az angolul

Az angolul. Az angol fordítása. Az angol jelentése, az angol hangos példamondatok, az angol szavak és kifejezések.

az angolul – jelentések:

it pronoun /ɪt/ 1 A1 ő, az; őt, azt; neki, annak (semleges nem)

"Where's my pen?" "You left it by the phone."

The argument was upsetting for us all - I don't want to talk about it.

Children who stay away from school do it for different reasons.

it pronoun /ɪt/ 2 A1 az, azt (egész kifejezés helyettesítése)

I liked it in Scotland.

It's unlikely that she'll arrive on time.

It costs less if you travel at the weekend.

that pronoun /ðæt/ 1 A1 az (rámutatás)

What's that in the corner?

I'd like some of those.

That looks heavy.

that pronoun /ðæt/ 2 A1 az (már említett dolog)

If you do that, you'll be sorry.

I don't think you should put up with that.

You can't wear those to a wedding.

that pronoun /ðæt/ 3 A2 az (visszautalás)

My usual train was cancelled. That's why I'm so late.

She tricked him, and that's what really upset him.

that pronoun /ðæt/ 5 B2 az (reagálás vmire)

I didn't know she'd been so ill. That's terrible.

Turn the engine on, then put the car in gear. That's right.

Smile for the camera. That's more like it.

that pronoun /ðæt/ 6 B2 az (múltra hivatkozás)

That was before we had a car.

that determiner /ðæt/ 1 A1 az (rámutatás)

Did you know that woman in the post office?

How much are those shoes?

that determiner /ðæt/ 2 A1 az (már említett dolog)

Where's that pen gone?

She lives in that house by the bus station.

the determiner /ðiː/ 1 A1 a, az (már említett/ismert dolgok előtt használva)

I bought a shirt and some shoes. The shirt was expensive, but the shoes weren't.

Could you pass the salt, please?

I'll pick you up at the station.

I really enjoyed the book I just read.

the determiner /ðiː/ 2 A1 a, az (olyan dolgok előtt, amelyekből csak egy van)

Have you seen the Eiffel Tower?

What will happen in the future?

She's travelling round the world.

They live in the north of Spain.

the determiner /ðiː/ 3 A1 a, az (bizonyos típusú helyek neve előtt)

We spent all day at the beach.

Shall we go to the movies this evening?

I must go to the bank.

the determiner /ðiː/ 4 A2 a, az (felsőfok, sorszámok és egyetlen dologra utaló szavak előtt)

That was one of the best films I've ever seen.

What's the highest mountain in Europe?

I shall never forget the first time we met.

You're the fifth person to ask me that question.

the determiner /ðiː/ 5 B1 a, az (a 'your', 'her', 'my', stb. birtokost jelző szó helyett)

He held her by the arm.

Where did I park the car?

the determiner /ðiː/ 6 B2 a, az (évtizedek nevei előtt)

the sixties

*A szavakról további részletek az angol–magyar oldalon.

az angolul – hasonló találatok:

cater verb /ˈkeɪ.tər/ C1 gondoskodik az étkeztetésről (esküvőn, összejövetelen, stb.)

How many are we catering for at the wedding reception?

time verb /taɪm/ 1 B2 méri az idejét vminek

It's a good idea to time yourself while you do the exercises.

do auxiliary verb /duː/ 2 B1 segédige az ige ismétlése helyett

She runs much faster than he does.

Maria looks much healthier than she did.

"I hate that song!" "So do I."

"I don't like the heat." "Nor/Neither do I."

"May I join you?" "Please do!"

baggage noun /ˈbæg.ɪdʒ/ 2 C2 az átélt dolgok (élettapasztalatok)

emotional baggage

beginning noun /bɪˈgɪn.ɪŋ/ A2 kezdet, az eleje vminek

We met at the beginning of 2014.

She sat down and read the book straight through from beginning to end.

