van angolul

van jelentése

Van angolul. Van angol fordítása. Van angol jelentése, van angol hangos példamondatok, van angol szavak és kifejezések.

van angolul – jelentések:

be verb /biː/ A1 van, valaki/valami valahol van

He's in the garden.

Are you there?

I'm here!

The plates are in this cupboard.

Where is that letter?

come verb /kʌm/ 4 A2 kapható, van (termék, áru, stb.)

Do these trousers come in any other colour?

This dress comes in black and red.

do verb /duː/ 4 A2 van vhogy, vmilyen állapotban van (pl. jól van, egészséges, stb.) [I]

Hi, how are you doing?

"How is Freya doing?" "She's doing really well, thanks."

have verb /hæv/ 1 A1 van (vkinek vmije) also: 've/'s, also UK: have got

They have a big house.

He has blue eyes.

I've got two brothers.

He's got a degree.

She has a lot of experience.

Have you got time to finish the report today?

lie verb /laɪ/ 3 B1 fekszik, elterül, van vhol

The river lies 30km to the south.

Cambridge United are lying third in the league.

van angolul – kifejezések:

keep sb company B2 vkivel van, társaságot nyújt vkinek

Come and keep me company, Isabel.

there is/are/was, etc. A1 van, vannak/volt/stb. (létezés, történés kifejezése)

There are three bedrooms.

There's a shop at the end of the road.

There was a good programme on TV last night.

There's not much room in the back of the car.

There have been a lot of accidents on this road.

Is there any milk?

*A szavakról további részletek az angol–magyar oldalon.

van angolul – hasonló találatok:

affect verb /əˈfekt/ 2 B2 hatással van vkire (érzelmileg) [often passive]

I was deeply affected by the film.

balance verb /ˈbæl.ənts/ 1 B2 egyensúlyoz, egyensúlyban van/tart (nem esik le/el) [I or T]

She was trying to balance a book on her head.

How long can you balance on one leg?

benefit verb /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt/ B2 hasznára van, kedvez; hasznát látja, hasznot húz vmiből [I or T]

I feel that I have benefited greatly from her experience.

How can we benefit those who most need our help?

bother verb /ˈbɒð.ər/ 1 A2 zavar vkit, terhére van vkinek [T]

I'm sorry to bother you, but could you direct me to the station?

I didn't want to bother her with work matters on her day off.

consider verb /kənˈsɪd.ər/ 4 C2 tekintettel van vkire/vmire

She never considers anyone but herself.

fancy verb /ˈfæ 1 B1 kíván/megkíván vmit, van kedve vmihez

Do you fancy a drink this evening?

I didn't fancy swimming in that water.

feel verb /fiːl/ 2 B1 úgy érzi/gondolja hogy, vmilyen véleménye van [I or T]

I feel (that) I should be doing more to help her.

Do you feel very strongly about this?

I feel certain I'm right.

have verb /hæv/ 2 A1 vmilyen baja/betegsége van also: have got

I've got a cold.

have verb /hæv/ 6 B1 tart vmit vhol; vele/nála van vmi/vki

He had a pen in his hand.

She had a little boy with her.

head verb /hed/ 2 C1 vezet, élén van/áll vminek (pl. listának) [T]

Jo headed a very short list of candidates.

impact verb /ˈɪm.pækt/ C1 hat/hatással van vmire/vkire

Rising interest rates are sure to impact on the housing market.

influence verb /ˈɪn.flu.ənts/ B2 befolyásol vkit/vmit, hatással van/hatást gyakorol vkire/vmire

Were you influenced by anybody at the beginning of your career?

What influenced you to choose a career in nursing?

interact verb /ˌɪnt.əˈrækt/ B2 közös tevékenységet folytat, együttműködik vkivel; (két dolog) kölcsönhatással van egymásra

At school, teachers said he interacted well with other students.

need verb /niːd/ 1 A1 szüksége van vmire/vkire

I need some new shoes.

Babies need constant care.

He needs an operation.

I need you to help me with the cooking.

I badly need a rest from all this.

need verb /niːd/ 2 B1 rászorul vmire, szüksége van arra hogy (tenni kell vmit vmivel) (hogy jobb legyen)

The car needs to be serviced.

This room needs brightening up a bit.

