4. Méret, súly, telítettség A1C2 (105) – altémák


1. Méret, súly (64) 2. Töltöttség, telítettség (41)

2. Töltöttség, telítettség – A1–C2 (41) Szavak

absorb verb /əbˈzɔːb/ [T] 1 felszív, felszívódik, abszorbeál; felvesz, megköt, elnyel (pl. ütést)

Plants absorb carbon dioxide.

The cream is easily absorbed into the skin.

contain verb /kənˈteɪn/ [T] 1 tartalmaz (benne van) (dobozban, palackban, stb.)

a box containing a diamond ring

How much liquid do you think this bottle contains?

I've lost a file containing a lot of important documents.

crowd verb /kraʊd/ megtölt, eláraszt (a tömeg)

Protesters crowded the streets.

fill verb /fɪl/ 1 megtölt; megtelik (tele lesz) [I or T]

I filled the bucket with water.

I drank my tea while the bath was filling.

fill verb /fɪl/ 2 megtölt, betölt (helyet) (sok van belőle) [T]

Dark clouds filled the sky.

The streets were filled with tourists.

flood verb /flʌd/ [I or T] 2 özönlik, beözönlik vhova; elönt

She drew back the curtains and the sunlight came flooding in.

Shoppers flooded into the store on the first morning of the sale.

hold verb /həʊld/ [T] *(held, held) 4 belefér vmibe

This jug holds exactly one pint.

One bag won't hold all of the shopping - we'd better take two.

Modern computers can hold huge amounts of information.

invade verb /ɪnˈveɪd/ 2 eláraszt, megszáll (helyet) (pl. turisták) [T]

Every summer the town is invaded by tourists.

jam verb /dʒæm/ 2 telezsúfol [T often passive]

The streets were jammed with cars.

The whole area was jammed with fans waiting for the band to come on stage.

overflow verb /ˌəʊ.vəˈfləʊ/ 1 túlcsordul, kicsordul [I or T]

The bath overflowed, and there's water all over the floor!

The bin was overflowing with rubbish.

The river had overflowed its banks.

overflow verb /ˌəʊ.vəˈfləʊ/ 2 csordultig van (pl. egy hely emberekkel)

The square was overflowing with people trying to see the queen.

squash verb /skwɒʃ/ 2 beprésel vmit/vkit vhova; bepréselődik [I or T often passive]

The kids were all squashed into the back seat.

capacity noun /kəˈpæs.ə.ti/ 1 befogadóképesség; térfogat, űrtartalom; teljesítmény [C or U]

a restaurant with a capacity of 200

The new stadium has a seating capacity of 50 000.

The ground was filled to capacity.

crowd noun /kraʊd/ [C + singular or plural verb] tömeg (sok ember)

A large crowd had gathered outside the pop star's hotel.

Shop early to avoid the crowds.

crush noun /krʌʃ/ 1 tolongás, (kis helyre bezsúfolt) tömeg [no plural]

Many people fell over in the crush.

density noun /ˈden.sə.ti/ [C or U] sűrűség (egy területen); sűrűség, fajsúly

The area has a high population density.

influx noun /ˈɪn.flʌks/ [C] beözönlés, betódulás (embereké, pénzé, árué, vízé, stb.)

The 1990s saw an influx of foreign players into British football.

invasion noun /ɪnˈveɪ.ʒən/ [C or U] 2 invázió (elözönlés, rengeteg ember egy helyre)

Every year, there is an invasion of tourists.

rush noun /rʌʃ/ [no plural] 2 tülekedés (vmiért); nyüzsgés, tolongás

There was amid rush to get tickets for the concert.

bare adjective /beər/ 4 csupasz, üres

a bare room

The cupboard was bare.

crowded adjective /ˈkraʊ.dɪd/ zsúfolt

By ten o'clock the market was crowded.

a crowded room

dense adjective /dents/ sűrű (köd, füst, tömeg, erdő, haj, szövet, stb.)

dense fog

a dense forest

empty adjective /ˈemp.ti/ 1 üres (nincs benne semmi)

an empty house/street

Shall I take the empty bottles for recycling?

The train was empty by the time it reached London.

full adjective /fʊl/ 1 tele, teli, telt (nem fér több bele)

We couldn't get in - the cinema was full.

The shelves were full of books.

The theatre was only half full.

Be careful, that's a full cup of coffee I've given you.

overcrowded adjective /ˌəʊ.vəˈkraʊ.dɪd/ túlzsúfolt

an overcrowded classroom/prison

packed adjective /pækt/ zsúfolt (tömve emberekkel)

The hall was packed.

The bus was packed with schoolchildren.

scattered adjective /ˈskæt.əd/ szórványos

His toys were scattered all over the floor.

There will be scattered showers today.

thick adjective /θɪk/ 2 sűrű (erdő, haj, stb.) (szorosan egymás mellett növő)

thick forest

thick dark hair

thick adjective /θɪk/ 3 sűrű (füst, köd, stb.) (nehezen átlátható)

Thick, black smoke was pouring out of the chimney.

densely adverb /ˈdent.sli/ sűrűn

England was once a densely wooded country.

Mexico City is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

sparsely adverb /ˈspɑː.sli/ ritkán, elszórtan

This whole area is very sparsely populated.

with preposition /wɪð/ 4 -val, -vel (megtölt/beborít/stb. vmivel)

a bucket filled with water

She filled the jug with cream.

Phrasal verbs:

fill up ↔ (sth) /fɪl/ megtölt; megtelik

The seats in the hall were filling up fast.

Could you fill that bucket up with water for me?

spread out /spred/ szétszóródik, csoportokra oszlik (embercsoport)

They spread out to search the whole area.

squeeze (sb/sth) in/squeeze (sb/sth) into sth /skwiːz/ gyömöszöl, begyömöszöl, beprésel vkit/vmit vhova (egy helyre)

The car's quite full, but we could manage to squeeze another couple of people in.

I must have put on a lot of weight over Christmas because I can only just squeeze into my jeans.

Phrases and idioms:

a stream of sth (személyek/dolgok) áramlása/áradata

There has been a steady stream of phone calls from worried customers.

I had a constant stream of visitors while I was ill.

(be) concentrated around/in/on, etc. koncentrálódik vmi köré/vhol/vmire/stb.

Most of the fighting was concentrated in the mountains.

be crawling with sb/sth hemzseg vkiktől/vmiktől

The kitchen's crawling with ants.

pour into/out/from, etc. be-/ki- stb. tódul (tódul vhova) (emberek, tömeg, stb.)

The crowd poured out into the street.

seat 4/12/200, etc. 4/12/200/stb. férőhelyes (nézőtér, jármű, stb.)

The new concert hall seats 1500 people.

thick and fast csőstül, egymást érve, egyik a másikat érve

Calls were coming in thick and fast by the end of the programme.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

28. Anyag, minőség – kapcsolódó leckék:


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