I enjoyed my job at/in the beginning, but I'm bored with it now.

civilization noun /ˌsɪv.əl.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ 1 B2 az emberi civilizáció [C or U]

Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of civilization.

ancient civilizations

cost noun /kɒst/ 2 B2 az ára vminek (átv.) (vmi elérésének) [U or no plural]

He rescued four people at the cost of his own life.

She finally got the job she wanted, but at great personal cost.

It's not worth getting into an argument with Tim, as I learned to my cost.

disposal noun /dɪˈspəʊ.zəl/ B2 megszabadulás vmitől, az eltávolítása vminek (hulladéké, veszélyes anyagé, stb.)

waste disposal

the disposal of hazardous substances

drive noun /draɪv/ 1 B1 autózás, az út autóval, kocsizás [C]

The drive from Boston to New York took four hours.

humanity noun /hjuːˈmæn.ə.ti/ 1 C1 az emberiség

The massacre was a crime against humanity.

indication noun /ˌɪn.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 1 C1 előjel/nyom, az előjele/nyoma vminek

There are strong indications that the case will be referred to the Court of Appeal.

interest noun /ˈɪn.trəst/ 6 C2 érdek, az érdeke vkinek [C or U]

A union looks after the interests of its members.

loss noun /lɒs/ 1 B2 veszteség, az elvesztése vminek [C or U]

Many parents feel a sense of loss when their children leave home.

He suffered a gradual loss of memory.

There will be substantial job losses if the factory closes down.

blood/hair/weight loss

merit noun /ˈmer.ɪt/ C1 érdem, érték; az érdemei/értékei vkinek/vminek

His ideas have merit.

We debated the merits of using television in the classroom.

Every application has to be judged on its own merits (=judged by considering the qualities of each).

opposite noun /ˈɒp.ə.zɪt/ B1 az ellenkezője, ellentéte vminek

The opposite of 'fast' is 'slow'.

My father is a very calm person, but my mother is just the opposite.

She's turned out to be the exact opposite of what everyone expected.

original noun /əˈrɪdʒ.ə.nəl/ B2 az eredeti (példány)

If the painting is an original, it will be very valuable.

peer pressure noun /ˈpiəˌpreʃ.ər/ C2 az egyen korúak befolyása

When it comes to fashion, peer pressure can be intense.

point noun /pɔɪnt/ 5 B2 értelem, cél, az értelme/célja vminek [no plural]

I'd try to explain to her how I feel but there's no point because she won't listen.

There's no point in inviting her - she never comes to parties.

What's the point of studying if you can't get a job afterwards?

point noun /pɔɪnt/ 9 C2 az iránytű fokjelzése [C]

the points of the compass

sense noun /sents/ 5 B2 értelem, vminek az értelme (szóé, kifejezésé) [C]

They are not immigrants, at least not in any sense that I understand.

The packaging is green - in both senses of the word.

Security defined in the broad/broadest sense of the term means getting at the root causes of trouble and helping to reduce regional conflicts.

shadow noun /ˈʃæd.əʊ/ B1 árnyék, az árnyéka vminek

The tree had cast a long shadow.

The children were playing, jumping on each other's shadows.

Jamie followed his mother around all day like a shadow.

This corner of the room is always in shadow.

side noun /saɪd/ 2 A2 oldal, az oldala vminek (oldalsó része/felülete) [C]

The names of ships are usually painted on their sides.

My room is at the side of the house.

Please write on one side of the paper only.

Canadian coins have a picture of the Queen's head on one side.

Please use the side entrance.

strength noun /streŋθ/ 2 C1 erősség, az erőssége vkinek/vminek [C]

We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

The great strength of this arrangement is its simplicity.

texture noun /ˈteks.tʃər/ C1 tapintás, tapintása vminek (selymes, durva, stb.); állag, az állaga vminek (krémes, ropogós, stb.)

wood with a rough texture

the Internet noun /ˈɪn.tə.net/ A1 az internet

I found out about the book on the Internet.

a company that provides cheap Internet access

the last minute noun /ˌlɑːstˈmɪnɪt/ B2 az utolsó perc/pillanat

They only told me at the last minute that they couldn't come.

