7. Elégedettség, elégedetlenség A1B1 (20) – altémák |
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Elégedettség, elégedetlenség* (20)
Elégedettség, elégedetlenség* – A1–B1 (20) (Elégedettség, kényelem; Csalódás, elégedetlenség, rosszkedv) | Szavak |
complain verb /kəmˈpleɪn/ [I] panaszkodik (vkinek) (vmiről)
Lots of people have complained about the noise.
He's always complaining!
He complained that she never listened to him.
If the service was so bad why didn't you complain to the manager?
disappoint verb /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪnt/ [T] csalódást okoz
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm afraid I can't come after all.
We don't want to disappoint the fans.
complaint noun /kəmˈpleɪnt/ 1 panasz, panaszkodás (panasztétel) [C or U]
We've received a complaint from one of our listeners about offensive language.
I've made a complaint to the police about the noise.
We've had complaints that you've been playing your radio too loud.
disappointment noun /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ 1 csalódás, kiábrándultság (az érzés) [U]
Book early to avoid disappointment.
To my (great) disappointment, he decided to leave.
disappointment noun /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ 2 csalódás (az érzés okozója) [C]
The party turned out to be a big / huge / great disappointment.
I'm afraid I've been rather a disappointment to my parents.
comfortable adjective /ˈkʌmpf.tə.bl̩/ 2 kényelmes, kellemes (érzés)
I don't feel comfortable in high heels.
Do sit down and make yourself comfortable.
convenient adjective /kənˈviː.ni.ənt/ 1 kényelmes, megfelelő; alkalmas (időben)
We could meet at either place - whichever is more convenient for you.
A bike's a very convenient way of getting around.
I find it more convenient to be able to do my banking by phone.
What would be a convenient time for me to come round?
cosy adjective /ˈkəʊ.zi/ barátságos, otthonos (pl. szoba)
This room is nice and cosy in the winter.
He showed me into a cosy little room.
disappointed adjective /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn.tɪd/ csalódott, kiábrándult
She was disappointed (that) they hadn't phoned.
We were deeply disappointed at/about the result.
His parents were bitterly disappointed in/with him.
He was disappointed to find they'd already gone.
disappointing adjective /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn.tɪŋ/ csalódást keltő, elkeserítő
What a disappointing performance/result!
The response to our advertisement has been very disappointing.
happy adjective /ˈhæp.i/ 2 elégedett
Are you happy with your exam results?
I'm not very happy about you travelling alone at night.
nice adjective /naɪs/ 1 kellemes
Did you have a nice holiday?
We had some really nice food.
Have a nice day/time!
Thanks for ringing - it's been nice talking to you.
You look nice in that dress.
pleasant adjective /ˈplez.ənt/ kellemes (klíma, meglepetés, stb.); kedves (ember, mosoly, stb.)
a pleasant smile/person
a pleasant climate/day/surprise
Harold did his best to be pleasant to the old man.
It was pleasant to sit down after standing for hours.
pleased adjective /pliːzd/ elégedett vmivel; örül vminek
Are you pleased about John's promotion?
We're so pleased that you're able to come to the wedding.
I'm really pleased with your work this term.
I'm pleased to hear you're feeling better.
relaxed adjective /rɪˈlækst/ 1 fesztelen (laza, nyugodt) (ember)
She looked relaxed and happy walking along with her two boys.
He seemed perfectly relaxed and in control of the situation.
satisfied adjective /ˈsæt.ɪs.faɪd/ elégedett
Some people are never satisfied!
a satisfied smile
Are you satisfied with the new arrangement?
unhappy adjective /ʌnˈhæp.i/ 2 elégedetlen
I'm unhappy about the situation.
We were very unhappy with the service at the hotel.
pleasantly adverb /ˈplez.ənt.li/ kellemesen; kedvesen
They treated me pleasantly enough.
Jacqui was pleasantly surprised to get a B for history.
Phrases and idioms:
a shame kár (csalódás/szomorúság kifejezése)
It's a real shame to waste all this food.
What a shame that they had to destroy such a beautiful building.
feel at home otthon érzi magát (jól érzi magát/magabiztos)
After a month she felt at home in her new job.
Kommunikációs szándékok: Elégedettség – Elégedetlenség, csalódás – Kifogás, panasz, rosszkedv
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
34. Érzések, hangulat – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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