She needs her hair washing.

outnumber verb /ˌaʊtˈnʌm.bər/ C1 többségben van, számban/létszámban felülmúl

Women now far outnumber men on language courses.

outweigh verb /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/ C1 túlsúlyban van, többet nyom a latban, fontosabb

The benefits of this treatment far outweigh the risks.

overflow verb /ˌəʊ.vəˈfləʊ/ 2 C2 csordultig van (pl. egy hely emberekkel)

The square was overflowing with people trying to see the queen.

overlap verb /ˌəʊ.vəˈlæp/ C2 átfed, átfedésben van (átv. is) (tetőcserép, feladatkör, műsoridő, stb.)

Although our job titles are different, our responsibilities overlap quite a lot.

overlook verb /ˌəʊ.vəˈlʊk/ 1 B2 néz vmire/vmerre (pl. szoba); rálátása/kilátása van vmire

Our hotel room overlooked the harbour.

The house is surrounded by trees, so it's not overlooked at all.

own verb /əʊn/ B1 birtokol, tulajdonában van vmi

We own our house.

I've never owned a suit in my life.

realize verb /ˈrɪə.laɪz/ B1 ráébred, rájön vmire; tisztában van vmivel, tudatában van vminek; valóra vált

I didn't realize how unhappy she was.

I suddenly realized I'd met her before.

They didn't realise the danger they were in.

Do you realise that this is the third time you've forgotten?

receive verb /rɪˈsiːv/ 1 A2 kap vmit (levelet, díjat, stb.); része van vmiben

Occasionally, he still receives letters from fans.

She received a number of awards during her lifetime.

smell verb /smel/ 3 B2 szaglása/szaglóérzéke van, érzi a szagokat [I]

Humans can't smell as well as dogs.

What I hate most about having a cold is not being able to smell.

taste verb /teɪst/ B1 megízlel (pl. ételt); ízét érzi vminek; vmilyen íze van, vmilyen ízű

Taste this sauce and tell me if it needs any salt.

Whatever's this? I've never tasted anything like it.

top verb /tɒp/ C2 élen jár/van (a legjobb, legfontosabb, stb.)

The record topped the charts for five weeks.

She topped the bill at the festival.

concern noun /kənˈsɜːn/ 2 B2 érdekeltség; dolga vkinek, köze van hozzá; törődés; aggodalom

Our primary concern is safety.

plenty pronoun /ˈplen.ti/ B1 bőség (vmiből); bőven van/elég vmiből

"Would you like some more coffee?" "No thanks, I've had plenty."

We've got plenty of time before we need to leave for the airport.

They've always had plenty of money.

There's plenty to do here.

There's plenty more beer in the fridge.

all right adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ 2 A2 jól van (nem beteg, sérült, stb.)

"Harry's just slipped on the ice." "Oh dear! Is he all right?"

She was very ill for a while but she's all right now.

all right adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ 3 A2 rendben van (engedély kérése/adása vmire)

Is it all right if I put some music on?

It's all right to have your friends round so long as you check with me first.

Is it all right with you if I leave the window open?

alright adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ 2 A2 jól van (nem beteg, sérült, stb.)

"Harry's just slipped on the ice." "Oh dear! Is he alright?"

She was very ill for a while but she's alright now.

alright adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ 3 A2 rendben van (engedély kérése/adása vmire)

Is it alright if I put some music on?

It's alright to have your friends round so long as you check with me first.

Is it alright with you if I leave early today?

aware adjective /əˈweər/ B2 tudatában van vminek, tisztában van vmivel

Were you aware of the risks at the time?

I wasn't even aware that he was ill.

She was well aware that he was married.

I suddenly became aware of him looking at me.

better adjective /ˈbet.ər/ 2 A1 jobban van (betegség után) ('well' középfoka)

Are you better now?

Is your stomach ache better?

I hope you get better soon.

convinced adjective /kənˈvɪntst/ B2 meg van győződve vmiről

My boyfriend says I'd enjoy a walking holiday, but I'm not convinced.

I'm convinced (that) she is lying.

desperate adjective /ˈdes.pər.ət/ 2 B2 rettenetesen szüksége van/vágyik vmire

They are desperate for help.