Why do you always leave everything till the last minute?

time noun /taɪm/ 5 B1 idő, az ideje vminek [U or no plural]

holiday time

party time

When would be a good time for me to call you?

virtue noun /ˈvɜː.tjuː/ 2 C2 előny, az előnye vminek (hasznos tulajdonsága vminek) [C or U]

The great virtue of having a small car is that you can park it easily.

hers pronoun /hɜːz/ A2 az övé, az övéi (nőnem)

Jenny and I both have red hair, but hers is lighter than mine.

I just met a cousin of hers.

his pronoun /hɪz/ A2 az övé, az övéi (hímnem)

That's Frank's coat over there - at least I think it's his.

I borrowed them from a friend of his.

it pronoun /ɪt/ 5 C2 az/ez a (egy mondatrész kiemelése, hangsúlyozása)

It's the children I'm concerned about, not me.

mine pronoun /maɪn/ A2 az enyém

"Whose bag is this?" "It's mine."

Your son is the same age as mine.

She's an old friend of mine.

Can I use your pen? Mine's not working.

one pronoun /wʌn/ 2 C1 az ember (az emberek általánosan értve) (formal)

One ought to respect one's parents.

theirs pronoun /ðeəz/ A2 az övék, övéké; övéik

I think she's a relation of theirs.

they pronoun /ðeɪ/ 3 B2 az ember, az emberek (az emberek általánosan értve)

They say that breaking a mirror brings you seven years' bad luck.

this pronoun /ðɪs/ 2 A2 ez a, ez az (rámutatás)

This is the cafe I was telling you about.

How did this get here?

Whose glasses are these?

you pronoun /juː/ 2 A2 az ember (az emberek általánosan értve)

You learn to accept these things as you get older.

You can't get a driving licence till you're seventeen in this country.

Too much alcohol is bad for you.

How do you get this thing to start?

yours pronoun /jɔːz/ A2 az öné/magáé/önéi; a tied/tieid; az önöké/maguké/önökéi/magukéi; a tietek/tieitek

Is this pen yours?

Unfortunately, my legs aren't as long as yours.

I've got something of yours.

decent adjective /ˈdiː.sənt/ 2 B2 tisztességes, rendes (ember, dolog); az illemszabályoknak megfelelő

Decent people have had their lives ruined by his behaviour.

She should do the decent thing and apologize.

last-minute adjective /ˈlɑːstˌmɪnɪt/ B2 az utolsó percben történő

a last-minute cancellation

only adjective /ˈəʊ A1 az egyetlen, egyedüli (senki/semmi más)

This is our only chance.

I was the only person on the train.

Is this really the only way to do it?

The only thing that matters is that the baby is healthy.

It was the only thing I could do under the circumstances.

Rita was the only person to complain.

past adjective /pɑːst/ 2 B1 az elmúlt (nap, hét, év, stb.) [always before noun]

I've spent the past ten years in and out of jobs.

It's been raining for the past three days.

He was the fifth climber to die on these mountains over the past two days.

underlying adjective /ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪ.ɪŋ/ C2 vminek az alapját képező, mögöttes (ok, probléma, feltételezés, stb.)

We need to look at the underlying reasons for ill health.

worldwide adjective, adverb /ˈwɜːld.waɪd/ B2 világméretű; világszerte, az egész világon

a worldwide success

An increase in average temperature by only a few degrees could cause environmental problems worldwide.

interestingly adverb /ˈɪn.trə.stɪŋ.li/ C1 érdekes módon; érdekes az (, hogy) (érdekes/meglepő mondandó bevezetése)

Interestingly, he never actually said that he was innocent.

lately adverb /ˈleɪ B1 mostanában, az utóbbi időben

Lately, I've been walking to work.

