3. Irány, távolság A1B2 (99) – altémák

5. Távol – A1–B2 (8) Szavak

distance noun /ˈdɪs.tənts/ 2 távol [no plural]

I could see Mary in the distance.

From a distance, it sounded like a bell ringing.

distant adjective /ˈdɪs.tənt/ 1 távoli (messzi)

a distant country

She could hear the distant sound of fireworks exploding.

long-distance adjective /ˌlɒŋˈdɪs.tənts/ [always before noun] távolsági (járat, telefonhívás, stb.)

a long-distance runner

long-distance lorry drivers

a long-distance phone call

remote adjective /rɪˈməʊt/ 1 távoli (térben)

It was a remote mountain village with no electricity supply.

His voice sounded remote.

far adverb /fɑːr/ (farther, farthest or further, furthest) 1 messze, távol; messzire, távolra (térben, időben)

Is the station far away?

She doesn't live far from here.

How far away does your mother live?

How far is it from Australia to New Zealand?

Bournemouth is not far from Poole.

One day, perhaps far in/into the future, you'll regret what you've done.

furthest adverb /ˈfɜː.ðɪst/ legtávolabbra, legmesszebbre ('far' felsőfoka)

That's the furthest I can see without glasses.

wide adverb /waɪd/ szélesre

She ran towards me, her arms open wide.

Phrases and idioms:

in the middle of nowhere az isten háta mögött, a semmi közepén

His car broke down in the middle of nowhere.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

24. Tér, hely – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

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