He was desperate to tell someone his good news.

dressed adjective /drest/ 1 A2 felöltözött, fel van öltözve (ruhát visel)

I usually get dressed before I eat breakfast.

They arrived early and I wasn't fully dressed.

fed up adjective /ˌfedˈʌp/ B2 elege van vmiből

I'm fed up with my job.

He got fed up with all the travelling he had to do.

fine adjective /faɪn/ 1 A1 jól van (jól érzi magát) (egészséges/elégedett) [never before noun]

"How are you?" "I'm fine, thanks."

I felt terrible last night but I feel fine this morning.

fit adjective /fɪt/ 1 A2 jó erőnlétben/kondícióban van; egészséges, fitt, jól van

I joined a gym to get fit.

I jog to keep fit.

You need to be very fit to go mountain climbing.

full adjective /fʊl/ 5 B2 tele van, jóllakott also: full up (informal)

No more cake for me, thanks, I'm full.

good adjective /gʊd/ 3 A1 jó! jól van! (örülök)

"I'm coming on Saturday." "Oh, good!"

"She's really making progress." "Good!"

good adjective /gʊd/ 4 A1 jól van, egészséges

"How are you, Amelia?" "I'm good, thanks!"

"How's Joshua doing?" "He's good, thank you."

guilty adjective /ˈgɪl.ti/ 1 B1 bűnös, vétkes (érzés), bűntudata/lelkiismeret-furdalása van

She was so upset about what I'd said and I felt so guilty.

I felt guilty about leaving her there on her own.

I've got a guilty conscience.

OK adjective /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ 1 A1 jól van, rendben van (nem beteg, nem zaklatott, nem sérült, stb.)

Are you OK? You look a bit pale.

How's Paola? Is she okay after her fall yesterday?

"Is everything OK with you?" "Yes, fine."

I'll just check that the car's okay - that was a bit of a bang!

open adjective /ˈəʊ.pən/ 1 A1 nyitva van (üzlet, hivatal, stb.) [never before noun]

The supermarket is open till 10.00 p.m.

prejudiced adjective /ˈpredʒ.ə.dɪst/ C1 előítélettel van vki/vmi iránt, elfogult

Are the police prejudiced against black people?

shaken adjective /ˈʃeɪ.kən/ C2 feldúlt, meg van rázkódtatva

They were not injured in the accident, but they were badly shaken.

shut adjective /ʃʌt/ 1 B1 be van zárva (pl. ajtó, ablak)

I suspected something was wrong when I noticed her curtains were still shut at lunchtime.

shut adjective /ʃʌt/ 2 B1 be van zárva (bolt, vendéglő, hivatal, stb.)

The post office will be shut now.

sick adjective /sɪk/ 2 A2 hányingere van, forog a gyomra [never before noun]

Lucy felt sick the morning after the party.

If you eat any more of that cake, you'll make yourself sick.

straight adjective /streɪt/ 3 B2 szintben van (vízszintes/függőleges)

That shelf's not straight.

stuck adjective /stʌk/ 1 B2 be van ragadva (nem mozdítható)

This door seems to be stuck - can you help me push it open?

My key got stuck in the lock.

Seven of us were stuck in the lift for over an hour.

I hate being stuck behind a desk - I'd rather work outside.

underway adjective /ˌʌn.dəˈweɪ/ C2 folyamatban van

Economic recovery is already underway.

well adjective /wel/ A1 jól van, egészséges

You look well! - Thanks, I feel well.

He hasn't been too well lately.

When she came home from school she really didn't look well.

I'm sorry you're ill - I hope you get well soon.

wrong adjective /rɒŋ/ 2 B1 baj van (vmivel) [never before noun]

You've been quiet all evening. Is there anything wrong?

What's wrong?

There's something wrong with my computer.

above adverb, preposition /əˈbʌv/ 3 C2 vmi felett áll/van (átv.) (pl. gyanú, méltóság, stb.)

No one is above suspicion in this matter.

anyhow adverb /ˈeniː.haʊ/ 2 B2 na mindegy, na jól van (visszatérés egy korábbi témához)

Anyhow, as I said, I'll be away next week.

anyway adverb /ˈen.i.weɪ/ 2 A2 na mindegy, na jól van (visszatérés egy korábbi témára/témaváltás)

Anyway, I'll be away next week.