I haven't been feeling so well lately.

notwithstanding adverb, preposition /ˌnɒt.wɪθˈstæn.dɪŋ/ C1 az ellenére vminek

Injuries notwithstanding, he won the semi-final match.

recently adverb /ˈriː.sə B1 nemrég; mostanában, az utóbbi időben

Have you seen any good films recently?

Until very recently he worked as a teacher.

Recently, I've been feeling a bit depressed.

reportedly adverb /rɪˈpɔː.tɪ C2 állítólag, az elmondások szerint

Two students were reportedly killed and several wounded.

then adverb /ðen/ 3 A2 akkor, ebben az esetben (vmi eredményeképp, vmi oknál fogva)

Have a rest now, then you won't be so tired this evening.

"My interview's at 9 o'clock." "You'll be catching an early train, then?"

upstairs adverb /ʌpˈsteəz/ A2 fent, az emeleten; fel, az emeletre

He ran upstairs to answer the phone.

all determiner, pronoun /ɔːl/ 3 A2 az összes, (az) egész (mennyiség)

I've spent all my money.

Have you drunk all the juice?

By morning, all the snow had gone.

her determiner /hɜːr/ A1 az ő -ja, -je, -jai, -jei (nőnem)

That's her house on the corner.

It's not her fault.

his determiner /hɪz/ A1 az ő -ja, -je, -jai, -jei (hímnem)

Alex is sitting over there with his daughter.

It's not his fault.

"Jo's got a new boyfriend." "Oh really? What's his name?"

my determiner /maɪ/ A1 az (én) -(i)m

my parents

my name

my jacket

Tom's my older son.

It wasn't my fault.

one determiner /wʌn/ 5 B2 az egyetlen, egyedüli (rajta/ezen kívül nincs más)

He's the one person you can rely on in an emergency.

This may be your one and only opportunity to meet her.

their determiner /ðeər/ 1 A1 az ő valamijük/vmijeik

He gave them their coats.

Anyway, that's their problem.

this determiner /ðɪs/ 2 A1 ez a, ez az(rámutatás)

How much is this sofa?

David gave me these earrings for my birthday.

your determiner /jɔːr/ 1 A1 az ön vmije(i), a te vmi(jei)d; az önök vmije(i), a ti vmi(jei)tek

Is this your bag?

It's not your fault.

Your mother is driving me crazy.

What's your problem?

your determiner /jɔːr/ 2 B1 az ember vmije (általánosságban az emberekre értve)

Of course you want the best for your children.

Garlic is good for your blood.

at preposition /æt/ 4 A1 az @ jel az e-mail címekben

mymail at gmail dot com

into preposition /ˈɪn.tuː/ 4 B1 -ba, be, vmi felé, az irányába vminek

She was looking straight into his eyes.

provided conjunction /prəˈvɑɪd.ɪd/ B2 feltéve hogy, (csak) abban az esetben, ha

He's welcome to come along, provided that he behaves himself.

az angolul – hasonló kifejezések:

(all) to myself C1 egyedül az enyém

I'll have the flat all to myself this weekend.

I need a couple of hours to myself.

(be) green with envy C2 sárga az irigységtől

Sam's got a job in the south of France and we're all green with envy!

(be) in your fifties B2 az ötvenes éveiben van

He retired when he was still in his fifties.

(have) the best of both worlds C1 mindkét dolognak az előnyeit élvezi

Living in the country and working in the city you have the best of both worlds.

(just) in case B1 arra az esetre ha netalán ...; minden eshetőségre felkészülve

I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some just in case.

