1. Betegség A1C2 (152) – altémák

5. Halál – A1–C2 (25) Szavak

bury verb /ˈber.i/ [T] 1 eltemet vkit (holttestet) (!)

He was buried in Highgate Cemetery.

die verb /daɪ/ [I] (dying, died, died) meghal; kihal(szokás), megszűnik

Twelve people died in the accident.

She died of/from hunger/cancer/a heart attack/her injuries.

It is a brave person who will die for their beliefs.

Our love will never die.

body noun /ˈbɒd.i/ [C] 2 holttest

A body was washed up on the beach last week.

burial noun /ˈber.i.əl/ [C or U] temetés

The burial took place on Monday.

cemetery noun /ˈsem.ə.tri/ [C] temető

She went to the cemetery where her grandfather was buried.

corpse noun /kɔːps/ [C] holttest

There were several corpses in the building.

death noun /deθ/ [C or U] halál; halálozás

The disease causes thousands of deaths a year.

Do you believe in life after death?

He never got over the death of his daughter.

death threats

funeral noun /ˈfjuː.nər.əl/ [C] temetés

The funeral will be held next Friday.

Over 300 people attended the funeral.

grave noun /greɪv/ [C] sír

an unmarked grave

loss noun /lɒs/ 2 elvesztés (a halála vkinek) [C or U] (!)

They never got over the loss of their son.

mortality noun /mɔːˈtæl.ə.ti/ [U] halálozás, halandóság, halálozási arányszám; halandóság (a halandó volta vkinek)

infant mortality

the mortality rate

suicide noun /ˈsuː.ɪ.saɪd/ [C or U] öngyilkosság (!)

to attempt/commit suicide

The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly.

Many suicides occur in prisons.

tomb noun /tuːm/ [C] sír, síremlék

He is buried in a tomb.

dead adjective /ded/ 1 halott (nem élő)

She's been dead for twenty years now.

He was shot dead outside his home.

deadly adjective /ˈded.li/ halálos (halált okozó)

a deadly virus

a deadly weapon

deceased adjective /dɪˈsiːst/ (formal) elhunyt

the deceased man's belongings

fatal adjective /ˈfeɪ.təl/ 1 halálos (betegség, baleset, stb.)

This illness is fatal in almost all cases.

the fatal shooting of an unarmed 15-year-old

late adjective /leɪt/ 3 néhai (már meghalt) [always before noun]

She gave her late husband's clothes to charity.

lethal adjective /ˈliː.θəl/ halálos

a lethal injection/weapon

Phrasal verbs:

pass away /pɑːs/ elhuny

She passed away peacefully in her sleep.

slip away /slɪp/ 3 meghal

Despite their care, he slipped away in the night.

Phrases and idioms:

drop dead holtan esik össze (informal)

He just dropped dead in the middle of the show.

lose your life életét veszti

Millions of young men lost their lives in the war.

the deceased az elhunyt (személy)

The police have not yet informed the family of the deceased.

to death halálra (addig, amíg meg nem hal) (éhezik, verik, stb.)

He was beaten to death by a gang of youths.

Kommunikációs szándékok: Fájdalom, kimerültség, szenvedés

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3. Betegség, baleset – kapcsolódó leckék:


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