6. Sikeres, sikertelen A1C2 (167) – altémák


1. Sikeres, eredményes (45) 2. Fejlődés, hatékonyság (52) 3. Megold, elintéz (33) 4. Sikertelenség, kudarc (37)

4. Sikertelenség, kudarc – A1–C2 (37) Szavak

collapse verb /kəˈlæps/ [I] 3 összeomlik, meghiúsul (nem sikerül/működik vmi)

The peace talks have collapsed.

defeat verb /dɪˈfiːt/ [T] 2 meghiúsít; meghaladja a képességeit vkinek

The proposal to change the rules was narrowly defeated by 201 votes to 196.

I'm afraid anything that involves language learning has always defeated me.

fail verb /feɪl/ 2 kudarcot vall; nem váltja be a hozzáfűzött reményeket [I]

She moved to London in the hope of finding work as a model, but failed.

He failed in his attempt to break the record.

This method of growing tomatoes never fails.

miss verb /mɪs/ 6 lekésik vmiről, elszalaszt (lehetőséget, alkalmat, találkozást, stb.) [T]

I must finish this letter or I'll miss the post.

Helen? I'm sorry, you've just missed her.

ruin verb /ˈruː.ɪn/ [T] tönkretesz; romba dönt (átv. is)

They were late and the dinner was ruined.

Her injury ruined her chances of winning the race.

Huge modern hotels have ruined this once unspoilt coastline.

succumb verb /səˈkʌm/ [I] (formal) 1 megadja magát vminek (nyomásnak, kísértésnek, stb.)

She succumbed to temptation and had a second serving of cake.

weaken verb /ˈwiː.kən/ [I or T] 1 gyengül, elgyengül, legyengül; gyengít, elgyengít, legyengít (erőt, hatalmat, stb.)

A number of factors have weakened the economy.

worsen verb /ˈwɜːsən/ [I or T] ront vmin; rosszabbodik vmi (helyzet, állapot, probléma, stb.)

His condition suddenly worsened last week.

breakdown noun /ˈbreɪk.daʊn/ [C] 3 kudarc, megszakadás (kapcsolaté, kommunikációé, gazdaságé, stb.)

a breakdown in the peace talks

defeat noun /dɪˈfiːt/ 2 kudarc [U or no plural]

At the last General Election, they suffered a massive defeat.

The company was not ready to admit defeat.

disaster noun /dɪˈzɑː.stər/ [C or U] 2 katasztrófa (átv.) (sikertelenség, kudarc, kész csőd)

His idea was a total disaster.

Inviting James and Ivan to dinner on the same evening was a recipe for disaster - they always argue with each other.

failure noun /ˈfeɪ.ljər/ 1 sikertelenség, kudarc [C or U]

Their attempt to climb Everest ended in failure.

I'm a bit of a failure at making cakes.

I feel such a failure.

fall noun /fɔːl/ [C usually no plural] 3 bukás (siker/hatalom elvesztése)

The president lived on for twenty years after his fall from power.

feeble adjective /ˈfiː.bl/ 2 gyenge (átv.) (nem túl jó/nem hatásos) (érv, kifogás, próbálkozás, stb.)

a feeble argument/excuse

inefficient adjective /ˌɪn.ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/ nem hatékony, rosszul működő

an inefficient heating system

unproductive adjective /ˌʌn.prəˈdʌk.tɪv/ eredménytelen, terméketlen, improduktív (megbeszélés, kutatás, stb.)

There were months of unproductive bureaucracy.

The meeting was totally unproductive.

unsuccessful adjective /ˌʌn.səkˈses.fəl/ sikertelen (eredménytelen)

They made several unsuccessful attempts to reach the men.

His application was unsuccessful.

weak adjective /wiːk/ 7 gyenge (sikertelen/nem teljesít jól)

a weak economy

a weak team

behind adverb /bəˈhaɪnd/ 3 mögött, lemaradva, elmaradva

She's behind with the rent.

unsuccessfully adverb /ˌʌn.səkˈses.fəl.i/ sikertelenül (eredménytelenül)

We tried unsuccessfully to climb the wall.

Phrasal verbs:

fall apart /fɔːl/ 2 szétesik, darabjaira hullik (átv.) (nem létezik/működik tovább)

The deal fell apart because of a lack of financing.

Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair.

fall through /fɔːl/ meghiúsul

Our plans to go on holiday together fell through when Jamie became ill.

give in /gɪv/ 2 megadja magát (feladja a küzdelmet)

She knew she'd lost the argument but she wouldn't give in.

You'll never guess the answer - do you give in?

give up ↔ (sth/doing sth) /gɪv/ felad vmit (pl. játszmát, tervet, harcot, stb.)

I've given up trying to persuade Sara to come - she's just not interested.

I had to give up halfway through the race.

mess up ↔ sth /mes/ elront, elszúr vmit (informal)

Don't try to cook lunch without me - you'll only mess it up.

I feel I've messed up my chances of getting the job.

Phrases and idioms:

a downward spiral lefelé tartó spirál (gyorsan romló helyzet)

After his death, the family went into a downward spiral.

a vain attempt/effort/hope hiábavaló próbálkozás/erőfeszítés/remény stb.

I made a vain attempt to engage him in conversation.

be no match for sb/sth nem méltó ellenfele vkinek/vminek, nem versenyezhet vkivel/vmivel

Gibson ran well but was no match for the young Italian.

blow it/your chance(s) elszalaszt (alkalmat/lehetőséget) (informal)

Tom blew his chances of getting the job by arriving late for the interview.

fall flat nem sikerül, rosszul sül el (vicc, történet, stb.)

All the jokes in his speech fell flat.

for nothing hiába

I've come all this way for nothing.

have little/no effect nincs/alig van hatása

The new measures have had little effect on ordinary people's lives.

make a nonsense of sth elront vmit, értelmetlenné tesz vmit

Cuts to the text made a nonsense of the play.

miss a chance/opportunity elszalaszt egy lehetőséget/alkalmat

You can't afford to miss a chance like this.

miss the boat elszalasztja az alkalmat, lemarad vmiről

I'm afraid you've missed the boat. All the concert tickets have been sold.

not/never get anywhere nem jut semmire (informal)

I tried discussing the problem with her but I didn't get anywhere.

throw in the towel bedobja a törülközőt (felad vmit)

Their candidate should just throw in the towel and admit defeat.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

29. Értékelés, minősítés – kapcsolódó leckék:


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