2. Egyetértés, vita B1B2 (18) – altémák |
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Egyetértés, vita* (18)
Egyetértés, vita* – B1–B2 (18) (Egyetértés, megegyezés; Vita, nézeteltérés) | Szavak |
accept verb /əkˈsept/ 2 elfogad, belát, elismer, beismer, vállal vmit (tévedést, felelősséget, stb.) [T]
He refuses to accept that he's made a mistake.
I can't accept that there's nothing we can do.
agree verb /əˈgriː/ 2 megállapodik vmiben [I or T]
We agreed to meet on Sunday.
We couldn't agree on what to buy.
compromise verb /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/ 1 egyezségre jut, kompromisszumot köt [I]
In a relationship, both people have to compromise.
I'm not going to compromise on quality.
disagree verb /ˌdɪs.əˈgriː/ [I] nem ért egyet, ellenkezik; ellentmond, különbözik
I disagree with most of what he said.
Experts disagree about / on the causes of the disease.
Few people would disagree that something should be done to reduce the level of crime in the area.
I strongly disagree with the decision that has been taken.
recognize verb /ˈrek.əg.naɪz/ [T] also UK: recognise 2 elismer, elfogad vmit (igazságot, tényt)
She recognized that she had been partly to blame.
The international community has refused to recognize the newly independent nation state.
Smoking is recognised as a leading cause of lung cancer.
support verb /səˈpɔːt/ [T] 4 támogat vkit/vmit (egyetért vkivel/vmivel)
Do you support their views on nuclear weapons?
The majority of people in the town strongly support the plans for a new sports centre.
agreement noun /əˈgriː.mənt/ 1 megállapodás, szerződés [C]
an agreement with the company
an agreement between both parties
It was difficult to reach an agreement.
The government has signed an international agreement on climate change.
They have broken the agreement on human rights.
agreement noun /əˈgriː.mənt/ 2 egyetértés [U]
Are we all in agreement?
There was broad agreement about/on what to do.
arrangement noun /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/ 2 megállapodás [C or U]
We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook.
I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.
You can only withdraw money from this account by (prior) arrangement with the bank.
compromise noun /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/ [C or U] megegyezés, kompromisszum
It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's talks.
You've both got to be willing to make compromises.
In a compromise between management and unions, a 4% pay rise was agreed in return for an increase in productivity.
disagreement noun /ˌdɪs.əˈgriː.mənt/ [C or U] nézeteltérés, véleménykülönbség
They had a disagreement about/over money.
There was some disagreement with this view.
Literary critics were in total disagreement about the book.
side noun /saɪd/ 7 oldal (vitában, harcban, versenyben, stb.) [C + singular or plural verb]
Whose side is he on?
Whenever we argue he always takes Alice's side .
This is a war which neither side can win.
Don't be angry with me - I'm on your side.
support noun /səˈpɔːt/ [U] 2 támogatás (egyetértés)
Environmental groups are fast gaining support among young people.
Is there much public support for the proposal?
Support for the party leader has declined in recent weeks.
controversial adjective /ˌkɒn.trəˈvɜː.ʃəl/ vitás, vitatható
a controversial issue/decision/speech/figure
The book was very controversial.
divided adjective /dɪˈvaɪ.dɪd/ osztott, felosztott; megosztott (véleményeltérés van)
Board members are divided over the plans for the new stadium.
united adjective /jʊˈnaɪ.tɪd/ 2 egységes (közös véleményen van)
On the issue of education the party is united.
against preposition /əˈgentst/ 4 ellen (ellenkezés, szembenállás)
She spoke against the decision to close the college.
Are you for or against the proposal?
Phrases and idioms:
be in favour of sth egyetért vmivel
Most people are in favour of reducing traffic in cities.
Kommunikációs szándékok: Egyetértés kifejezése – Véleménykülönbség kifejezése – Egyetértés/véleménykülönbség tisztázása – Ellenkezés, tiltakozás
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
32. Igenlés, tagadás – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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