Anyway, in the end I didn't wear your jacket.

around adverb /əˈraʊnd/ 4 C2 jelen van (létezik vmi, elérhető/megszerezhető vmi, stb.)

Mobile phones have been around for years now.

off adverb /ɒf/ 1 A2 nincs jelen, távol van (munkahelyről, iskolából)

I had six months off after my son was born.

I'm going to take/have some time off to work on my house.

She was off sick last week.

on adverb /ɒn/ 5 B2 be van kapcsolva, működik

The heating has been on all day.

on adverb /ɒn/ 6 C2 színpadon van; műsoron van

Hurry up with the make-up - I'm on in ten minutes.

The audience cheered as the band came on.

Do you know what's on at the cinema?

out adverb /aʊt/ 7 B2 nem ég/világít, el van oltva (tűz, világítás)

When we got home, all the lights were out.

Is that fire completely out?

precisely adverb /prɪˈsaɪ.sli/ 3 C1 úgy van, pontosan (egyetértés)

"It's not the shape I dislike, it's the colour." - "Precisely!"

there adverb /ðeər/ 3 A2 itt van, tessék (vmi odaadásakor)

There's some money for your cinema ticket.

"Could I have a pencil?" "Yes. There you are."

behind preposition /bəˈhaɪnd/ 4 C1 vmi van/rejlik vmi mögött (ok, magyarázat, stb.)

What was the reason behind her decision to leave?

out of preposition /ˈaʊt.əv/ 5 B2 kint van vmiből, túl van vmin (állapoton, helyzeten)

The patient is now out of danger.

alright exclamation /ɔːlˈraɪt/ A1 jó, rendben van (egyetértés javaslattal/kéréssel)

"How about going swimming?" "Alright."

"Would you look after the children?" "Yes, alright."

OK exclamation /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ 1 A1 oké, rendben van (egyetértés, megengedés)

"Could you pick me up from the station?" "OK, what time?"

"I'll pay you back tomorrow." "Okay, no problem."

van angolul – hasonló kifejezések:

(be) in your eighties B2 a nyolcvanas éveiben van

Many of the residents are in their eighties.

(be) in your fifties B2 az ötvenes éveiben van

He retired when he was still in his fifties.

(be) in your forties B2 a negyvenes éveiben van

By the time I'm in my forties, I want to be running my own business.

(be) in your nineties B2 a kilencvenes éveiben van

He is in his nineties now.

(be) in your seventies B2 a hetvenes éveiben van

Both my parents are in their seventies.

(be) in your sixties B2 a hatvanas éveiben van

I took up yoga in my sixties.

(be) in your thirties B2 a harmincas éveiben van

More women are having their first child in their thirties.

(be) in your twenties B2 huszonéves, a húszas éveiben van/jár

Most of the staff are in their twenties.

(be) on the line C2 vonalon van, éppen csak hogy megvan/megfelel

If we don't win the contract, all our jobs are on the line.

(be) out of line C2 túl van/megy a határon (nem helyénvaló, nem elfogadható)

Her remarks to the press were way out of line.

(that's) fine A1 jól van! nagyszerű! remek! (egyetértés)

"Shall we meet at 8 o'clock?" "Yes, that's fine."

Absolutely! C1 minden bizonnyal! úgy ahogy mondja! teljesen úgy van! (teljes egyetértés kifejezése)

"Do you think it helped his career?" "Absolutely."

"It was an excellent film, though." "Absolutely!"

accustomed to sth/doing sth C1 hozzá van szokva vmihez

I've worked nights for years now so I've grown accustomed to it.

She isn't accustomed to dealing with so much media attention.

armed with sth C2 fel van fegyverkezve vmivel (vmi hasznára váló dologgal)

I like to go to a meeting armed with the relevant facts.

around/round the corner C2 itt van a küszöbön (hamarosan bekövetkezik)

Christmas is round the corner and I still haven't bought any presents.

artistically/technically, etc. inclined C2 művészi/műszaki/stb. hajlama van

She's very curious, but not academically inclined.

at risk B2 veszélyeztetve van

All houses within 100 metres of the seas are at risk of flooding.