Bring a map in case you get lost.

a narrow escape C2 egy hajszálon múlt az élete

He had a narrow escape when a falling tree crushed his car.

a stroll/trip/walk down memory lane C2 kószálás/kirándulás/séta az emlékek ösvényén

We were just taking a walk down memory lane and recalling our youth.

all the time A2 végig, mindvégig, az egész idő alatt

I wish you'd stop criticizing me all the time.

all the way B2 az egész úton, végig az úton

They cycled all the way to London.

assume control/power/responsibility, etc. C2 átveszi az irányítást/hatalmat/felelősséget/stb.

He has assumed the role of spokesman for the group.

at/by your side C2 az oldalán vkivel (támogatásával, segítségével)

With Dan at my side, I felt I could do anything.

at/from the outset C2 (vminek) az elején/az elejétől fogva

I made my views clear at the outset.

We knew from the outset that we were unlikely to win.

be a first C2 az első alkalom

Man walking on the moon was a first in space history.

be a question of C1 az a kérdés, azon múlik (, hogy)

Someone needs to be here - it's a question of who would be the best person.

be bursting with confidence/joy, etc. C2 szétpukkad az önbizalomtól/örömtől/stb.

She was bursting with pride.

be obsessed by/with sb/sth B2 állandóan csak ugyanazon jár az esze

to be obsessed with money/work

be overcome by excitement/fear/sadness, etc. C2 hatalmába keríti/elfogja az izgalom/félelem/szomorúság/stb.

She was overcome by emotion.

be worth your while C2 megéri az időt/fáradságot

It's worth your while taking out travel insurance before you travel.

It isn't worth my while going all that way just for one day.

blow your nose B1 kifújja az orrát

He blew his nose loudly.

by the same token C2 ugyanezen az alapon, ugyanilyen okból/módon

You have to let people know your plans in good time and, by the same token, they should give you some advance warning.

claim credit/responsibility/success, etc. C2 magára vállal/magáénak tekinti az érdemet/felelősséget/sikert/stb.

No one has claimed responsibility for yesterday's bomb attack.

dedicate your life/yourself to sth C1 az életét/magát szenteli/áldozza vmire

She has dedicated her life to helping others.

do sth by the book C2 az előírásoknak megfelelően cselekszik

If you want to get permission for the building, you'll need to do everything by the book.

drive sb mad/crazy, etc. B2 megőrjít, az őrületbe kerget (informal)

My mother-in-law has been staying with us this past week and she's driving me crazy.

He leaves dirty clothes all over the floor and it's driving me mad.

follow a road/path, etc. A2 követi az utat/ösvényt/stb.

Follow the main road down to the traffic lights.

from the 1870s/March/6.30 pm, etc. onwards C2 az 1870-es évektől/márciustól/18:30-tól kezdve

From June onwards, they began to meet regularly.

get the feeling/idea/impression, etc. B2 az az érzésem/ötletem/benyomáson/stb. támadt

I got the feeling that she was quite angry about the situation.

get/have your (own) way C1 keresztülviszi az akaratát

She always gets her own way in the end.

give sb a hard time C2 megkeseríti az életét vkinek

Ever since I missed the goal, the other players have been giving me a hard time.

go blank B2 leblokkol/kihagy az emlékezete

When she asked me his name, my mind just went blank.

go through the roof C2 az egekbe nő (pl. ár)

The price of corn has gone through the roof recently.

go with the flow C2 úszik az árral (teszi amit a többiek) (informal)

Just relax and go with the flow!

God A2 az Isten (!)

Do you believe in God?

have/keep your finger on the pulse C2 az ujját a pulzuson tartja (követi az eseményeket)

The situation changes daily, so you've got to keep your finger on the pulse.

hit/strike/touch a (raw) nerve C2 érzékeny pontjára/az elevenjére tapint (átv.)

