /rɪəl/ 3 igazi, valódi (tényleges) [always before noun]

What was the real reason she didn't come?

Is that your real name?

right adjective /raɪt/ 1 helyes, igaz

He only got half the answers right.

You're right about Alison - she's incredible!

"You came here in 2009, didn't you?" "That's right."

right adjective /raɪt/ 3 helyes, megfelelő (döntés, irány, választás, stb.)

I'm not sure she's the right person for the job.

Are we going in the right direction?

true adjective /truː/ 1 igaz (valóságnak/igazságnak megfelelő)

The film is based on a true story.

Is it true that Lucy and Mark are getting married?

Her story is only partly true.

Parents of young children often become depressed, and this is especially true of single parents.

Look at the sentences and decide whether they are true or false according to the text.

true adjective /truː/ 2 igaz, igazi, valódi [always before noun]

true love

a true friend

The true horror of the accident did not become clear until the morning.

unfair adjective /ʌnˈfeər/ 1 igazságtalan (részrehajló/nem korrekt)

an unfair system

The test was unfair because some people had seen it before.

wrong adjective /rɒŋ/ 1 rossz, helytelen, hibás (nem helyes/hibátlan)

Three of your answers were wrong.

That clock is wrong - it's 12.30, not 12.15.

I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number.

We're going the wrong way.

correctly adverb /kəˈrekt.li/ helyesen, hibátlanul; illendően, megfelelően

Have I pronounced your name correctly?

perfectly adverb /ˈpɜː.fɪkt.li/ 1 tökéletesen, hibátlanul

The jacket fits perfectly, the skirt not so well.

They're perfectly suited.

really adverb /ˈrɪə.li/ 3 igazán, valóban, tényleg (tény, valóság)

He isn't really angry - he's just pretending.

You don't really expect them to refuse, do you?

She said she was twenty eight, but really she's over thirty.

wrong adverb /rɒŋ/ rosszul, hibásan, helytelenül

You've spelt my name wrong.

Phrases and idioms:

the truth az igazság

But was he telling the truth?

I don't suppose we'll ever know the truth about what happened that day.

To tell (you) the truth I'm quite pleased he's not coming.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

29. Értékelés, minősítés – kapcsolódó leckék:


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