4. Beletartozás, kapcsolat A1C2 (161) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Beletartozás, összevonás, kiegészítés (46) 2. Kizárás, felosztás (34) 3. Kapcsolat, összefüggés, függőség (81)
1. Beletartozás, összevonás, kiegészítés – A1–C2 (46) | Szavak |
attach verb /əˈtætʃ/ [T] 3 tartozik vmihez (ált. szenvedő szerkezetben)
There were too many conditions attached to the deal.
combine verb /kəmˈbaɪn/ [I or T] egyesül, kever; egyesít, keveredik
My wages combined with your savings should just about pay for it.
The band combines jazz rhythms and romantic lyrics.
complete verb /kəmˈpliːt/ [T] 1 kiegészít (teljessé tesz)
Complete the sentence with one of the adjectives provided.
He only needs two more cards to complete the set.
All she needed to complete her happiness was a baby.
compose verb /kəmˈpəʊz/ 1 alkot, képez vmit [T often passive]
The committee was composed of elected leaders and citizens.
comprise verb /kəmˈpraɪz/ [T] (formal) 1 áll vmiből (részekből, tagokból, stb.)
The orchestra was comprised of amateur and professional musicians.
count verb /kaʊnt/ 5 érvényes, beleszámít (vmi vhova) [I]
I've been to sixteen different countries, but I only spent half an hour in Luxembourg, so that doesn't really count.
embrace verb /ɪmˈbreɪs/ 2 felölel (magában foglal)
The report embraces a wide range of opinions.
group verb /gruːp/ [T] csoportosít; csoportosul
The children are grouped according to their ability.
include verb /ɪnˈkluːd/ [T] tartalmaz; bevesz, bevon vkit/vmit (vmilyen csoportba)
The bill includes tax and service.
Tax and service are included in the bill.
Your responsibilities will include making appointments on my behalf.
The group includes many ex-soldiers.
incorporate verb /ɪnˈkɔː.pər.eɪt/ [T] belefoglal (vmit vmibe)
Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation.
Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan.
integrate verb /ˈɪn.tɪ.greɪt/ [I or T] beolvaszt, egybeolvaszt; beilleszkedik; bevon vkit (csoportba); segít beilleszkedni vkinek
After a few weeks of training he was fully integrated into the team.
merge verb /mɜːdʒ/ [I or T] összevon; egyesül, beolvad (pl. vállalat)
The two companies merged.
They're planning to merge the banks.
The city's smaller libraries will be merged into a large, central one.
supplement verb /ˈsʌp.lɪ.ment/ [T] kiegészít (jövedelmet, étrendet, stb.)
He supplements his income by working in a bar in the evenings.
combination noun /ˌkɒm.bɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ [C or U] kombináció, összeállítás
Strawberries and cream - a perfect combination.
A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
This drug can be safely used in combination with other medicines.
Her experience and energy are a winning combination in business.
contents noun /ˈkɒn.tents/ [plural] 1 tartalom (minden ami benne van)
The contents of his bag spilled all over the floor.
He hardly needed to open the letter because he already knew the contents.
element noun /ˈel.ɪ.mənt/ [C] 1 rész, elem, alapelem, alkotóelem (része vminek)
List the elements which make up a perfect dinner party.
The film had all the elements of a good thriller.
group noun /gruːp/ [C + singular or plural verb] 1 csoport
I'm meeting a group of friends for dinner tonight.
The group meet(s) every month.
The children are taught in different age groups.
inclusion noun /ɪnˈkluː.ʒən/ [C or U] beleszámítás (csoportba, mennyiségbe, stb.)
Her self-portrait was chosen for inclusion in the exhibition.
ingredient noun /ɪnˈgriː.di.ənt/ [C often plural] 2 alkotórész, kellék (pl. sikerhez, eredményességhez)
Trust is an essential ingredient in a successful marriage.
integration noun /ˌɪn.tɪˈgreɪ.ʃən/ [U] beilleszkedés; összevonás (vminek részévé tevés/válás)
cultural integration
part noun /pɑːt/ 1 rész, része vminek [C]
Which part of Buenos Aires do you live in?
