1. Család, rokonok A1C2 (103) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Család, házasság (32) 2. Születés, származás (28) 3. Rokonok (21) 4. Nevelés, gondozás (22)
2. Születés, származás – A1–C2 (28) | Szavak |
adopt verb /əˈdɒpt/ 1 örökbe fogad, adoptál vkit [I or T]
They've adopted a baby girl.
She had the child adopted.
bear verb /beər/ *(bore, borne) 3 szül (gyereket) (formal)
She has been told that she will never bear children.
conceive verb /kənˈsiːv/ 3 teherbe esik [I or T]
She had been trying for years, but never managed to conceive.
have verb /hæv/ [T] *(had, had) 4 (gyereket) szül
Elaine had a baby girl yesterday.
adoption noun /əˈdɒp.ʃən/ [C or U] örökbefogadás (gyermeké)
She couldn't have children, so they were considering adoption.
ancestor noun /ˈænˌses.tər/ [C] ős, előd
My ancestors came from Ireland.
birth noun /bɜːθ/ 1 születés, szülés (gyermeké) [C or U]
He weighed four kilos at birth.
What's your date of birth?
The application form will ask for your place of birth.
blood noun /blʌd/ [U] 2 vér, származás
I've got some Spanish blood in me.
descendant noun /dɪˈsend.ənt/ [C] leszármazott
She is a descendant of Queen Victoria.
heir noun /eər/ [C] örökös (az örököse vkinek)
He is the heir to a huge fortune.
labour noun /ˈleɪ.bər/ 3 vajúdás [C or U]
to be in labour
labour pains
offspring noun /ˈɒf.sprɪŋ/ [C] plural: offspring (formal) utód, ivadék (emberé/állaté)
to produce offspring
origin noun /ˈɒr.ɪ.dʒɪn/ [C or U] 2 származás (vkié) (ország/család/nemzetiség, stb.)
He is of North African origin.
What is your country of origin?
The president's family was of humble origins.
orphan noun /ˈɔː.fən/ [C] árva (gyerek)
They adopted an orphan.
pregnancy noun /ˈpreg.nən.si/ [C or U] terhesség (várandósság)
a teenage pregnancy
relation noun /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən/ 1 rokon (a rokonság tagja) [C]
The funeral was attended by friends and relations.
What relation are you to Julie?
She's a relation by marriage because she married my cousin.
Emma is a distant relation of my wife.
relative noun /ˈrel.ə.tɪv/ [C] rokon (a rokonság tagja)
There was a party for friends and relatives.
I haven't got many blood relatives.
All her close/distant relatives came to the wedding.
side noun /saɪd/ 10 oldal, oldalág (rokonság apai és anyai ágon)
They tend to be tall on my mother's side of the family.
adopted adjective /əˈdɒp.tɪd/ örökbe fogadott, adoptált (gyermek)
They've got two adopted children and one of their own.
close adjective /kləʊs/ 3 közeli (rokon) [always before noun]
There weren't many people at the funeral - just close family/relatives.
distant adjective /ˈdɪs.tənt/ 3 távoli (rokon)
a distant cousin
pregnant adjective /ˈpreg.nənt/ terhes, állapotos (nő); vemhes (állat)
to get pregnant
She's five and a half months pregnant.
My mother stopped smoking when she became pregnant.
My sister is pregnant with twins.
related adjective /rɪˈleɪ.tɪd/ 1 rokon vkivel, rokoni kapcsolatban levő
Of course Elise and Linda are related to each other - they're cousins.
We're related by marriage only.
Phrasal verbs:
be descended from sb/sth /dɪˈsend/ származik vkitől/vmitől (formal)
Her father is descended from Greek royalty.
Phrases and idioms:
be born születik, megszületik (világra jön)
Ellen was born in 1994.
Archie was born in Melbourne.
be expecting (a baby) babát vár
I'm expecting our first baby in May.
give birth szül
She gave birth to twins.
your own flesh and blood saját vére/családja
I can't hate him - he's my own flesh and blood.
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
11. Család, kapcsolatok – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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