By the look on her face, he really hit a nerve with that last remark.

how come C1 hogyhogy, hogy lehet az hogy (informal)

How come you didn't go to the party?

if so B2 ebben az esetben

It might rain this afternoon. If so, we'll have to have the party indoors.

in first/second/third, etc. place B1 az első/második/harmadik helyen

He finished in fifth place.

in memory of sb C2 az emlékére vkinek

They built a statue in memory of those who died in the fire.

in that case B2 abban az esetben

There's no coffee left? In that case I'll have tea.

in the middle of nowhere B2 az isten háta mögött, a semmi közepén

His car broke down in the middle of nowhere.

in those days B2 akkoriban, azokban az időkben

In those days, boys used to wear short trousers.

it's sb/sth B2 ez a/az ..., ő a/az ... (személy/dolog megadása, azonosítása)

It's your Dad on the phone.

keep a/your promise B2 állja a szavát, megtartja az ígéretét

James kept his promise and repaid all of the money he had borrowed.

keep/break a promise B2 megtartja/megszegi az ígéretét

If I make a promise, I like to keep it.

kill time B2 agyonüti az időt (vmivel)

We killed time playing video games.

like crazy C1 mint az őrült (teljes erőből, vadul) (informal)

We worked like crazy to get everything finished.

like mad B2 mint az őrült (teljes erőből, vadul)

The band practised like mad before their first concert.

lose interest/patience, etc. B2 elveszti az érdeklődését/türelmét/stb.

I'm rapidly losing interest in the whole subject.

He kept on crying and I lost my patience.

make a point of doing sth C1 súlyt helyez vminek az elvégzésére

He made a point of learning all the names of his staff.

make sense of sth C2 kibogozza vminek az értelmét

I'm trying to make sense of this document.

make your blood run cold C2 meghűl a vér az ereiben (megijed)

I heard a tapping on the window which made my blood run cold.

mind you C2 nem szabad elfelejteni (, hogy); az a helyzet (, hogy)

We had a lovely holiday in France. Mind you, the weather was appalling.

miss the boat C2 elszalasztja az alkalmat, lemarad vmiről

I'm afraid you've missed the boat. All the concert tickets have been sold.

not be sb's type C2 nem az ő típusa (nem talál vonzónak vkit) (informal)

I like Bertrand but he's not really my type.

pass (the) time B2 eltölti az időt vmivel

We passed the time reading and swimming.

pave the way C2 kikövezi az útját vminek, utat nyit vmi előtt (lehetővé tesz vmit)

This decision paved the way for further legislation on civil rights.

pay the price C2 megfizeti az árát vminek (viseli a következményeit vminek)

If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.

poke/stick your nose into sth C2 beleüti az orrát vmibe (informal)

You shouldn't go sticking your nose into other people's business!

realize an ambition/dream/goal, etc. C1 valóra váltja az ambícióit/álmait/céljait, stb.

He had realized all his ambitions by the age of 30.

retrace your steps C2 visszamegy ugyanazon az úton (amin jött)

I was lost so I retraced my steps.

sb's strong point C1 az erős oldala vkinek

Cooking is not my strong point.

seize a chance/opportunity B2 megragadja az alkalmat/lehetőséget

You need to seize every opportunity.

so did we/so have I/so is mine, etc. B1 mi/nekem/az enyém/stb. is/szintén

"We saw the new Star Trek movie last night." "Oh, so did we."

spare no effort/expense, etc. C2 nem sajnálja az erőfeszítést/költséget/stb.

We will spare no effort to find out who did this.

take charge B2 irányít vmit; átveszi az irányítást

I was happy to let her take charge of the holiday arrangements.

take the/this opportunity to do sth B2 megragadja az alkalmat

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you.

that's it B2 ez az, úgy van, helyes

You need to push the two pieces together. That's it.

the basics B2 az alapok, vminek az alapjai (a legfontosabb dolgok egy területen)

I really must learn the basics of first aid.

the country C2 az ország lakossága

The country was shocked by the President's decision.

the day/week/year, etc. before last B2 az utolsót megelőző napon/héten/évben/stb.

