5. Egészség, higiénia A1C2 (49) – altémák


1. Élet, egészség (26) 2. Higiénia, testápolás (23)

1. Élet, egészség – A1–C2 (26) Szavak

do verb /duː/ *(did, done) 4 van vhogy, vmilyen állapotban van (pl. jól van, egészséges, stb.) [I]

Hi, how are you doing?

"How is Freya doing?" "She's doing really well, thanks."

exist verb /ɪgˈzɪst/ [I] 2 megél, fenntartja magát

You can't exist without water for more than a week.

live verb /lɪv/ 2 él (életben van) [I]

He only lived a few days after the accident.

I hope I live to see my grandchildren.

Her granny lived to the ripe old age of 94.

He lived in the eighteenth century.

energy noun /ˈen.ə.dʒi/ [U] 1 erő, energia (tetterő, lendület)

Looking after children takes up a lot of time and energy.

I was going to go out this evening, but I just don't have the energy.

I didn't even have the energy to get out of bed.

health noun /helθ/ [U] egészség; egészségi állapot

to be in good/poor health

Regular exercise is good for your health.

I had to stop eating salty foods for health reasons.

life noun /laɪf/ plural: lives 1 élet, életidő [C or U]

Life's too short to worry about money!

I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Unfortunately, accidents are part of life.

He doesn't know what he really wants in/out of life.

life noun /laɪf/ plural: lives 4 élet, lét [C]

How many lives will be lost to AIDS?

The operation saved her life.

He lost his life in the Great War.

life noun /laɪf/ plural: lives 5 élet, életerő, életkedv [U]

She's so full of life.

vitality noun /vaɪˈtæl.ə.ti/ [U] életerő, vitalitás

At 48, he still projects an image of youth and vitality.

well-being noun /ˌwelˈbiː.ɪŋ/ [U] jólét, jó egészség

I found that yoga increased my sense of well-being.

alive adjective /əˈlaɪv/ [never before noun] 1 élő, életben levő (nem halott)

He must be ninety if he's still alive.

It was a bad fall - she's lucky to be alive.

all right adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ also: alright 2 jól van (nem beteg, sérült, stb.)

"Harry's just slipped on the ice." "Oh dear! Is he all right?"

She was very ill for a while but she's all right now.

alright adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ also: all right 2 jól van (nem beteg, sérült, stb.)

"Harry's just slipped on the ice." "Oh dear! Is he alright?"

She was very ill for a while but she's alright now.

energetic adjective /ˌen.əˈdʒet.ɪk/ energikus, erőteljes, lendületes; erélyes

an energetic young woman

I think I'd prefer something a little less energetic.

fine adjective /faɪn/ 1 jól van (jól érzi magát) (egészséges/elégedett) [never before noun]

"How are you?" "I'm fine, thanks."

I felt terrible last night but I feel fine this morning.

good adjective /gʊd/ (better, best) 4 jól van, egészséges

"How are you, Amelia?" "I'm good, thanks!"

"How's Joshua doing?" "He's good, thank you."

healthy adjective /ˈhel.θi/ 1 egészséges (nem beteg)

She's a normal, healthy child.

He looks healthy enough.

healthy adjective /ˈhel.θi/ 2 egészséges (jót tesz az egészségnek)

a healthy diet

living adjective /ˈlɪv.ɪŋ/ élő, életben levő

living things/creatures/organisms

He is probably the best known living architect.

OK adjective /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ also: okay (informal) 1 jól van, rendben van (nem beteg, nem zaklatott, nem sérült, stb.)

Are you OK? You look a bit pale.

How's Paola? Is she okay after her fall yesterday?

"Is everything OK with you?" "Yes, fine."

I'll just check that the car's okay - that was a bit of a bang!

well adjective /wel/ (better, best) jól van, egészséges

You look well! - Thanks, I feel well.

He hasn't been too well lately.

When she came home from school she really didn't look well.

I'm sorry you're ill - I hope you get well soon.

how adverb /haʊ/ 3 hogy (van, érez vmivel kapcsolatban)

How is your mother?

How are you feeling this morning?

Phrasal verbs:

put on ↔ sth /pʊt/ 5 felszed (súlyt) (hízik)

She put on over 4 kilos in a month.

Phrases and idioms:

be alive and kicking/well él és virul vki, él és virágzik vmi

She said she'd seen him last week and he was alive and kicking.

I was glad to hear you're alive and well.

good for you jót tesz vkinek (használ az egészségnek, közérzetnek, stb.)

Swimming is really good for you.

It's good for you to eat plenty of vegetables.

How are you? hogy van? hogy vagy?

"Hi, Lucy, how are you?" "Fine, thanks, how are you?"

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

2. Test, egészség – kapcsolódó leckék:


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