6. Befolyásolás, tiltás A1B1 (16) – altémák


2. Engedés, tiltás (16)

2. Engedés, tiltás – A1–B1 (16) Szavak

allow verb /əˈlaʊ/ 1 megenged, engedélyez [T]

You're not allowed to talk during the exam.

Pets aren't allowed in this hotel.

The referee decided to allow the goal.

ask verb /ɑːsk/ 5 engedélyt kér (vmire) [I or T]

Bruce asked if he could stay with us for a few days.

give verb /gɪv/ [T] *(gave, given) 4 ad (lehetőséget, jogot) [+ two objects]

We didn't really give him a chance to explain.

let verb /let/ *(letting, let, let) enged, megenged, hagy (vmit megtenni/megtörténni) [T]

She wanted to go but her parents wouldn't let her.

He decided to let his hair grow long.

Let your shoes dry completely before putting them on.

I'm letting you stay up late, just this once.

Don't let it worry you.

permit verb /pəˈmɪt/ (-tt-) (slightly formal) 1 megenged, engedélyez (ált. törvény, szabály) [T]

Photography is not permitted inside the museum.

The prison authorities permit visiting only once a month.

The security system will not permit you to enter without the correct password.

can modal verb /kæn/ 5 -hat, -het (engedély kérése/adása)

Can I go now?

You can't park here.

could modal verb /kʊd/ 5 -hat, -het (udvarias engedélykérés)

Could I speak to Mr Davis, please?

Excuse me, could I just say something here?

may modal verb /meɪ/ 3 -hat, -het (engedély kérése, adása) (formal)

May I be excused, please?

"May I help myself to some more food?" "Yes, of course."

You may begin.

Hi, my name's Tiffany. How may I help you?

permission noun /pəˈmɪʃ.ən/ [U] engedély; engedélyezés

She gave him permission immediately.

They even have to ask for permission before they go to the toilet.

Official permission has been granted for more building near the river.

The authorities have refused permission for the demonstration to take place.

all right adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ also: alright 3 rendben van (engedély kérése/adása vmire)

Is it all right if I put some music on?

It's all right to have your friends round so long as you check with me first.

Is it all right with you if I leave the window open?

alright adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ also: all right 3 rendben van (engedély kérése/adása vmire)

Is it alright if I put some music on?

It's alright to have your friends round so long as you check with me first.

Is it alright with you if I leave early today?

forbidden adjective /fəˈbɪd.ən/ tilos (ált. törvény miatt)

Smoking is forbidden in the cinema.

OK adjective /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ also: okay (informal) 3 megengedett, elfogadható

Is it OK if I bring a friend to the party?

Is it okay to smoke in here?

If it's okay by/with you, I'll leave the shopping till tomorrow.

no determiner /nəʊ/ 2 tilos (tiltó táblákon)

No smoking/fishing

Phrases and idioms:

be welcome to do sth módjában/rendelkezésére áll vmi (felajánlás/megengedés)

Anyone who is interested is welcome to come along.

Do you mind ...? kérem/legyen szíves; megtenné/megtennéd (, hogy); megengedi/megengeded (, hogy) (udvarias kérés)

Do you mind if I put the television on?

Kommunikációs szándékok: Megengedettség tisztázásaEngedélyezés, tiltás

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

37. Együttműködés – kapcsolódó leckék:


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