They learn about the different parts of the body.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet.
supplement noun /ˈsʌp.lɪ.mənt/ [C] kiegészítés, pótlék (étrendé, fizetésé, díjé, stb.)
to take a vitamin supplement
a newspaper with a colour supplement
unit noun /ˈjuː.nɪt/ [C] 1 egység (rész/vminek egységnyi része)
The first year of the course is divided into four units.
Each unit of the course book focuses on a different grammar point.
complete adjective /kəmˈpliːt/ 2 teljes, hiánytalan
The report comes complete with diagrams and colour photographs.
Sun, sand and romance - her holiday was complete.
The list below is not complete.
entire adjective /ɪnˈtaɪər/ [always before noun] egész, teljes
Between them they ate an entire cake.
He'd spent the entire journey asleep.
full adjective /fʊl/ 2 teljes (komplett) [always before noun]
Please give your full name and address.
Today's my last full day in Paris.
inclusive adjective /ɪnˈkluː.sɪv/ vmit tartalmazó, magában foglaló; beleértve, beleszámítva
Prices are inclusive of flights and accommodation.
integral adjective /ˈɪn.tɪ.grəl/ szerves, szervesen hozzátartozó; beépített, vmihez hozzátartozó
The Internet has become an integral part of modern life.
supplementary adjective /ˌsʌp.lɪˈmen.tər.i/ kiegészítő (jövedelem, információ, stb.)
supplementary materials
united adjective /jʊˈnaɪ.tɪd/ 1 egyesült; egyesített (csoport, szervezet, stb.)
The whole village was united in their grief.
It was the first film festival to take place in a united Germany.
whole adjective /həʊl/ egész, teljes [always before noun]
I spent the whole day cleaning.
There's still a whole month till my birthday.
After my exercise class, my whole body ached.
The whole town was destroyed by the earthquake.
This whole thing is ridiculous.
Bill does nothing but complain the whole time .
together adverb /təˈgeð.ər/ 1 együtt; össze- (egymással)
We worked together on a project a couple of years back.
The waiter asked if we were all together so I explained that we were two separate parties.
We should get together some time and have a drink.
We grew up together.
whole adverb /həʊl/ egészben, egyben (nem darabokban)
The baby bird swallowed the worm whole.
beyond preposition /biˈjɒnd/ 3 túl, kívül (mást is érintve/bevonva) (családon/munkán/stb. túl/kívül)
You should try to develop interests beyond the family.
in preposition /ɪn/ 4 -ban, -ben (vminek a részeként/részét alkotva)
He used to be the lead singer in a rock band.
There are too many spelling mistakes in this essay.
I've been waiting in this queue for ages.
including preposition /ɪnˈkluː.dɪŋ/ beleszámítva
Eight people, including two children, were injured in the explosion.
It's £24.99, including postage.
towards preposition /təˈwɔːdz/ 4 hozzá (hozzájárulásként vmihez) (pl. vásárláshoz/cél eléréséhez)
I'm saving up to buy a car, and Dad has given me some money towards it.
Would you like to make a contribution towards a present for Linda?
The work that students do during the term counts towards their final grade.
with preposition /wɪð/ 1 -val, -vel (együtt)
I was with Sylvia at the time.
He lives with his grandmother.
I'm going to France with a couple of friends.
I used to play chess with him.
with preposition /wɪð/ 2 -val, -vel (hozzá tartozik/tartalmaz)
a house with a swimming pool
a woman with brown eyes
Phrasal verbs:
count towards sth /kaʊnt/ beleszámít vmibe (a része vminek)
This essay counts towards my exam result.
Phrases and idioms:
(all) in one (több dolog) egyben
It's a holiday and art course all in one.
along with sb/sth együtt vkivel/vmivel
California along with Florida is probably the most popular American holiday destination.
among the best/worst/biggest, etc. legjobbak/legrosszabbak/legnagyobbak/stb. között
He is among the top five tennis players in the country.
in conjunction with sth/sb együtt vkivel/vmivel
Our librarians use their knowledge in conjunction with the computer network.
part of sth része vminek
Elsa spent part of the day shopping.
Part of the problem is their lack of money.
I studied Swedish as part of my degree.
It's all part of growing up.
the whole of sth az egész
I'll be on holiday the whole of next week.
His behaviour affects the whole of the class.
The whole of the village had come out for the party.
*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.
30. Feltétel, összefüggés – kapcsolódó leckék: |
*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.
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