I only had my hair cut the week before last.

the deceased C2 az elhunyt (személy)

The police have not yet informed the family of the deceased.

the elder B2 az idősebb (kettő közül)

Of the two brothers, Harvey is the elder.

the elderly C1 az idős emberek

The elderly are given help with fuel bills.

the fact (of the matter) is B2 az igazság az (, hogy ...)

I wouldn't usually ask for your help, but the fact is I'm desperate.

the fifties B2 az ötvenes évek

Many new towns were built in the fifties.

the final/last straw C1 az utolsó csepp a pohárban

Last week he came home drunk at five in the morning, and that was the final straw.

the first B1 az első

Tonight sees the first of three documentaries about cancer.

She was one of the first to arrive.

He is the first to admit that much of his success is due to his good looks.

the foot of sth C1 az alja/lába/vége vminek (lépcsőé, hegyé, oldalé, stb.)

Put the notes at the foot of the page.

the former B2 az előbbi (két említett dolog közül az első)

Of the two suggestions, I prefer the former.

the front A2 az elülső része vminek, vmi előtti rész

He was standing right at the front.

Do you want to sit in the front, next to me?

the idea of sth C2 az eszméje vminek (demokráciáé, egyenlőségé, stb.)

We all admire the idea of dignity.

the last minute B2 az utolsó perc (-ben történő)

The concert was cancelled at the last minute.

the last of sth C2 az utolsó vmiből

We've just finished the last of the apples.

She was among the last of the truly great entertainers.

the last person/thing, etc. B2 az utolsó ember/dolog/stb. (a legkevésbé várt/kívánt/szükséges vki/vmi)

Three extra people to feed - that's the last thing I need!

The last thing I wanted was to make you unhappy.

Matthew is the last person I'd expect to be interested in dance.

He's the last person I'd trust with my keys.

the latter B2 az utóbbi (kettő közül az utolsóként említett)

My boss offered me more money or a car, and I chose the latter.

the net A2 az internet

You can find all this information on the Net.

the opposition C1 az ellenzék (politika)

The opposition is arguing for a review of the policy.

the other day/week, etc. B1 az egyik nap/az egyik héten/stb. (nemrég)

I saw him just the other day/night.

the past A2 az ige múlt idejű alakja (nyelvtan)

The past of 'change' is 'changed'.

the public B1 a nyilvánosság; az emberek; közönség

The public has a right to know about this.

The palace and its grounds are open to the public during the summer months.

When will the product be available to the general public?

Members of the public were asked about their shopping habits.

the reverse C2 az ellenkezője vminek; (éppen) ellenkezőleg

"So, is he happier?" "Quite the reverse - I've never seen him look so miserable."

the thing is... B2 az a helyzet (, hogy) (válasz, megjegyzés, magyarázat bevezetése) (informal)

I'd love to go out tonight, but the thing is, I've got to finish my report.

The funny/strange thing is that we'd actually met before.

the truth B1 az igazság

But was he telling the truth?

I don't suppose we'll ever know the truth about what happened that day.

To tell (you) the truth I'm quite pleased he's not coming.

the unknown C1 az ismeretlen

It's normal to fear the unknown.

the whole of sth B1 az egész

I'll be on holiday the whole of next week.

His behaviour affects the whole of the class.

The whole of the village had come out for the party.

the whole thing B2 az egész dolog

I just want to forget the whole thing.

The whole thing is ridiculous!

turn your nose up at sth C2 elhúzza az orrát vmire (nem felel meg neki vmi) (informal)

He turned his nose up at my offer of soup, saying he wanted a proper meal.

under your nose C2 az orra előtt (észrevétlenül)

They were stealing money from under my nose.

up the road/street, etc. A2 tovább ezen az úton/utcán

They live just up the road.

what struck me/the first thing that struck me... B2 nekem az tűnt fel (, hogy), az első dolog ami feltűnt nekem (az, hogy)

What struck me about Cole was how grown-up he seemed for a seven-year-old.