Releasing these prisoners puts the public at risk.

at your fingertips C2 kisujjában van (pl. információ/tudás)

He had all the information needed at his fingertips.

back to front C2 fordítva, eleje van hátul

You've got your trousers on back to front.

be able to do sth A2 képes vmire; lehetősége van vmire

He'll be able to help you.

Will she be able to do the work?

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to phone you yesterday.

It's so wonderful being able to see the sea from my window.

be all set C1 készen van (vmire) (indulásra, utazásra, stb.)

We were all set to go when the phone rang.

be around B2 közelben/környéken van, itt van

Will you be around next week?

Roger isn't around at the moment - can I help instead?

be at/on the point of doing sth B2 éppen csinálni készül vmit; éppen azon a ponton van (, hogy)

I was at the point of walking out when he suddenly spoke to me.

be authorized to do sth C1 fel van hatalmazva vmire

Only managers are authorized to sign expense forms.

be beside yourself (with sth) C2 magánkívül van (vmitől)

He was beside himself with rage.

be conscious of/that B2 tudatában van vminek/hogy ...

The tooth doesn't exactly hurt, but I'm conscious of it all the time.

I think she's very conscious of being the only person in the office who didn't have a university education.

I'm very conscious of the fact that a lot of people disagree with me.

be dead (set) against sth/doing sth C1 teljesen ellene van vminek

My parents were dead set against us getting married.

They were dead against the proposed new road.

be down in the dumps C2 maga alatt van (boldogtalan, lehangolt) (informal)

He looks a bit down in the dumps.

be endowed with sth C2 fel van ruházva vmivel, meg van áldva vmivel (pl. vmilyen tulajdonsággal)

The country is richly endowed with natural resources.

be exposed to sth B2 ki van téve vminek

It was the first time I'd been exposed to violence.

be friendly with sb B1 baráti viszonyban van, jóban van vkivel

Her brother is quite friendly with my brother.

be full of yourself C2 el van telve magával

She's been very full of herself since she won that prize.

be in awe of sb C2 áhítattal van vki iránt

As children we were rather in awe of our grandfather.

be in good/bad repair C2 jó/rossz állapotban van (épület, eszköz, stb.)

Most of the building is in very bad repair.

be in luck C1 szerencséje van (informal)

"Do you have any tuna sandwiches?" "You're in luck - there's one left."

be in need of sth B2 szüksége van vmire

My car's in desperate need of repair.

be in sb's hands C1 kezében van vkinek (a felügyelete alatt van/gondjaira van bízva)

The matter is now in the hands of my solicitor.

be in the middle of (doing) sth B1 éppen vmilyen tevékenység közepén van

I can't talk now - I'm in the middle of cooking a meal.

be in the mood for sth/to do sth C2 kedve van vmire/vmihez

I'm not really in the mood for shopping at the moment.

be in the process of doing sth C2 vmi közben/alatt van vmi (pl. festés, költözés, stb.)

We're in the process of painting our apartment.

be in the public eye C1 nyilvánosság előtt van

Her new role means that she will be in the public eye.

be in the same boat C2 ugyanabban a helyzetben van, egy hajóban eveznek

She complains that she doesn't have enough money, but we're all in the same boat.

be in tune with sb/sth C2 egyetért vkivel, összhangban van vkivel

The government is not in tune with the voters.

be lacking in sth C1 híján van vminek (tulajdonságnak, képességnek, stb.), hiányzik belőle vmi

He's totally lacking in charm of any sort.

be lost without sb/sth C1 el van veszve vki/vmi nélkül (nem tud meglenni nélküle) (informal)

She's lost without her computer.

be obliged to do sth B2 kötelezve van vmire, köteles megtenni vmit

Sellers are not legally obliged to accept the highest offer.

be on (good) form C2 jó formában van (jól megy neki vmi)

Harry was on good form last night.

be on (your) guard C2 elővigyázatos, résen van/áll

Companies were warned to be on their guard for suspicious packages.

be on a committee/panel, etc. C1 bizottságban/esküdtszékben/stb. van (szervezetnek/csoportnak tagja)

How many people are on your staff?

