1. Minősítés, jó, rossz A1B1 (60) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
Minősítés, jó, rossz* (33) 2. Jó, szép (27)
Minősítés, jó, rossz* – A1–B1 (33) (Minősítés, besorolás; Rossz, gyatra; Megfelelő, alkalmatlan) | Szavak |
class noun /klɑːs/ 3 osztály (kategória) [C]
first-/second- class mail
a business/economy class ticket
All the vegetables we sell are Class A.
kind noun /kaɪnd/ [C] fajta, -féle
What kind of music do you like?
Today's vehicles use two kinds of fuel - petrol and diesel.
Her travel company was the first of its kind.
quality noun /ˈkwɒl.ə.ti/ 1 minőség [U or no plural]
good/high quality
poor/low quality
The air quality in this area is terrible.
All we are asking for is a decent quality of life.
sort noun /sɔːt/ fajta [C]
We both like the same sort of music.
I'm going to have a salad of some sort.
What sort of shoes will I need?
This sort of camera is very expensive.
Plants of this sort need lots of sun.
type noun /taɪp/ [C] 1 fajta, típus
What type of house do they live in?
They sell over 50 different types of cheese.
Illnesses of this type are very common in children.
They sell dried flowers and baskets and that type of thing.
acceptable adjective /əkˈsep.tə.bl̩/ 1 elfogadható, megfelelő
work of an acceptable standard
Clearly we need to come to an arrangement that is acceptable to both parties.
This kind of attitude is simply not acceptable.
So what is an acceptable level of radiation?
all right adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ also: alright 4 elég jó, megfelelő
"What did you think of the film?" "It was all right. Nothing special."
alright adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ also: all right 4 elég jó, megfelelő
"What did you think of the film?" "It was alright. Nothing special."
Did your exam go alright?
awful adjective /ˈɔː.fəl/ rémes, borzasztó; borzalmas, szörnyű (nagyon rossz)
The weather was awful.
She's got an awful boss.
It's an awful place.
She'd been ill and she looked awful.
bad adjective /bæd/ (worse, worst) 1 rossz (kellemetlen)
Our holiday was ruined by bad weather.
We've just had some very bad news.
Watch out - he's in a bad mood.
The queues were so bad that I didn't bother waiting.
bad adjective /bæd/ (worse, worst) 2 gyenge, rossz minőségű; helytelen, nem elfogadható
The food was so bad we couldn't eat it.
He has some very bad habits.
He was sent home from school for bad behaviour.
I'm very bad at cooking.
fine adjective /faɪn/ 2 jó, elég (így ahogy van) [never before noun]
"Is this soup hot enough?" "Yes, it's fine."
horrible adjective /ˈhɒr.ə.bl̩/ iszonyatos; utálatos, rettenetes
He's got a horrible cold.
What's that horrible smell?
That was a horrible thing to say!
OK adjective /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ also: okay (informal) 2 jó, megfelelő
Is your food OK?
"Did you have a good meal last night?" "It was okay, though I've had better."
Her voice is OK, but it's nothing special.
proper adjective /ˈprɒp.ər/ [always before noun] 1 megfelelő; kellő; helyénvaló, illendő
the proper way to do something
Please put those books back in the proper place.
If you're going to walk those sort of distances you need proper walking boots.
reasonable adjective /ˈriː.zən.ə.bl̩/ 3 elfogadható, nem kiemelkedő (pl. minőség)
The service at the hotel is reasonable but don't expect 5-star treatment.
I'd say her work is of a reasonable standard.
suitable adjective /ˈsuː.tə.bl̩/ megfelelő; vkinek/vminek való
Is the film suitable for children?
It's a nice enough dress but it's not really suitable for a wedding.
terrible adjective /ˈter.ə.bl̩/ szörnyű, borzalmas
The weather was terrible.
We have just received some terrible news.
ugly adjective /ˈʌg.li/ 1 csúnya (csúf, rút)
an ugly building/city
useless adjective /ˈjuː.sləs/ 1 használhatatlan (nem működik); semmi értelme (nincs hatása)
This umbrella's useless - there's a big hole in it.
It's useless arguing with her.
wrong adjective /rɒŋ/ 2 baj van (vmivel) [never before noun]
You've been quiet all evening. Is there anything wrong?
What's wrong?
There's something wrong with my computer.
badly adverb /ˈbæd.li/ (worse, worst) 1 rosszul (nem jól)
They played very badly in the first half of the match.
The event was badly organized.
Their children are extremely badly-behaved.
He did badly in his exams.
how adverb /haʊ/ 4 milyen (érdeklődés tapasztalatról, eseményről, stb.)
How was your flight?
How did you find the lecture?
How did you like the concert?
OK adverb /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ also: okay (informal) jól, megfelelő módon, rendben
Everything was going OK until the printer stopped working.
Did you sleep okay?
I just phoned to make sure that you got there okay.
properly adverb /ˈprɒp.əl.i/ rendesen, megfelelően
It's still not working properly.
I'm not properly dressed for this sort of weather.
Come on, Evie, speak properly - you're not a baby any more!
a determiner /eɪ/ also: an 4 egy vmi (csoport, típus, osztály, stb. megadása)
Sally's an engineer.
It's a rabbit.
Phrases and idioms:
a variety of sth/sb sokféle vmi
Ben has done a variety of jobs.
all kinds of sth mindenféle
The cupboard contained all kinds of strange things.
all sorts of sth mindenféle
They had all sorts of jewellery for sale.
We saw all sorts of animals in the park.
feel like sb/sth érez vmit/érzi magát vmilyennek/vminek
My feet feel like blocks of ice.
I felt like a fool when I saw what everyone else was wearing.
find sb/sth easy/boring/funny, etc. könnyűnek/unalmasnak/furcsának/stb. talál
Do you find Clive difficult to talk to?
She doesn't find it easy to talk about her problems.
I find living in the city quite stressful.
I found her very helpful.
not (too) bad egész jó
That's not bad for such a small company.
some kind of valamiféle, valamilyen
She has some kind of disability.
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
29. Értékelés, minősítés – kapcsolódó leckék: |
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