3. Megoldás, magyarázat C2 (23) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Ötlet, megoldás (6) 2. Magyarázat, példa (17)
2. Magyarázat, példa – C2 (17) | Szavak |
demolish verb /dɪˈmɒl.ɪʃ/ [T] 2 megdönt, megcáfol (érvet, elgondolást, stb.)
He completely demolished my argument.
embody verb /ɪmˈbɒd.i/ [T] megtestesít vmit (átv.); magába foglal
He embodies the values of hard work and fair play.
exemplify verb /ɪgˈzem.plɪ.faɪ/ [T] (formal) példa vmire
This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.
found verb /faʊnd/ [T] 2 alapoz vmit vmire (véleményt, döntést, stb.)
a society founded on principles of equality
present verb /prɪˈzent/ [T] 4 bemutat (prezentál, ismertet)
He presented the report to his colleagues.
case noun /keɪs/ 7 érv, indok [C]
There is a strong case for/against bringing in the new legislation.
He put the case for more funding very convincingly.
She was given the opportunity to state her case.
illustration noun /ˌɪl.əˈstreɪ.ʃən/ [C or U] 2 szemléltető példa
This delay is a perfect illustration of why we need a new computer system.
A couple of examples are included, by way of illustration.
paradigm noun /ˈpær.ə.daɪm/ [C] (formal) (tipikus) példa/minta/modell
Career women are establishing a new paradigm of work and family life.
precedent noun /ˈpres.ɪ.dənt/ [C or U] precedens
This decision has set an important legal precedent for other countries.
reasoning noun /ˈriː.zən.ɪŋ/ [U] érvelés; megfontolás
I don't understand the reasoning behind this decision.
conclusive adjective /kənˈkluː.sɪv/ döntő (pl. bizonyíték)
conclusive evidence/proof
inexplicable adjective /ˌɪn.ɪkˈsplɪk.ə.bl̩/ megmagyarázhatatlan
To me his behaviour was quite inexplicable.
unprecedented adjective /ʌnˈpres.ɪ.dən.tɪd/ példátlan, előzmény/példa nélkül álló
The Internet has given people unprecedented access to information.
Phrasal verbs:
account for sth /əˈkaʊnt/ magyarázattal szolgál vmire; magyarázatul szolgál vmire
Can you account for your absence last Friday?
He'd had an argument with Caroline, which accounts for his bad mood this morning.
She was asked to account for the missing money.
back up ↔ sth /bæk/ alátámaszt (állítást, érvelést) [often passive]
His claims are backed up by recent research.
Phrases and idioms:
a/the prime example legjellemzőbb példa vmire
This is a prime example of what happens when communication is poor.
shed light on fényt derít vmire (magyarázatot ad vmire)
As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the situation.
Kommunikációs szándékok: Példa megemlítése
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33. Gondolkozás, megértés – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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