2. Egyetértés, vita A1B1 (3) – altémák


Egyetértés, vita* (3)

Egyetértés, vita* – A1–B1 (3) (Egyetértés, megegyezés; Vita, nézeteltérés) Szavak

agree verb /əˈgriː/ 1 egyetért vkivel [I or T]

I agree with you.

My father and I don't agree about/on very much.

We all agreed that mistakes had been made.

"You're absolutely right," agreed Jake.

agree verb /əˈgriː/ 2 megállapodik vmiben [I or T]

We agreed to meet on Sunday.

We couldn't agree on what to buy.

disagree verb /ˌdɪs.əˈgriː/ [I] nem ért egyet, ellenkezik; ellentmond, különbözik

I disagree with most of what he said.

Experts disagree about / on the causes of the disease.

Few people would disagree that something should be done to reduce the level of crime in the area.

I strongly disagree with the decision that has been taken.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

32. Igenlés, tagadás – kapcsolódó leckék:


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