3. Közutak, forgalom A1B1 (20) – altémák


1. Közutak (17) 2. Forgalom (3)

1. Közutak – A1–B1 (17) Szavak

join verb /dʒɔɪn/ 4 csatlakozik vmihez (találkozik út, folyó, stb.) [I or T]

The A11 joins the M11 south of Cambridge.

The River Murray and the River Darling join east of Adelaide.

block noun /blɒk/ [C] 2 tömb (útszakasz két kereszteződés között)

The museum is just six blocks away.

My friend and I live on the same block.

bridge noun /brɪdʒ/ [C] 1 híd (pl. folyó felett)

We drove across/over the bridge.

car park noun /ˈkɑːˌpɑːk/ [C] parkoló, autóparkoló

I parked in the car park.

crossing noun /ˈkrɒs.ɪŋ/ [C] 1 átkelőhely (úton, folyón, stb.)

a pedestrian crossing

exit noun /ˈek.sɪt/ [C] 2 kijárat, lehajtósáv (autópályán, körforgalomban)

Take the third exit at the next roundabout.

motorway noun /ˈməʊ.tə.weɪ/ [C] autópálya

motorway driving

path noun /pɑːθ/ [C] 1 ösvény, gyalogút

a garden path

This is the path to the cliffs.

They followed the path until they came to a gate.

pavement noun /ˈpeɪv.mənt/ [C] járda

The jar slipped from my hand and smashed on the pavement.

petrol station noun /ˈpet.rəlˌsteɪ.ʃən/ [C] benzinkút

Where's the nearest petrol station?

road noun /rəʊd/ [C or U] út, közút

We live on a busy/main road.

Be careful when you cross the road.

The journey takes about three hours by road.

The road from here to Adelaide goes through some beautiful countryside.

All roads into/out of the town were blocked by the snow.

Most road accidents are caused by people driving too fast.

roundabout noun /ˈraʊnd.ə.baʊt/ [C] körforgalom; körhinta

At the roundabout, take the second turning.

street noun /striːt/ [C] utca

a street map

Our daughter lives just across the street from us.

He was walking down the street.

track noun /træk/ 1 ösvény, földút [C]

We followed a dirt track off the main road.

traffic light noun /ˈtræf.ɪkˌlaɪt/ [C] also: traffic lights közlekedési lámpa

Turn left at the traffic lights.

tunnel noun /ˈtʌn.əl/ [C] alagút

The train went into the tunnel.

turning noun /ˈtɜːn.ɪŋ/ [C] útelágazás

Take the first turning on the left.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

8. Közlekedés, utazás – kapcsolódó leckék:


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