She's a researcher on a women's magazine.

be on good/bad/friendly, etc. terms C2 jó/rossz/baráti/stb. kapcsolatban van (vkivel)

I'm still on friendly terms with my old colleagues.

be on the verge of sth/doing sth C2 határán/szélén van vminek (átv.) (csőd, sírás, kihalás, stb.)

a company on the verge of financial disaster

I was on the verge of leaving my job.

be opposed to sth C1 vmi ellen van, ellenez vmit

We're not opposed to tax increases.

be out of the question C2 ki van zárva, szó sem lehet róla

Providing more money is out of the question.

be running at sth C2 vmilyen szinten van

Inflation is now running at 5.8%.

be short of sth B1 kevés van vmiből

to be short of space/time

We're a bit short of coffee - I must get some more.

be sick of sth B2 torkig van vmivel (informal)

I'm sick of people telling me how to run my life.

be snowed in C2 be van havazva (ott reked vhol a hó miatt)

We were snowed in for two days.

be snowed under C2 el van havazva (rengeteg munkája van)

I'm snowed under with college work.

be still going strong C2 még mindig jól megy/jó erőben van

The club was set up in 1987, and it's still going strong.

He's 93 and still going strong!

be tempted B2 kísértésben van

"Did you apply for that job?" "Well, I was very tempted but in the end I decided not to."

I was tempted to resign after my boss was so rude to me.

be under way C2 folyamatban van

Building work is already under way.

be used to sb/sth/doing sth B1 hozzá van szokva vmihez/vkihez

We're used to tourists here - we get thousands every year.

He's used to working long hours.

be/get/keep, etc. in touch B1 kapcsolatban van/kerül, kapcsolatot tart vkivel

Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends?

Jane and I never kept in touch after college.

be/have something to do with sth/sb C1 köze van vmihez, kapcsolódik vmihez (összefüggésben van vmivel)

It might have something to do with the way it's made.

be/have to do with sth B2 köze van vmihez

She lacks confidence and I think that has to do with her childhood.

be/lie in ruins C1 romokban hever/van (nagyon rossz állapotban van)

The war left one million people dead and the country in ruins.

come easily/easy/naturally C1 könnyen megy vmi vkinek, vérében van vmi

Singing came naturally to Louise.

feel like sth/doing sth B1 kedve van vmihez

I feel like going for a swim.

I feel like a nice cool glass of lemonade.

We'll go for a walk if you feel like it.

He was so rude I felt like hitting him.

get the picture C2 képbe kerül, képben van vki (érti már a helyzetet) (informal)

Oh right, I get the picture.

get to do sth B2 lehetősége/alkalma van megtenni vmit

I never got to meet her.

go against the grain C2 meggyőződése ellen van; nem való vmi

It goes against the grain to throw all this food away.

good/bad press C1 jó/rossz sajtója van

She's had a lot of bad press recently.

have (got) a temperature A2 láza van, lázas

My throat hurts and I have a temperature.

have a high/low opinion of sb/sth C1 jó/rossz véleménnyel van vmiről/vkiről

He has a low opinion of doctors.

have a part in sth B2 szerepe van/szerepet játszik vmiben (átv.)

People forget to wash their hands and that plays a part in spreading colds and flu.

have a/no right to do sth C1 van/nincs joga vmire (megfelelő oka)

He has a right to be angry.

She had no right to speak to me like that.

have an ear for sth C1 hallása van (pl. zenei hallása)

He has no ear for music.

have an eye for sth B2 jó szeme van vmihez

Your son has a very good eye for detail.

have fun/a nice time/a problem, etc. A2 mulat/remekül szórakozik/problémája van, stb. (átél vmit)

Have a nice day!

We had a great time in Venice.

We had a few problems finding the house.

Did you have any luck finding a present for Annie?

have had enough C1 elege van (vmiből/abból, hogy ...)

I've had enough of your excuses.

have little/no effect C1 nincs/alig van hatása

The new measures have had little effect on ordinary people's lives.

have sth against sb/sth C1 vmi kifogása van vki/vmi ellen

I've got nothing against him personally, I just don't think he's the right man for the job.

have sth in common B1 közös vonása van (vkivel/vmivel)

Sue and I don't have much in common.

have sth up your sleeve C2 vmi van még a tarsolyában, tartogat még vmit (informal)

They were worried he might have another nasty surprise up his sleeve.

have the edge on/over sb/sth C2 előnyben van vkivel/vmivel szemben

When it comes to food, I think France still has the edge over most countries.

have/carry sth on you C2 nála van vmi (magánál tart/hord vmit)

Do you have your driving licence on you?

here you are/here it is, etc. A2 itt van (végre) (amire/akire várt, amit keresett, stb.) (nyomatékosítás)

Here she is at last.

