1. Betegség A1C2 (152) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Betegség, közérzet (33) 2. Tünetek, fájdalmak (45) 3. Betegségek (22) 4. Fogyatékosságok, mentális betegségek (27) 5. Halál (25)
2. Tünetek, fájdalmak – A1–C2 (45) | Szavak |
ache verb /eɪk/ [I] fáj, fájdalmat érez (tartósan)
My head/tooth/back aches.
I ache/I'm aching all over.
attack verb /əˈtæk/ 3 támad, megtámad (rongál, károsít) (betegség, vegyszer, stb.) [T]
The virus attacks the central nervous system.
collapse verb /kəˈlæps/ [I] 2 összeesik (ember)
He collapsed and died of a heart attack.
cough verb /kɒf/ [I] köhög
The smoke made me cough.
I coughed all night long.
faint verb /feɪnt/ [I] elájul
He faints at the sight of blood.
I nearly fainted in the heat.
hurt verb /hɜːt/ *(hurt, hurt) 2 fáj [I]
My eyes really hurt.
It hurts to walk on it.
kill verb /kɪl/ [T] 2 nagyon fáj vmi (nagy sok fájdalmat/fáradságot okoz vmi) (informal)
My feet are killing me.
It wouldn't kill you to tidy up occasionally.
react verb /riˈækt/ [I] 2 rosszul lesz/megbetegszik vmitől
My skin reacts to most perfumes.
Quite a lot of children react badly to antibiotics.
vomit verb /ˈvɒm.ɪt/ [I or T] hány
She was vomiting blood.
ache noun /eɪk/ [C] fájdalom, fájás (tartós)
As you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains.
I've got an ache in my lower back.
blister noun /ˈblɪs.tər/ [C] hólyag (vízhólyag/égési hólyag bőrön, hólyag festett felületen, stb.)
I've got a blister on my toe.
cholesterol noun /kəˈles.tər.ɒl/ [U] koleszterin
The doctor said I had high cholesterol.
complication noun /ˌkɒm.plɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ [C] 2 szövődmény
She developed complications after the surgery.
consciousness noun /ˈkɒn.tʃə.snəs/ 1 eszmélet [U]
He lost consciousness for several minutes.
He never regained consciousness after the accident.
cough noun /kɒf/ [C] köhögés; köhintés
a dry cough
Emily has a nasty cough.
discomfort noun /dɪˈskʌm.fət/ 2 egy kis fájdalom [U]
You may feel some discomfort for a few days.
disorder noun /dɪˈsɔː.dər/ 1 rendellenesség (egészségügyi); (működési) zavar [C]
a blood disorder
fever noun /ˈfiː.vər/ 1 láz (betegség) [C or U]
He's got a headache and a high/slight fever.
obesity noun /əʊˈbiːs.ə.ti/ [U] elhízottság
The government is concerned about childhood obesity.
pain noun /peɪn/ 1 fájdalom (fizikai) [C or U]
chest/stomach pains
Are you in pain?
He's been suffering various aches and pains for years.
rash noun /ræʃ/ kiütés, bőrkiütés [C]
an itchy rash
Certain foods give him a rash.
reaction noun /riˈæk.ʃən/ [C] 2 (beteges) reakció (gyógyszerre, ételre, stb.)
A number of people have had a bad reaction to this drug.
symptom noun /ˈsɪmp.təm/ [C] 1 tünet (betegségé)
He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache and so on.
temperature noun /ˈtem.prə.tʃər/ 2 testhőmérséklet [C]
The doctor examined him and took his temperature.
bad adjective /bæd/ (worse, worst) 7 rossz, beteg, beteges, fájós, gyenge [always before noun]
I've got a bad shoulder.
chronic adjective /ˈkrɒn.ɪk/ krónikus (tartós) (betegség, hiány, stb.)
a chronic shortage of nurses
chronic back pain
conscious adjective /ˈkɒn.tʃəs/ eszméleténél levő; vmi tudatában levő
He's still conscious but he's very badly injured.
dazed adjective /deɪzd/ kábult (megrázkódtatástól, ütéstől, stb.)
a dazed expression
dizzy adjective /ˈdɪz.i/ szédülő, szédült; szédítő
Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy and light-headed.
I felt quite dizzy with excitement as I went up to collect the award.
incurable adjective /ɪnˈkjʊə.rə.bl̩/ gyógyíthatatlan (betegség/optimista, álmodozó, stb.)
an incurable disease
obese adjective /əʊˈbiːs/ elhízott
Currently, 15% of the population are classified as obese.
painful adjective /ˈpeɪn.fəl/ 1 fájdalmas (fizikailag)
A painful injury forced her to withdraw from the game.
sick adjective /sɪk/ 2 hányingere van, forog a gyomra [never before noun]
Lucy felt sick the morning after the party.
If you eat any more of that cake, you'll make yourself sick.
sore adjective /sɔːr/ fájó, fájós, érzékeny
I've got a sore throat.
My feet were sore with all the walking.
All the dust has made my eyes sore.
swollen adjective /ˈswəʊ.lən/ megdagadt, feldagadt
a bruised, swollen face
unconscious adjective /ʌnˈkɒn.tʃəs/ 1 eszméletlen (öntudatlan, ájult)
She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious.
Phrasal verbs:
come round /kʌm/ 3 magához tér (visszanyeri az öntudatát)
When he came round, he couldn't remember what had happened.
complain of sth /kəmˈpleɪn/ panaszkodik vmire (az egészségével kapcsolatban)
She's been complaining of a headache all day.
pass out /pɑːs/ elájul
The heat was too much for me and I passed out.
throw up ↔ (sth) /θrəʊ/ kihány (megevett ételt) (informal)
I spent the night throwing up.
He threw up his breakfast all over the back seat of the car.
Phrases and idioms:
a sharp pain éles, szúró fájdalom
I felt a sharp pain in my leg.
be sick hány (okád)
She was sick after she ate too much chocolate.
feel faint alélt, mindjárt elájul
Seeing all the blood made me feel faint.
have (got) a temperature láza van, lázas
My throat hurts and I have a temperature.
upset stomach gyomorrontás
I had an upset stomach after I ate that fish.
Kommunikációs szándékok: Fájdalom, kimerültség, szenvedés
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3. Betegség, baleset – kapcsolódó leckék: |
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