The first thing that struck me about Emma was her extraordinary beauty.

with the compliments of sb C2 az üdvözletével vkinek (ingyenes ajándék/szolgáltatás kíséretében) (formal)

Please accept this champagne with the compliments of the manager.

within reason C2 az ésszerűség határain belül

We can wear what we like to the office, within reason.

your native language/tongue B2 az anyanyelve

French is his native tongue.

az angolul – hasonló többszavas igék:

bounce back 2 C2 az e-mail visszajön, nem megy el a megadott címre

I tried to send you an email, but it bounced back.

come down to sth/doing sth C2 múlik vmin (helyzet, döntés, siker, stb.); a lényeg/lényege az (, hogy ...)

The success of the venture comes down to the commitment of those involved.

stay over B2 ott tölti az éjszakát, marad éjszakára

Why don't you stay over and drive back in the morning?

az angolul – érintett szókincs témák:

Életkor, fiatalságFelnőttek, emberekJellemzés, tulajdonságokTestműködésÉszlelés, észrevételHalálVeszély, kockázatHelyiségek, emeletekÉtkeztetés, vendéglőUtazásAutózás, autóvezetésNépesség, lakosságKörnyezetszennyezésVilág, világegyetemNapkelte, napnyugtaÉgtájakIsmerősök, barátokEllenszenv, elutasításÉletmódÉlettapasztalatTartózkodásIdőtöltés, elfoglaltságSzokás, megszokásEsemények, ünnepekEredmény, helyezésKultúra, történelemInternetE-mailTanításVezetés, irányításOrszág, társadalomSzabadság, demokráciaPolitika, választásokHatóság, igazgatásVallás, hitA, az, egyÉn, te, őEz, az, aki, amiValaki, senki, bárkiValamelyik, bármelyikBirtoklás, tulajdonEnyém, tiéd, övéKeletkezik, feltűnikMegszűnik, eltűnikEsemény, alkalomHelyzet, állapotAlkalmaz, használIgeidők, igemódokMegy, indulJön, érkezikTérrészekIrányok, erre, arraBe, ki, felé, el, köréTávolÉvek, évszakok, hónapokMúltJelenIdő, időtartamValamettől, valameddigIdőszak elejénIdőszak végénKorán, időben, későnNéha, alkalomszerűenFolytonosság, tartósságSorszámok, törtekMennyiségekKevésRész, egészNövekedésIntenzív, hevesÁllag, szilárdságEredeti, hamisHibátlan, helyes, igazFontos, lényegesSikertelenség, kudarcHasznos, előnyösHátrányos, feleslegesFeltételÉs, szintén, hogyVagy, de, ellenbenOk, cél, indokHatás, következményEltérés, különbözésBeletartozás, összevonás, kiegészítésJelzések, szimbólumokIgenlésMegértés, felfogásTudás, ismeretekÖtlet, megoldásFeltevés, feltételezésEmlékezés, felejtésOdafigyelés, alaposságÉrzések, érzelmekRiadalom, ijedségCsalódás, elégedetlenség, rosszkedvGond, szenvedésIdegesség, nyugtalanságLehetőség, képességSzándék, akarat, óhajKüzdelem, fáradozásEltökéltség, kitartásCéltalanság, hanyagságEgyüttműködés, hajlandóságTámogatás, segítségMeggyőzés, rábeszélésBefolyásolás, beleavatkozásUdvariasság, elismerés, tiszteletÖnuralom, türelemIrigység, önzés, kapzsiságGratuláció, jókívánságokPontosítás, árnyalásHangsúlyozás, nyomatékosításNézőpont, hozzáállásNyelv, nyelvhasználatNyelvtani fogalmak

*Az angol fordítása, az angol alapszavak és példamondatok az angol tanulószótárban. A tanulószótárban a fordítás iránya automatikusan változik.

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