Here's our bus.

I've lost my watch - oh, here it is.

hit the roof C2 a plafonban van (nagyon dühös) (informal)

If I'm late again he'll hit the roof.

How about...? A2 mit szólnál vmihez?, van kedved vmihez? (felajánlása vminek, javaslat vmire)

How about a drink?

How about going to the cinema?

How about cycling there?

How are you? A1 hogy van? hogy vagy?

"Hi, Lucy, how are you?" "Fine, thanks, how are you?"

in progress B2 folyamatban van

Repair work is in progress on the south-bound lane of the motorway and will continue until June.

in the red C2 mínuszban van (bankszámla)

I expect I'm in the red again.

know better C2 van annyi esze (hogy ne ...)

I thought she'd listen to me - I should have known better.

know better (than to do sth) B2 van annyi esze; több esze van (minthogy)

She should have known better than to eat so much. No wonder she feels sick now.

make a (big) difference B2 (sokat) számít, (nagy) jelentősége van

Exercise can make a big difference to your health.

make allowances for sb/sth C2 (különös) tekintettel van vkire/vmire

They made allowances for the fact that he was ill.

make it C1 sikere van; sikerül megoldani

Very few actors actually make it.

make sense B2 van értelme

He's written me this note but it doesn't make any sense.

Oh well B1 sajnos, ez van (kellemetlen helyzet nyugtázása)

Oh well, it doesn't matter, I can always buy another one.

on air C1 sugároz, adásban van

The radio station is on air from 6.00 a.m.

on display B1 ki van állítva

Many old aircraft are on display at the museum at the moment.

on hold C1 halasztva van

The project is on hold until we get more money.

on the horizon C1 a látóhatáron van (átv.) (nemsokára megtörténhet)

Economic recovery is on the horizon.

on the road C1 úton van

We'd been on the road for 48 hours.

on track C1 (jó) úton van (vmi felé) (átv.) (halad egy cél elérése felé)

A fighter from Edinburgh is on track to become world heavyweight boxing champion.

We've got a lot of work to do but we're on the right track.

overflow with confidence/happiness/love, etc. C2 csordultig van bizakodással/boldogsággal/szerelemmel/stb.

Her father was overflowing with pride as he watched her collect her award.

room for improvement C1 van mit javítani

His work isn't bad but there's still some room for improvement.

see eye to eye (with sb) C2 egy véleményen van vkivel

My sisters don't see eye to eye with me about the arrangements.

smell of/like; smell delicious/horrible, etc. B1 finom/rettenetes/stb. szaga/illata van

I've been cooking, so my hands smell of garlic.

That soup smells delicious - what's in it?

stand a chance C2 van esélye

He stands a good chance of winning the election.

These kids don't stand a chance of getting an education.

subject to sth C1 hajlamos vmire, kit van téve vminek

Departure times are subject to alteration.

taste good/bad/sweet, etc. B1 jó/rossz/édes/stb. íze van

This sauce tastes strange.

It tastes sweet.

The food tasted better than it looked.

that's it B2 ez az, úgy van, helyes

You need to push the two pieces together. That's it.

to go C2 még hátra van (idő, elintéznivaló, távolság, stb.)

There are only two weeks of term to go.

to speak/think highly of sb/sth C2 jó véleménnyel van vkiről/vmiről

The course is very highly thought of.

two weeks/five hours, etc. away B1 két hét/öt óra van vissza (a jövőben vmihez)

My English exam's only a week away and I haven't even started to prepare.

What about ...? A2 van kedved vmihez? mit szólnál vmihez? (felajánlása vminek, javaslat vmire)

What about a trip to the zoo this afternoon?

When can we meet? What about next week?

What about getting a pizza?

What about ...? B1 mi van vkivel/vmivel? mi a véleményed vmiről/vkiről? (információ/vélemény kérése)

What about Ava - is she nice?

