2. Kormányzat, politika A1C2 (174) – altémák

1. Politika, választások – A1–C2 (41) Szavak

campaign verb /kæmˈpeɪn/ [I] kampányt indít, kampányol (társadalmi, politikai, stb. célokért)

to campaign against/for something

elect verb /ɪˈlekt/ [T often passive] választ, megválaszt (képviselőnek, tagnak, stb.)

He was elected president in 1997.

We elected him as our representative.

a new method for electing the leader of the party

lobby verb /ˈlɒb.i/ [I or T] lobbizik

Small businesses have lobbied hard for/against changes in the tax laws.

Local residents lobbied to have the factory shut down.

They have been lobbying Congress to change the legislation concerning guns.

stand verb /stænd/ *(stood, stood) 6 jelölteti magát (választáson) [I]

to stand for office/parliament

vote verb /vəʊt/ [I or T] szavaz; megszavaz

Who did you vote for?

The unions voted against strike action.

Staff have voted to accept the pay offer.

She was too young to vote in the national election.

The committee voted on the proposal, and accepted it.

win verb /wɪn/ *(winning, won, won) 3 nyer, megnyer (választást), győz (választáson) [I or T]

Who do you think will win the election?

campaign noun /kæmˈpeɪn/ [C] 1 kampány

an advertising/election campaign

cause noun /kɔːz/ 2 ügy (átv.) (vmilyen elvvel, céllal kapcsolatos) [C]

The money will all go to a good cause.

He fought for the Republican cause in the war.

centre noun /ˈsen.tər/ 3 közép, centrum (politika) [no plural] also: the centre

His political views are left of centre.

election noun /ɪˈlek.ʃən/ [C or U] választás (politika v. hivatali pozícióra)

a presidential election

Who do you think will win the election?

Local government elections will take place in May.

The first election results have started to come in.

extremist noun /ɪkˈstriː.mɪst/ [C] szélsőséges (személy) (politikai, vallási, stb.) (!)

political/religious extremists

observer noun /əbˈzɜːvər/ [C] megfigyelő

Political observers are expecting the election result to be close.

Observers are predicting a fall in interest rates.

party noun /ˈpɑː.ti/ [C] 2 párt [+ singular or plural verb]

a political party

the Green Party

The Labour Party has/have just elected a new leader.

He was elected as party leader in 2001.

They contacted party members from across the nation to ask for their support.

policy noun /ˈpɒl.ə.si/ [C] 1 irányvonal; politikája vkinek

They believe that the European Community needs a common foreign and security policy.

What is your party's policy on immigration?

politician noun /ˌpɒl.ɪˈtɪʃ.ən/ [C] politikus

a British Labour politician

a local politician

politics noun /ˈpɒl.ə.tɪks/ [U] politika

He has little interest in local politics.

She's planning to retire from politics next year.

propaganda noun /ˌprɒp.əˈgæn.də/ [U] propaganda (elítélő értelemben használva)

political propaganda

radical noun /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ [C] radikális személy (pl. politikus)

There are several radicals in the government.

referendum noun /ˌref.ərˈen.dəm/ [C] népszavazás, referendum

The government has promised a referendum on voting reform.

seat noun /siːt/ [C] 2 mandátum

a seat in parliament

slogan noun /ˈsləʊ.gən/ [C] jelmondat, jelszó, szlogen (vállalati, politikai, hirdetési, stb.)

an advertising slogan

socialist noun /ˈsəʊ.ʃəl.ɪst/ [C] szocialista (politika)

My parents are socialists.

standpoint noun /ˈstænd.pɔɪnt/ [C] szempont, álláspont (politikai, gazdasági, elméleti, stb.)

to look at something from a political/religious standpoint

vote noun /vəʊt/ 1 szavazat [C]

He lost the election by twenty votes.

The suggestion was approved, with 25 votes in favour, and 7 against.

She cast her vote for the Green Party.

vote noun /vəʊt/ 2 szavazás [C usually no plural]

We called a meeting in order to take a vote on the issue.

voter noun /ˈvəʊ.tər/ [C] szavazó

Of course, tax cuts are usually popular with (the) voters.

Are you a Labour voter?

wing noun /wɪŋ/ [C] 3 szárny (párton/szervezeten belül)

the nationalist wing of the party

left-wing adjective /ˌleftˈwɪŋ/ baloldali (politika)

He is interested in left-wing politics.

liberal adjective /ˈlɪb.ər.əl/ 2 liberális (politika)

They are one of a group of liberal parties in the European Union.

political adjective /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl/ politikai

political leaders/parties

Education is back at the top of the political agenda.

radical adjective /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ 2 radikális (gyökeres változást akaró) (csoport, mozgalom, stb.)

a radical group/movement

a radical proposal

right-wing adjective /ˌraɪtˈwɪŋ/ jobboldali (politika)

She's extremely right-wing.

a right-wing newspaper

unanimous adjective /juːˈnæn.ɪ.məs/ egyhangú (döntés, szavazás, megállapodás, stb.)

The jury was unanimous in finding him guilty.

politically adverb /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.kli/ politikailag

Politically, she is very experienced.

a politically active group

unanimously adverb /juːˈnæn.ɪ.məs.li/ egyhangúlag (egységesen, egyöntetűen)

We agreed unanimously that he was the best candidate.

Phrases and idioms:

cast a/your vote szavaz

Many people cast their votes for the opposition.

mount a campaign/challenge/protest, etc. kampányt/mérkőzést/tüntetést/stb. szervez

Students mounted a huge protest against fee increases.

the far left/right szélső jobboldal/baloldal (politika)

He belongs to a far right group.

the opposition az ellenzék (politika)

The opposition is arguing for a review of the policy.

the Right/right a jobboldal (politika)

The right campaigned against the president.

the vote szavazati jog

In some countries women still don't have the vote.

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