What's up? B1 (na) mi van? hogy mennek a dolgok?; mi történik? mi van itt? (informal)

What's up? Nice to see you again.

van angolul – hasonló többszavas igék:

come under sth 1 C1 be van sorolva vhova, tartozik vhova (pl. kategóriába)

Hairdressers come under 'beauty salons' in the Yellow Pages.

come under sth 2 C1 vmi alá kerül (átv.), vminek ki van téve

We came under a lot of pressure to leave the area.

They have come under criticism from local campaigners.

be crying out for sth C2 nagy szüksége van rá

a school that's crying out for more money

deal with sb B2 (üzleti) kapcsolatban van/áll vkivel

She's used to dealing with difficult customers.

depend on/upon sb/sth 2 B2 függ vkitől/vmitől, rá van utalva vkire/vmire

She depends on her son for everything.

The country depends heavily on foreign aid.

fit in with sth 2 C1 összhangban van, jól összeegyeztethető (a sikert szolgálja)

Changing location fits in with their plans to expand the business.

get to B2 hová lett? hol van?

I wonder where my glasses have got to.

Where's Annabel got to? She should be here by now.

know of sth/sb B2 tud vmiről/vkiről, tudomása van vmiről/vkiről

I know of a good restaurant near the station.

van angolul – érintett szókincs témák:

Életkor, fiatalságTehetség, ügyességHallás, szaglás, tapintás, ízlelésÉlet, egészségBetegség, közérzetTünetek, fájdalmakVeszély, kockázatÓvatosság, elővigyázatEvés, ivásÖltözködésVíz, villany, világításÜzemeltetésSzerelés, javításBoltok, nyitvatartásKészlet, forgalomBank, bankszámlákUtazásForgalomÉpítés, bontásKapcsolatokIsmerősök, barátokVendégség, összejövetelEllenszenv, elutasításÖnállóság, biztonságÉlettapasztalatIdőbeosztásIdőtöltés, elfoglaltságSzokás, megszokásErőnlét, kondícióKultúra, történelemSzínházZene, zenélésÚjságírás, hírekMűsorszórásMunkaidőTapasztalatMunka, feladatVezetés, irányításSzervezetek, egyesületekHatóság, igazgatásBirtoklás, tulajdonVan, létezikMegszűnik, eltűnikKeres, találTörténésHelyzet, állapotKap, szerez, választAd, nyújt, elveszCselekszik, teszFog, tartRögzít, összeillesztUgrik, esikHoz, viszHelyszín, fekvésKözelElrendezésSorrendJövőIdőben utánaSok, elégKevésRész, egészNövekedésTöltöttség, telítettségElzárt, foglaltMinősítés, besorolásRossz, gyatraMegfelelő, alkalmatlanHibátlan, helyes, igazHelytelen, hibásFontos, lényegesSikeres, eredményesFejlődés, hatékonyságSikertelenség, kudarcHasznos, előnyösOk, cél, indokHatás, következményHasonlóság, egyezésKapcsolat, összefüggés, függőségKérdés, érdeklődés, válaszTájékoztatásTitok, leleplezésIratok, dokumentációIgenlésTagadásEgyetértés, megegyezésGondolkodás, értelemMegértés, felfogásTudás, ismeretekVélemény, megítélésBizonyosságÉrzések, érzelmekVonzódás, vágy, rajongásKedvelés, preferenciaSzomorúság, lehangoltságDüh, haragGond, szenvedésIdegesség, nyugtalanságValószínűség, esélyKilátások, várakozásokSzerencse, véletlenSzükség, kötelességLehetőség, képességSzándék, akarat, óhajTerv, előkészület, szervezettségJavaslat, indítványEgyüttműködés, hajlandóságEllenkezés, vonakodásBefolyásolás, beleavatkozásEngedés, tiltásErkölcs, morálUdvariasság, elismerés, tiszteletUdvariatlanság, tiszteletlenségÖnuralom, türelemSzégyen, megbánásBüszkeség, hiúság, önteltségKöszönés, elköszönésTémafelvetés, témaváltásÉrzelmi reagálás

*Van angol fordítása, van angol alapszavak és példamondatok az angol tanulószótárban. A tanulószótárban a fordítás iránya automatikusan változik.

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